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Messages - Fud

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Design & Development / Re: The 'Highlight' deck (working title)
« on: March 07, 2015, 04:45:01 PM »
That's a good idea to try and make it a 'positive' image rather than a negative one. I'll try it and see how it looks.

With regards to the grey lines - they won't actually be grey. they are a representation of the extent of clear gloss regions, and as I said in the post those lines won't continue through the figure - I just didn't have time to locally erase them from the indication image. In terms of colour, the image will be as though there were no grey lines, but there will be slightly raised transparent gloss areas on the corner and central symbols and where indicated by the grey radial lines and border.

I understand that without the border this may look more appealing, but as the radial position changes for each number, not having a border will lead to non-uniform edges.

I'll mock up a set of positive courts and see how they look. Thanks for your comment.

Design & Development / Re: The 'Highlight' deck (working title)
« on: March 07, 2015, 12:30:59 AM »
Hopefully this will be the last iteration for development. I've recoloured the corner indices to make them more interesting and in line with the colourful 'prism' effect, and reworked the royals into 16 unique images; changing the way I show the colours through them. Attached is an indicative king of spades first as face colour, and then with the grey representing the black gloss area.

Note that the whole king image will be glossed, not just the lines passing through.

Please let me know what you think! I want to get the development wrapped up so I can complete the rest of the deck and move into prototypes!


Design & Development / Re: The 'Highlight' deck (working title)
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:51:04 AM »
I agree with the linework for the courts - I have a new design I am working off and will update once I have completed one properly.

In the meantime, I have tweaked the borders and colours for the number faces; what do you think of this one? Again, the grey represents black raised gloss area, which will include the center symbols and corner indices.

I am also going to make the corners red and blue; should I go hollow pips or solid pips (the 2 options in the 2 corners of the pic)

Design & Development / Re: The 'Highlight' deck (working title)
« on: March 04, 2015, 11:57:54 PM »
Thanks for your comments.

I was already thinking about unifying the colours of the corner symbols/numbers; red and blue.

As to the king; I agree that the face is a bit funny, but without some of the body detail he just looks a bit stripey with no definition. Either way, how is this one as a second attempt? Only the face on the top half is fixed, not the bottom.

And prism is a great idea! I'm between 'laser light' and 'prism' now.

Design & Development / The 'Prism' deck (previously 'highlights')
« on: March 04, 2015, 03:42:22 PM »
Hi All,

I have been roaming around on these forums for a while without posting, and have been developing some decks recently which I would like to put forward for comment to see if they are worth pursuing. One in particular I want to get going is one I call the 'highlights deck'. (*I don't really like that name, and am very open to any suggestions for another one*).

This deck got its start when I was doing some design for a combined card game (non playing card) project with some friends, and while messing around with some effects stumbled upon a combination of light and colour which I thought was pretty cool. After developing it for a while, I am pleased with the final effect. I'm a big fan of colour contrast with subtle touches, which I think comes through in these designs.

There are 2 facets to the cards. First, the bold coloured faces, the second is a subtle radial fan. To do this I am planning on utilising MPC's 'high gloss' finish for the cards, which essentially creates a clear, glossy and slightly raised effect on the card where it is applied to. My aim is to have all the colour detail in this high gloss for futher contrast, but to also continue the radial lines to a gloss border. In the images attached, imagine that the light grey area is fully black, gloss (not matt) and slightly raised for texture.

The finished card will be a mixture of bold colour and subtle texture.

I would love to hear some of your thoughts as to if this idea has merit, and how I could improve it. Also if someone has a better name than 'highlights', I'm all ears! Currently 'Laser' is forerunner.


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