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Messages - Paul Ruccio

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards (KS)
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:10:28 PM »
Great news! Fulfillment (directly from LPCC) will officially start the week of July 6th. The first two decks from production were pulled and they're en route to me now. Pretty excited.

Backed. I'm really looking forward to this deck funding and getting my hands on them. Absolutely love the shade of both colors. Fingers crossed that the stretch goal for the Carmine version is reached.

Design & Development / Re: Ardent Playing Card - 2DDC
« on: June 23, 2015, 09:02:17 PM »
I'm excited that Ardent Playing Cards are finally seeing the light of day! Ever since Alex showed me this deck in detail, I've been eager to help him with anything he may need. We've been talking a lot about Ardent over the last couple weeks and really look forward to making it a reality. If anyone has any questions... just let us know!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards (KS)
« on: May 15, 2015, 01:38:45 PM »
In case you need something to hold you over until the decks are printed and delivered... vintage Jetsetter Playing Cards tee shirts are available for a limited time... (see attached too)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards (KS)
« on: May 08, 2015, 04:38:37 PM »
That tuck looks freakin' awesome!

It's turned out twice as good as expected. I'm not kicking myself for not pledging for 6 more decks!

Thank you, JJ. I'm really happy with how the tuck case looks and feels. It's simple, the features are subtle, and it give a really classy vibe. I cannot wait to see the actual finished product.

Nice tuckbox, indeed. The back embossing looks great.

Thank you! I'm really digging the results. The embossing isn't really embossing at all. It's UV spot ink. It really made the deck fit the jetsetter-style theme.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards (KS)
« on: May 08, 2015, 01:29:47 PM »
Here's sneak peek of the Jetsetter Playing Cards tuck cases (see attached).

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards (KS)
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:06:51 PM »
Thanks guys! It means a lot to see that everyone is looking forward to receiving these. I've been pretty excited myself. I'm actually about to catch a plane home and in high hopes that the physical proofs are waiting for me. If not, they'll probably arrive next week and I'll be able to review and approve them when I get home next week.

As soon as I review, approve, and update all the other backers on Kickstarter. I'll be sure to post some photos of the proofs.

Time to board the plane... literally...

Thanks again for all the support!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Ace of Spades
« on: April 29, 2015, 11:10:42 PM »
I don't know of any countries today that ban cards outright - some of them simply ban imported cards in order to protect the local card-making industry.  But we're talking about countries that likely didn't have a lot going on in card manufacturing in the first place, so either the law is largely ignored or they don't play cards much.

USPS has a rules related to sending playing cards to Germany. Playing cards are on their restricted list but if you'd like to send playing cards to Germany, they state: “Playing cards, except in complete decks properly wrapped.”

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: April 29, 2015, 10:57:49 PM »
It's been a while since I've swung by to post. Thought I'd take a moment to provide an update regarding Jetsetter Playing Cards...

Physical proofs are en route from LPCC for review and approval. Once approved the playing cards will be moving to production. I ended up adding a couple "features" or accents to the tuck case. Nothing crazy. Very simple but will be a nice touch and unexpected. The campaign on Kickstarter ended up being really successful. The majority of the decks were accounted for directly through the Kickstarter campaign. Although there will be residual decks available directly from my site and a couple other options, the availability will be limited. I'm really excited to finally see these land in everyone's hands.

Until next time...

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: February 13, 2015, 04:39:53 PM »
Project has reached over 105% funded with 5 days left. If you haven't check out Jetsetter Playing Cards yet... here's your chance.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:12:12 AM »
I backed it just yesterday.  I like where the design has finally ended up.

Thank you for the support. Glad to see you on board.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: February 01, 2015, 03:51:32 PM »
Just wanted to provide a quick update. Project has been going strong. Almost 80% funded and over 150 backers.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: January 22, 2015, 05:51:49 PM »
You're off to a terrific start!  That's fantastic.

Thank you, Don! 57% funded in the first few days. Been steady.

I second Don's words -- it's a great start brother!

I'm pretty confident that funding will be reached, seeing as we're already over 50 percent there at present.

I've just got myself in for 6 decks :D

Thank you for the support! Once the project hits a certain percentage, I'll be starting the digital approval process to help with the timeline. It's looking good.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: January 20, 2015, 07:31:11 PM »

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:46:28 PM »
Mark your calendars. Relaunching on Tuesday, January 20th at 7:00 am EDT.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:20:32 AM »
I will definitely be in for a few of these.

It's funny, I never buy uncuts because my wall space in my nerdy room is occupied by ...... wait for it ........ a collection of skateboard decks!!! Needless to say I was pretty stoked to see that as an unexpected award tier!

When do you expect to launch? I am hoping to get in on a deck (and a deck)  8)

You'll love the skateboard deck. I'm expecting to launch in a matter of days. I'll most likely officially announce the date this weekend.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: January 07, 2015, 02:52:31 PM »
I do now see your reason for wanting to stick to the term, though it doesn't change the term's present situation - overused and a little cliche.  Certainly there are synonyms to "luxury" that are close enough to convey that top-quality feel - in fact, there's one right now; "top quality."  I don't see "deluxe" terribly often on cards, other than to indicate that a deck is the "deluxe" version of the original - that term actually works in your favor, particularly with collectors.  "Premium" appears now and then, but perhaps "premium quality" would work, or even "greatest quality."  "Best grade" or "best quality" could be a keeper as well.  Another good term is "elegant," as is "extravagant" and "opulent."  Surely there are MANY other synonyms and that I've barely scratched the surface - you, my friend, should become besties with a thesaurus!  Save the heavily-overused terms for the unimaginative.

Definitely use the LPCC term for the finish - "Diamond Finish" practically screams luxury without saying a word.  Perhaps you can even use the term "Diamond Edition" as a subtitle to the deck's name!  There's countless other "Edition" terms that would be splendid - Platinum, Gold, Private, Exclusive, High Flyer...  It just occurs to me that some of those terms are used a lot for strip club names as well!!

High grade, high quality - USPC used to print the Aristocrats made under the Russell name in a finish called "high finish" and it also seemed to indicate luxury.  You might do well, in fact, to copy some of the design elements of the Aristocrat tuck box - to me, that brand and that box always convey luxury.  I know you're looking for a certain look and feel, but your tuck box might be a little too stark and austere in appearance, though that lovely plane on the front helps.  You know that you're permitted to use more than a single color, right?  :))

Finally, I wouldn't use "limited edition" - that's another overused term, since ALL KS projects are limited in their print run size.  Treat it like it's giving off gamma rays...  And stay away from anything that USPC might consider to be an infringement on their "Aviator" brand!

I'm going to explore changing "luxury" but I need to be sure I appeal to the private aviation community too. Some words just do not fit. I do like the word "premium" or "elegent" so those may be an option. Lawrence at LPCC mentioned making the deck classy and elegent so maybe "elegant" could really work. We'll see.

I love the suggestion about the design elements of the Aristocrat tuck box. Hold that thought - I'll send you a direct message after I post this with something I did a while ago and never finished.

Nothing is going to be limited. I want these to be used by both the playing card commmunity and private aviation community. If it was tagged "limited edition" then people won't use them, they'll just save them.

Regarding "And stay away from anything that USPC might consider to be an infringement on their "Aviator" brand!"... before my original launch I had USPCC verify with Legal that nothing would be infringing USPCC (deck, playing cards) or Jacks and Jokers (tee shirts).

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: January 06, 2015, 09:52:20 AM »
Don't mind the edit I made to your post - I made the link live and clickable.

Left a comment on KS, will repeat it here for the locals.  The deck overall is fine.  Solid design, simple and well-executed.  My only real suggestion would be to drop the term "luxury".  It's become cliche these days because so many decks have used the phrase and so few deserve it.  To stand above that crowd, leave "luxury" - but I do like "precisely printed by" on the side!  That's new, accurate and cool all at once!  If you insist on having a superlative to precede the words "playing cards," use "precision" instead of "luxury."  Few would deny that LPCC is very precise in their manufacturing and that's something that's tangible and measurable, something you can see, rather than a a concept such as luxury.

Thanks for checking out the preview. I received your comment on Kickstarter too.

Here's my struggle with dropping the term "luxury" from the deck... it's a term that private aviation can relate to. It was suggested to use First Class but I feel that is more relatable to commercial aviation. I've been trying to kick around other terms but none seem to fit as nicely as "luxury." I see where your coming from though and that's why I'm struggling. However, in support of the "luxury" term I want to make sure the tuck is made with a new and different stock rather than your standard stock and have a couple added features (see attached photo). Also, I feel like the Diamond Finish gives a more luxurious feel than the Classic Finish. I'm hoping this would champion using the "luxury" term. What are your further thoughts?

I saw your question on Kickstarter regarding shipping rates. It's going to be reasonable - I am NOT looking to make a profit on shipping. LPCC will be accomplishing the fulfillment of the decks backed on Kickstarter. This will help the timeline and urgency of delivery to backers. I'll be sharing the cost with backers from the US and Canada. International shipping will be more cost effective for me and backers with LPCC fulfilling the decks.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:22:55 AM »
If you would like to see a PREVIEW of the upcoming launch of Jetsetter Playing Cards on Kickstarter, just click here:

Feel free to provide any feedback on the project page. Thanks!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: December 29, 2014, 12:22:44 PM »


Thank you for chiming in. I have actually been waiting to see what your feedback would be. I agree with you, I have an uphill journey on the relaunch... especially with the simplistic approach but I'm confident this deck can get funded and more importantly, be played with when backers receive their decks. LPCC and I discussed making the deck even more simple, which in turn will make it classy and elegent. Compared to the orginal design, I think we pulled it off. Adding to the classy and elegent style, we are hoping to use a new material for the tuck but that has yet to be determined - I'd say this would justify the price slightly over the $3 corner store deck. If the majority of my backers from the first campaign return and enough new backers come on board, I'm optimistic the deck will fund with the new lower goal.

I agree with you regarding the blue with commercial aviation. However, I have two specific communities I want to focus on out of the gate in no particular order... the private aviation (luxury jets) community and the playing card community (players, magicians, and even cardists - I welcome collectors but I am not looking for this deck to be collected). I know many in commercial aviation dig the design too (and your right about the blue with them) but I have been discussing this deck with FBOs and private jet management companies to stock one or two decks on their private jets and/or provide decks to their clients as a small "thank you" for their business.

You always have tremendously great input and I appreciate it. It's always a pleasure reading your feedback throughout the forum and especially regarding the Jetsetter Playing Cards.

It sounds like you've got a few avenues for getting these decks into people's hands.  I know the quality work that Legends and Expert both create - I personally find it superior to USPC as well as less expensive when comparing apples to apples.  As long as you manage to keep costs low and set your goal accordingly, then yes, you have a shot at getting to goal.  The design changes you've made are steps in the right direction, to be sure.

I'm not very big on borderless designs, but I know many who are, especially collectors.  Consider a borderless version as a stretch goal, with the planes printed into the bleed much like a pack of Bee Diamond Backs.  Your back pattern is small and repetitive - ideal for creating that kind of illusory effect that takes place when spreading off-the-shelf Bees; it becomes hard to see where each card ends and the next begins, especially in skilled hands.  I don't know how big the private-jet community would be about it, but it's excellent for magicians specializing in gambling sleights as well as collectors, particular if you put a few bells-and-whistles in there like an embossed, foil-laden box.

And if not a borderless edition, at least a second color of deck might be good - casual poker players who still use paper over plastic prefer two decks that are identical except for back color, and the colors have to be distinctly different from each other.  (I saw a Kem two-deck set for the World Poker Tour that was a big bomb - back colors were light gray and slightly darker shade of gray!)

Best of luck on your launch.

That is great feedback and something to consider. Thank you!

Hope to see you at the relaunch!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: December 26, 2014, 12:58:39 PM »
The design is simple and clean.  I really have nothing bad to say about it, but there is one issue.  I don't have anything great to say about it, either.

This would have been a great KS design about two or three years ago.  These days, something this plain has a hard time gaining traction.  I'm not saying it has to be a fully-custom re-do, but for having a name like "Jetsetter", there's little to evoke it other than the card backs (a simple, repeating pattern), the Jokers (which often get left in the box if not discarded) and the Ace of Spades.

Don't get me wrong - it's a bit bland, but that's not always a bad thing.  Simple is playable and it's great for magic.  But what will people pay for bland, as opposed to something a little more interesting and cohesive in its theme?  Bland can be had at the corner store for $3 or less (more if you live in an expensive city) - something has to make this deck more compelling for it to have a better shot.

Thanks in part to airlines like Pan Am and American, blue is one of the more common colors associated with flight and commercial airlines.  Perhaps a blue color scheme for the courts and backs, maybe a nice dark blue for the black suits?


Thank you for chiming in. I have actually been waiting to see what your feedback would be. I agree with you, I have an uphill journey on the relaunch... especially with the simplistic approach but I'm confident this deck can get funded and more importantly, be played with when backers receive their decks. LPCC and I discussed making the deck even more simple, which in turn will make it classy and elegent. Compared to the orginal design, I think we pulled it off. Adding to the classy and elegent style, we are hoping to use a new material for the tuck but that has yet to be determined - I'd say this would justify the price slightly over the $3 corner store deck. If the majority of my backers from the first campaign return and enough new backers come on board, I'm optimistic the deck will fund with the new lower goal.

I agree with you regarding the blue with commercial aviation. However, I have two specific communities I want to focus on out of the gate in no particular order... the private aviation (luxury jets) community and the playing card community (players, magicians, and even cardists - I welcome collectors but I am not looking for this deck to be collected). I know many in commercial aviation dig the design too (and your right about the blue with them) but I have been discussing this deck with FBOs and private jet management companies to stock one or two decks on their private jets and/or provide decks to their clients as a small "thank you" for their business.

You always have tremendously great input and I appreciate it. It's always a pleasure reading your feedback throughout the forum and especially regarding the Jetsetter Playing Cards.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:02:50 AM »
I like this new design a lot more than the previous version -- a lot cleaner. Despite it being even more simplistic, I do think it's more classy.

As far as I can tell, it is a proper way way back design, and as it uses traditional courts (I personally am not a fan of heavily customised courts), it's great for use in games. If possible, please do let us know what the AoS is going to look like.

I'm looking forward to being a backer when this project goes live :D


Thanks! LPCC and I really wanted to make the deck classier and still hold on to the functionality of the deck so I'm glad that's what you noticed. And you're right, the back is a two-way back design. I have attached the Ace of Spades to this post... let me know what you think.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:30:30 AM »
Here are the latest mockups (see attached) of the Jetsetter Playing Cards. These will be printed by Legends Playing Card Company if funded on Kickstarter.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Jetsetter Playing Cards - Now live on KS
« on: October 29, 2014, 11:02:23 PM »
Jetsetter Playing Cards will be coming back. New tuck case is planned to have:

- White Matte Finish Tuck
- Blind Embossing Airplane (front)
- Traditional Embossing

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