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Messages - sr15

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Ellusionist shipping is a complete ripoff, so that comparison is kind of weak.

as a counter-example, 6 decks shipped from is 5.95.

I swapped some email with Lawrence Sullivan.

They opted on the release version of Legends to stick with the prototype box instead of the heavily-embossed matte boxes shown in some of the photos.  The thinking there was that the box's plastic coating would make the box a little water-resistant, great for when you're performing at a bar or restaurant setting.  I think it would also survive placement in a Porper clip better as well - mine in and out of their Porpers look great.

Yes, the green deck has metallic ink, unlike the blue and red.

CARC will be carrying them.  Bill Kalush gets his batch this week.  Though honestly, I think you'd be very hard-pressed to find a deal better than the ones Zenneth is offering.  I picked up a total of four Coterie Bee + Legends sets and three Gold Seal NFB deck sets.  The prices I got on all of those items are very hard to pass up.

well, for people like me who didn't want to buy in bulk and only wanted 2 of each color (which is actually kinda "bulk"), 50 bucks total for 6 supposedly less costly decks just didn't seem like that great of a deal

gonna write so many words

this is no doubt one of the best deals in year 2013 for playing cards community.

only if you compare this deal to some of the other massively overpriced releases this year.

Honestly, given that "lower costs than USPCC" was one of the main talking points about this deck, I feel like there will be a better deal on these cards from some other seller eventually. I'll hold off on this for now, although if this ends up being the best deal then I guess I'll take it because I really do want this deck.

Quicker than we have expected, pre-order starts now:


Legends + Coterie Bee set


Those prices are awesome!

yeah..."awesome" isn't the word I'd use to describe those prices at all considering this whole time the idea that these decks were going to be cheaper than the standard USPCC custom decks was driven home.

I'll agree that ALL the companies speak through a veil. we have plenty of examples from each. But many here are doing it too. I can read between the lines and get the jist of it. I have stated my opinion about D&D but just want to add how I find it ironic that the same people bashing them are ordering BRICKS from them. If the companies being mentioned where that evil than why not boycott them.....or at least lie and don't tell us!

as one of the more vocal D&D bashers in this thread, I have never once placed an order from their website. soooooooo.....there you go? I'm a consumer and a collector so I'm not going to boycott D&D if they actually put out a good release, but I'm not going to be sold on obvious bullshit. I actually haven't ordered from E, T11 or D&D in a very long time, besides the Treasury deck from E since I kind of guessed it might go the way of their previous "rare" decks.

where do you see a legends deck preorder?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Red Artifice Uncuts
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:33:02 AM »
Benefits of membership...  I'll probably get a crack at these the day before they're released.  They did the same for me when the LTD uncut became available.

non-benefits of membership: still will cost you an arm and possibly a leg to get one

Playing Card Plethora / Re: D&D collaboration with USPC [new deck]
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:09:09 PM »
If we're to believe the D&D ad copy, this deck does have a specially-prepared stock.

and if you believe that, D&D have a bridge themed deck to sell you

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Red Artifice Uncuts
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:06:57 PM »
given how overpriced everything from E has been lately, I'm most likely going to pass

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Price of rare decks?
« on: January 12, 2013, 07:13:26 PM »
White Monarchs are running around $50-$70 at the moment.

D&D v1 Set is worth around $200

Smoke and Mirrors v1 is closer to $100 than it is to $200. v1-v3 sets seem to be going for around $120-$130 on ebay lately. White Monarchs also have dropped in value lately, going around $35-$45.

The "standard" rare E decks (Red Artifice, BG1E, Gold Arcane and LTD) seem to hover around the same price. RA and LTD go for about $50, and GA and BG1E go for about $80-$100 without a ton of fluctuation in price. Sultan Treasury is hovering around $25-$30 lately.

Split Spades could also be included in this I'd say. 1st edition Lions regularly go for over $30, and the Tally Hos closer to $40. Haven't seen the Bees in a while but I'm sure the price for that is similar. Another notable deck that has been increasing in price is the T11 Blue Jaqk deck. I don't think you can find one for under 20 bucks anymore.

This is just from me ebaying quite a bit in the past 4ish months. I've been unintentionally keeping track of quite a few decks and their prices, specifically the ones mentioned in this post (also the Wynn decks, but those were covered earlier I think).

if nothing else, I'd like to see this deck somewhat force USPCC's hand into developing higher quality cards. Right now it seems like they're the only method to producing any type of deck, and some increased competition in the custom deck market would be great. I wouldn't really bank on that but one can always hope.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Favourite Game/ Game Series.
« on: January 11, 2013, 07:17:51 PM »
I'm an action/platformer guy at heart. Some of my favorite all-time series would be the original Spyro Series, the Ratchet and Clank series, and the Jak series. I replay games a lot so my favorites have stayed fairly consistent over my life. Other favorites include Resident Evil 4, God of War series, and OG Guitar Hero games.

Recently I have played Borderlands 2 to death. I don't think I've ever played any game as much as I've played that game right after buying it.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: D&D collaboration with USPC [new deck]
« on: January 11, 2013, 07:13:05 PM »
As bad as it may sound, I honestly hope this venture fails miserably and no one buys it. Maybe then Dan and Dave will realize that they actually have to start putting out quality merchandise again to get people's business.

agreed. They have put out quality decks and designs in the past so there's nothing to suggest that they can't do it in the future, other than the notion that it seems they just don't really care anymore. I skipped on v7s, I skipped on the mystery decks, and I will almost certainly skip on this with the Legends deck coming out this month. I have complained in the past about T11 and E having somewhat uninspired deck releases, but D&D take the cake over the past few months, no question.

Why I don't believe D&D are actually testing a new ANYTHING:

1. USPCC has yet to work with a company to get new paper. The paper they use is the paper that the mills provide. You can't just walk into USPCC and "develop" a new stock. They have what they have, and anything available to D&D is available to every person working with them. If D&D found a ground breaking new stock, you would see more people using it already. Just look at the Magic finish, which was printed on USPCC decks before a single Ellusionist deck with it hit shelves, and you already had custom decks utilizing that finish when it was just announced.

2. If USPCC refused to work with David Blaine on developing new tech and materials for cards (which is why the Legends deck is outsourcing to other companies), why would they give a minute of their time to D&D, who don't have anywhere near the resources that DB has? USPCC chucked E and T11 out the window so they could opt out of working with any company, yet they team up with D&D?

3. 100% of the time in the past, when a company or person stated they're "teaming up with USPCC" it has been on the design-end. The design folks have nothing to do with the production department, or R&D. At least that's what my conversations with their design department has led me to believe, since some of them are more clueless about stocks/finishes than us folks on the forums.

agreed on all points

Found this quote over on UC; not too sure what to think of it:

"Being one of our favorite decks we convinced the USPCC to allow us to reprint these to their original specification with a smooth finish on ultra thin paper. We think the outcome is better than the original."

yeahhhh... not buying that one bit. Read what alex said. There is no special stock or finish available to D&D that isn't available to everyone else. It will be a standard deck of playing cards if it goes through USPCC. Not to say that USPCC doesn't put out high quality decks, but this absolutely won't be anything groundbreaking like D&D would like to suggest.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: D&D collaboration with USPC [new deck]
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:38:15 PM »
Another deck I'm not getting. Not a fan of reprints.

What is with these large-scale companies and simply recoloring or just reprint a deck with an updated feel?

minimal design work, large fanbase that have a good chance at buying whatever you put out just because, easy cash in if you don't do it too frequently. I don't think D&D have been doing that many reprints but I don't really know, but either way it seems like they've been doing a lot of "cash-ins" lately (S&M v7, Mystery Deck and now this)

bahhhhh I want these freakin decks now. Any update on a potential release date?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: D&D collaboration with USPC [new deck]
« on: January 10, 2013, 09:31:43 PM »
sounds like D&D trying to make a quick buck again (no pun intended)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Lance Miller's Next Deck
« on: January 10, 2013, 03:45:46 PM »
Modifying that design to be a two-way back would probably be the easiest thing Miller has ever done

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Greatest song in the history of music
« on: January 10, 2013, 06:33:37 AM »

this is really the song that not only embodies Miles Davis, but really just embodies all of what jazz is to me. Not the most technically complex by any means, and I can certainly appreciate technical ability when it comes to both jazz and other genres, but the feel of this song is really something I can't describe. I guess my best attempt would be "a progression of emotions" as described by some of the best musicians of any generation.

listen and learn, children.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Lance Miller's Next Deck
« on: January 09, 2013, 04:11:33 AM »
that looks incredible

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Playing cards in films
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:11:17 AM »
I'm trying to remember the name of this movie but am having a hard time.

One of the main characters does flourishes with cards throughout the film. It's some kind of gorey assassin movie I believe, released recently.

And I believe the cards of choice were Tally-Ho's.

smokin aces

here's one of the scenes:

after some research, it seems that one of the Buck twins did those flourishes. Probably could've guessed that just from the style

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mystery Deck By Dan & Dave
« on: January 08, 2013, 07:25:03 PM »
I see quite a few people are getting multiple decks.   I don't know about the rest of you.......but I sure wouldn't mind getting multiple Jerry's Nugget decks    ;)

implying that they even put multiple jerry's nugget decks in the entire mystery deck pool. honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the one deck they used for the ad was the only JN deck they used.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Club 808
« on: January 06, 2013, 04:18:54 AM »
and even if he wasn't, NPH is a badass

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Club 808
« on: January 04, 2013, 11:09:46 PM »
well at least it's only 19 bucks as opposed to 147 bucks for the black club membership

I think it's a good idea and something I'd definitely take part in. I'd probably end up posting an explanation anyway so I don't mind that being a rule either.

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