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Messages - CBJ

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Templar Knights
« on: November 02, 2011, 06:30:07 PM »
These decks are on Ebay right now if you don't want to wait.

Pokerstud52 is a trusted seller.

Here's the listing

2 decks for 19 bucks


Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK - White Lions Series "A" Red
« on: November 02, 2011, 02:41:11 AM »
there's no conspiracy theory.

It's real.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Forum... We need to stop this.
« on: November 02, 2011, 02:33:23 AM »
Thank you CBJ.

As soon as I had seen that you joined these forums i knew that you would be an asset to the community. From the amount of time I spent at UC, I gained a huge respect for the quality of your posts and the knowledge you posses. Your mindset to how a forum should be used is exactly mirrored by myself. From my observations, the members of the Discourse have been making progress on the quality of their posts since launch, but not all are at the standard I hoped they would be ( for the majority of the reasons you have mentioned ). Thank you for displaying the feelings I also have in a calm, concise  and respectful manner, hopefully it will help let those who are still unsure about what a quality post is understand.

I know Alex and I have stressed in numerous posts that the quality of each post far outweighs the number of post counts one may want to have. As the community matures I am hoping the attitude towards posting will as well and that meaningless and repetitive posts will be the thing of the past. Because of the way that the post rewards on the Discourse are set up, there is always going to be an urge to make a post, for the sake of raising personal post counts but I am hoping that users will understand that the rewards are not mean't to create a sprint, but more of a marathon that has a special prize at the end. In this forum, we are all about free speech. We do not want to put limits on what can and cannot be said but I do share some of the same feeling about repetitive, useless posts that do come up on occasion in the Discourse. So all I can do is encourage the users to think before they make a post and ask themselves, "Why am I posting this"

One other note,
I understand for some, english is not your native language and I appreciate the effort you have made to learn quite a complex language. For others, who simply type too fast or have misspell their entire post because of being on a phone, please take the time to correct your mistakes or just simply wait until you have the time to be on a computer and spell words correctly.

As CBJ stated, Non of what I have said is geared towards anyone in particular and if you feel that it is, its most likely because you feel some what responsible for the creation of this thread. This is not intended to say that using the forum consistently is bad thing, all I am saying is that consistently using the forum improperly is a bad thing. I have noticed huge changes in how the forum was a month ago and every aspect has vastly improved but there are still the minor nuances that CBJ has mentioned above and I would like to applaud the people who have risen to the occasions and began to understand mine and Alex's feeling towards the Discourse.

- Curt

Very well said.

I guess I will send you that Black Ghost 1st Edition I cut up!  lol PM me your address

For those of you who have not seen the video... get ready to cry


Playing Card Plethora / White Lions Series "A" Red
« on: November 02, 2011, 02:05:51 AM »
I don't really have much news on these.  Looking into finding out more.
I was told that the red editions were held back for David Blaine's personal use, I'll try to confirm


The Conversation Parlor / Re: Forum... We need to stop this.
« on: November 02, 2011, 01:50:39 AM »

It's not you in particular.  I love that the community is growing!!

I meant no offense to you.. or anyone for that matter.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Playing card information.
« on: November 02, 2011, 01:46:41 AM »
Most decks of Bicycle playing cards actually have 56 cards.

And the new USPCC factory is only minutes from the old one even though they are in different states

The Conversation Parlor / Forum... We need to stop this.
« on: November 02, 2011, 01:43:25 AM »
Alright.. let me start be saying I'm frustrated.  So, I'm going to do something I don't normally do.. I'm going to vent.
But, it needs to be said. 
If you're offended by any of this, it's because you know you're one of the culprits I'm talking about.

I frequent UnitedCardists, and this site... but something has changed over the past month or so.

What is with all the stupid questions/comments?
"Is it limited?"
"Is it rare?"
"Are they going to do reprints??"  Of a deck that hasn't even been printed yet.

Limited..rare.. when these words are thrown out for almost every deck... it really starts to mean nothing.

Is it limited?  Of course, most decks get a 5000 run... not a lot for a population of 7 billion.  But most times there's an easy way to know.  Big companies...Ellusionist, T11, D&D, etc normally have larger print runs.  15,000-20,000 decks.  Smaller release from no-name people = smaller runs.

Will there be reprints? 99.999% won't announce reprints without seeing how the deck is going to sell.

Is it rare?  If it just came out... probably not.

So, is there any way the forum can stop asking these same questions about EVERY deck?

One other thing....  if you're going to write in the forum, try to add something to the conversation.

As of this minute, I have 58 posts.  I would say in at least 80% of my posts I try to add something to the topic, or bring info to the forum to help everyone out.
It seems like some other members are just trying to get a higher post ranking, with maybe only 10% of their posts being quality posts.

And finally..

It's happening quite a bit on UC... If you start a new thread, please make sure that a similar thread doesn't already exist.

So ends my rant.



Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle Americana Deck
« on: November 02, 2011, 01:07:57 AM »

Congrats Russell!  I can't wait to see your next deck.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK -- Bicycle Rosefinch
« on: November 02, 2011, 12:57:57 AM »
seems not that great. do we know if it will be a limited run?

2500 of each color


Introduce Yourself / Re: Listen to the color of your dreams
« on: November 01, 2011, 11:37:10 PM »
I couldn't resist because of this topic title

The color of my dreams...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: New Deck - Samurai Deck
« on: November 01, 2011, 03:48:49 PM »
I just received this message from the designer.

"You can purchase them tonight.

There is lot of connections and the server is down.

Webmaster is working on it."

So, please be patient.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK -- Bicycle Black Warrior
« on: November 01, 2011, 03:35:46 PM »
ok thanks! Where do you find out about all these decks?

I found out about this series of decks from a post on UC made by Mike from BMPokerworld.

You can check out his blog here:



Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK -- Bicycle Black Warrior
« on: November 01, 2011, 03:31:58 PM »
Thats awesome! Is there a website?

I would imagine when the they are ready


Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK -- Bicycle Black Warrior
« on: November 01, 2011, 03:18:27 PM »
UPDATED with pic

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK -- Bicycle Rosefinch
« on: November 01, 2011, 03:18:06 PM »
UPDATED with pic

Playing Card Plethora / Now Available! -- Bicycle Rosefinch
« on: November 01, 2011, 11:35:23 AM »
One of four new decks from the creator of the Bicycle Pirates decks, Eric Duan aka mloong

Bicycle Rosefinchto be released sometime next month.


Bicycle Green Dragon and Bicycle White Tiger still to come.

Playing Card Plethora / NEW DECK -- Bicycle Black Warrior
« on: November 01, 2011, 11:34:47 AM »
One of four new decks from the creator of the Bicycle Pirates decks, Eric Duan aka mloong

Bicycle Black Warrior to be released sometime next month.


Bicycle Green Dragon and Bicycle White Tiger still to come.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Did you get any FANTASTIQUE decks.
« on: October 31, 2011, 11:03:47 PM »
I also picked up 2.
One for the collection, and one to open/trade.


I think CBJ collects primarily Bicycle decks.

I do collect primarily Bicycle Branded decks.  But I also have other decks.

I already have the Hoyle minis, but I think I might grab the Tally-hos!


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Typical to have so many new deck coming out?
« on: October 31, 2011, 11:00:54 PM »
Seems like a pretty comprehensive list but the Karnival Hornets aren't out for a couple of weeks yet.  I've been keeping an eye on them because I love borderless decks.  Might get 1 on a trial run and then a brick if they're particularly good.  Was going to get a brick of Steamboats but I can't find them online anymore and they're out of print now.  Any more than £50 for a brick and I'd have to think very hard about getting them.

The Karnival Hornets are available to purchase.  They will be shipped out on Nov 14th.


I grabbed 2!

but just so everyone knows...

-$6.95 per deck, but less than $5.95 when purchased as a brick on 11/11

-Not limited after 11/11 until and unless they run out of decks faster than expected - which is possible. They'll be reprinting multiple editions


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Theory 11 Monarchs pre-sale - Limited to 111
« on: October 31, 2011, 11:17:27 AM »
WooHoo  :D  :D

I picked up 2 decks!

But like Curt said... crappy shipping options.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Art Fighters Playing Card Company
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:03:41 AM »
The site is now live!



$500 decks??  and $5000 decks??


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Typical to have so many new deck coming out?
« on: October 31, 2011, 12:27:09 AM »
Omg I was just thinking of starting this thread, I am also new to card collecting and was wondering if its normal for like 10 new decks to come out each year? If so you guys must be millionaires coz I'm gonna be broke soon.

I hope you're sitting down...

It isn't 10 new decks a year... it's about 12 new decks a week.
USPCC produces about 10-12 new decks per week.  Out of those decks, an average of 2 decks have the "BICYCLE" logo on the front of the box.( that's approx 100 new BICYCLE decks per year)  Some of the other decks are for corporate companies, etc.

Here's some of the decks that have been released this year...

Bicycle   Reversed Back - Black
Bicycle   Reversed Back - Blue
Bicycle   Reversed Back - Green
Bicycle   Reversed Back - Yellow
Bicycle   Reversed Back - Red
Bicycle   Big Guns - Red
Bicycle   Big Guns - Blue
Bicycle   Titanium - Red
Bicycle   Titanium - Blue
Bicycle   Titanium V2 - Red
Bicycle    Titanium V2 - Blue
Bicycle   New Fan Back - White
Bicycle   New Fan Back - Black
Bicycle   Johnny Cupcakes
Bicycle   Premier Back
Bicycle   Guardians V2
Bicycle   Enigma
Bicycle   Pirate - white
Bicycle   Pirate - black
Bicycle   Gargoyles
Bicycle   Outlaws
Bicycle   Bearbrick
Bicycle   Dragon (blue)
Bicycle   Stickman (sword)
Bicycle   Vision
Aristocrat   727 Banknote (red)
Aristocrat   727 Banknote (blue)
Bee   Titanium - Red
Bee   Titanium - Blue
Blaine   White Lions
Ellusionist  --   Artifice - Blue
Karnival   Dose
Tally-Ho   Titanium - Red
Tally-Ho   Titanium - Blue
The Blue Crown   The Crown Deck (red)
Theory 11    - Deck1 V2
WSOP - Jack Links
Ellusionist   Artifice - Red
D&D    - Smoke & Mirrors V6
Bee   - Erdnaseum
The Blue Crown   The Crown Deck (green)
Devo - Blades - White
Theory 11     --  JAQK deck
Bicycle  --  Irregular
Devo - Blades - Midnight Edition
The Blue Crown   The Crown Deck (blue)
MSM   Watcher
Hope for Japan
Jacks and Jokers
Houdini Deck
Ask Alexander
Ellusionist   Artifice - Blue V2
Dan Sperry   Crimson Resurrection
Bicycle   Card Ninja
Bicycle   Sylvain Juzan
Bicycle   Karnival Midnight Ltd Edition
Bicycle   Samurai
Bicycle    Smiling Back
Bicycle   Brimstone
Karnival   Hornets
Bicycle   Red Trace
Bicycle   Blue Trace
Bicycle   Zebra
Bicycle   Gold Trace
Bicycle   Silver Trace
Bicycle   Templar Knights

Bicycle   Americana
Bicycle   Revision 1
Bicycle   Actuators
Aether   Vortex
T11           Monarch
Elluionist  Emerald Artifice
D&D           Fantastique
Seasons   Primavera
Seasons   Seronda
Bicycle   Pale Riders (blue)
Bicycle   Pale Riders (red)
Bicycle   Tattoo V2
K3           Bicycle Transducer (pink)
Karnival   Dose V2
Karnival   Suicide Kings
Karnival   Dead Eyes V2
Mana Playing Cards   - Oracle
The Style Deck
The rest of the Karnival series V2s(3-4 decks)
Compass 822 decks (2 Decks)
Miracles Decks (10 decks)
The Blue Crown - V2 X 3 decks

And I know I've forgotten some.

So, those of you that are new to collecting... pick and choose what you really want.

not normally

Some of these are hard to find because they were made in the 80's

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