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Messages - Lee Asher

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Get Started...
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:00:38 PM »
Here are two pieces that haven't been played yet.

The unveiling is tonight! Stay tuned...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Get Started...
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:37:54 PM »
Clues are revealed socially, building a clearer picture until October 8th.

@Nate - Only six more days. We thought it would be fun to hand pieces out, and let people play. Hopefully, this won't be too much more of an annoyance for you (or anyone else feeling the same way).

The full unveiling happens on the evening of the 8th.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Get Started...
« on: September 24, 2015, 12:42:49 PM »
Loving the holographic foil.  Pretty close to the metallic unicorn blood ink I predicted.  LOL

Do you know how hard it was to find that metallic Unicorn, then convince it to donate blood to this project?

Glad you're enjoying the slow reveal of this beautiful deck...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Get Started...
« on: September 23, 2015, 08:32:10 AM »
Another sliver of this fun puzzle...


    Blue Tally Ho Circle Back Deck (circa 1970s)

    Price: $20 (plus shipping)

    Blue Tally Ho Circle Back Deck Condition Notes:
    • Cellophane is slightly loose, but still attached.
    • Has two small dents on the lower corners of the box.

    Red Tally Ho Original Fan Back Deck (circa 1970s)

    Price: $20 (plus shipping)

    Red Tally Ho Original Fan Back Deck Condition Notes:
    • Cellophane is perfect other than a small crease at the bottom (factory made)
    • Has one small dent in the lower corner


    *Get both decks of Tally Hos for only $35, plus save on the combined shipping.

    They are all yours if you want 'em. PM me when you're ready. Also, if you want some Blue Seal Bees (circa 1980s), I have a few of those for sale, too.[/list]

    Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings and salutations!
    « on: September 16, 2015, 05:33:30 PM »
    This pleasure is all ours. Again, welcome!


    Hyvää päivää fellow card enthusiasts,

    The tenth edition of CARD CULTURE is now available to download for all 52 Plus Joker members. Take a moment to log into the club's website, and a direct link to CARD CULTURE will be in the member's section - waiting for you.

    Screen captures of this month's CARD CULTURE

    In this awesome issue we hear from such notables as:

    • Tom Dawson
    • Maxime Heriaud
    • Tom Majski
    • Daryl The Magician's Magician
    • MPC
    • & me

    As a bonus, you'll find the first sneak peek of this year's special club deck. We think you're going to get excited when you see it!

    Go grab your copy today. If you're not a member of the 52 Plus Joker, think about joining our society now. CARD CULTURE and many other playing card amenities await you.


    What exactly is CARD CULTURE? It's the digital monthly playing card magazine that works in tandem with the 52 Plus Joker printed quarterly Clear The Decks. CARD CULTURE helps you celebrate and indulge in your playing card passions!

    Want more info on how to join? Just reply & ask...


    I know you've moved into your new apartment, and you're still in the midst of decorating. But I took the liberty of adding a poster to your wall. I think it matches the umbrella motif.

    Hope you like...

    Is Kostya a member of the club as well?

    Yes, he is a member of the 52.

    We've hired Kostya to perform his special brand of card magic at this year's 52 Plus Joker convention. If he can fool Penn & Teller, you bet he's going to fool everyone coming to the 52 Plus Joker convention. It's going to be an amazing time!

    "I hate you. I hated the way you looked. I hated the way you cleanly handled the deck of cards. I hated that I should have known it." — Penn Jillette

    Enjoy the magic of Kostya Kimlat!

    EDIT: Remember to book your room NOW!  You only have until September 15th to book your room at the preferred Club rate.  Go to THIS PAGE on the 52+J website for details.

    The Conversation Parlor / Re: Anyone read MAGIC Magazine?
    « on: August 27, 2015, 06:54:55 AM »
    Totally read it. Nice to see you get some coverage.

    You were right about the gemaco lee.

    Here's some more pics, received it today.

    Cool. How do they handle?

    Yo Yo fellow card enthusiasts,

    The ninth edition of CARD CULTURE is now available to download for 52 Plus Joker members. Take a moment to log into the club's website, and a direct link to CARD CULTURE will be right there waiting for you.

    Screen captures of this month's CARD CULTURE

    In this awesome issue we hear from such notables as:

    • Tom Dawson
    • Maxime Heriaud
    • Tom Majski
    • Lawrence Sullivan / LPCC
    • Rhonda Hawes
    • & me

    Working in tandem with our printed quarterly Clear The Decks, CARD CULTURE helps you celebrate and indulge in your playing card passions even more!

    Go grab your copy today. If you're not a member of the 52 Plus Joker, think about joining our society now. CARD CULTURE and many other playing card amenities await you.


    Playing Card Plethora / Download A Complimentary Copy of CARD CULTURE
    « on: August 07, 2015, 11:11:10 AM »
    Hey fellow PCFers,

    In order to further promote the hobby of collecting modern, antique and vintage playing cards, 52 Plus Joker, the largest playing card collectors' society in North America, is releasing a special complimentary issue of CARD CULTURE Magazine. This issue is a compilation of popular articles from previous issues and is meant to be representative of the type of content the magazine carries on a regular basis.

    52 Plus Joker President Tom Dawson says, "In my many years of experience, I can't recall any monthly magazine that has covered card collecting with this level of professionalism and enthusiasm.  It's become the industry standard, a valuable resource to the society, and to 'card culture' as a whole.  Along with our long-standing quarterly publication, Clear the Decks, it makes the low cost of membership in the club an exceptional bargain for the price."

    This special issue is twenty pages long and contains six articles in total - a typical reader can finish it in under ten minutes.
    Just click on the image above to download!

    If the history, origins, manufacturing and collecting of playing cards interests you, then you're going to love CARD CULTURE and all the other amenities offered to members of 52 Plus Joker. For only $25 per year ($35 outside North America), the privileges of membership to this unique club include:

    • CARD CULTURE: monthly digital magazine including all current and past issues
    • CLEAR THE DECKS: all new issues of our printed quarterly
    • Access to the Ask Alexander database of all our magazine archives
    • Personal account on
    • Free expert appraisals of selected decks from your collection
    • Inclusion within the 52 Plus Joker club roster
    • Invitation to the Annual 52 Plus Joker Convention
    • Access to advice and information on all things playing cards

    The 52 Plus Joker club is always eager to welcome new members, including collectors, artists/designers, Kickstarter project backers, magicians, cardists and anyone else with an interest in the world of playing cards, regardless of their level of experience! Read your complimentary copy of CARD CULTURE now, then join today. We invite you to forward this special issue to anyone you think would be interested in its content or the 52 Plus Joker club.

    If you guys have any questions, comments, thoughts, etc. about the club or CARD CULTURE, just reply in this thread. We'd love to hear from you.

    Yeah, I had dinner with Arthur Poon & Willson Wong last night and they showed me this pic. I spit my sushi out when I saw it. Very sad, indeed. My sympathies go out to you.

    AC stands for Atlantic City (New Jersey).

    (Pictured above) Those look to be a deck of AC GNuggs.

    These are real, though they are not made by USPC. They are made by Gemaco. Good find as they are pretty scarce. I've only seen one other image of this deck before in a Frenchman's GNugg collection.

    Hope that helps...

    I'd like to welcome the newest member of the forum, Mark Stutzman.

    Where?!  Where?!  :))

    You're right, I just looked in the member role - he joined yesterday!  Welcome, Mark!

    Yes, he's a new member of the 52 Plus Joker. With that, he receives a PCF account as well as an ASK ALEXANDER account. It's nice to have him in the family.

    The limited edition Hive 2 tuck is among the most impressive tuck boxes I've ever seen in my life. Be very proud Mr. Hong (and Mr. Robinson).

    Along with being a card enthusiast, I also like me some good rock and roll. Can anyone (without searching) come up  the song and artist eluded to in the subject line?

    My name is Eddie and I now reside in North Texas, but spent my formative card years in Vegas with no other than our own Lee Asher. Lee and I have been friends nearly twenty years and his enthusiasm and passion for cards in general have prompted me to join and grow my card collection. He is the reason I'm here and I'm happy to accepted.

    I am 51, married and have two grown boys and one daughter in law. I ride a Harley Davidson ('03 FLTRI, for those in the know) as my primary mode of transportation and am loyal to my Oklahoma State Cowboys. True.

    I am excited to start my new journey learning from you all,


    Well then it's only fitting that I be the first one to welcome you here to the PCF. Welcome Ed!


    ps. I'm trying hard to contain myself, but I'm so thrilled you're here. You're going to love it!

    I'm the proud new owner of one of the more exotic pieces of USPC ephemera.

    Plate graciously gifted to me by Tom & Judy Dawson.

    Thank you guys!

    Did I mention your $100 for reg. also includes a banquet dinner, as well as your own table in the dealer's room?!?

    It's turning out to be a stellar year for the convention. Do what you can to make it because you won't want to miss this one.

    One of these days the Convention is going to need to be in the PNW so the West Coasties can make it out

    While it's not the PNW, we had a west coast convention in Las Vegas back in 2013.

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