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Messages - John B.

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Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Is this effect to long?
« on: October 15, 2014, 02:41:21 AM »
Its an evening show, right now that I am planning on doing this as a part of. And I have heard advice as far as picking spectators. Even if something did go wrong, a miss or 2 is not bad since I am doing a mentalism show.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Is this effect to long?
« on: October 15, 2014, 12:43:32 AM »
Its 100% fail safe. I could use a 100 people and be fine. I am hoping to spend around 10 minutes total for the effect. So I think I will try for 5. I mainly just need to work on some routing and then do a run through. the 10 minutes will include the transition from the 1st effect to this one, getting audience etc. as well as the actual trick part.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Is this effect too long?
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:10:21 PM »
So first off, feel free to share this with anyone you know who has gone to a magic or mentalist show and let me know what they think.

10 different people  pick a card that had a random thing on it, draw it and the take the drawing and put it in an envelope. Then they all get mixed up and then I go through the envelopes one by one and use different methods to match them to the artist, ie the persons aura was strong and this is what I am getting from the envelope, I look at a couple of them and some of them are able to send the thoughts of what they drew, the last person I get a strong image from and draw a similar pic of my own.

I am wondering if this would get boring after we match a few of them.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: World War One Deck Launched (KS)
« on: October 12, 2014, 11:44:30 PM »
Though whats up with it being in AUD but free shipping in the US? I figured I was going to be considered international.
I think I can explain this, the creator is from Australia, so the project must be run in AUD, but the deck is printed and shipped from the US. ( Because the US has the best printers) So only backers outside the US pay extra shipping.
Sam can confirm this though.

One of the best are in the US. EPCC is not printed in the US

Playing Card Plethora / Re: World War One Deck Launched (KS)
« on: October 12, 2014, 11:54:43 AM »
Happen to see this. Glad I did as I think I/a friend will enjoy this.  Though whats up with it being in AUD but free shipping in the US? I figured I was going to be considered international. Also you mention choosing the dog tag pledge, the 5th deck would be 0005. But the only one that has the dog tag is the 1 deck.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Tattoos
« on: September 26, 2014, 01:29:24 AM »
Thought I made a thread like this a while ago but cant find it. Here is mine.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 24, 2014, 10:19:35 AM »
What I meant when I said mixed drinks, is more like cheaper non scotchy drinks. I might give that a shot though.

If you want cheaper, there's always the Scotch they serve from the speed rack for "well drinks".

Other recipes to try:

Godfather: Scotch and vodka on the rocks.
Godmother: Godfather with milk/cream added, shaken.

I figure if I am going to drink scotch I should drink something good. And that godmother sounds goods, I might give it a shot.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 24, 2014, 01:15:49 AM »
What I meant when I said mixed drinks, is more like cheaper non scotchy drinks. I might give that a shot though.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 23, 2014, 11:59:38 AM »
earlier in this thread alex mentioned its not acceptable to drink alone. And I would feel weird drinking scotch while everyone is drinking mixed drinks but I might.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:29:58 PM »
will do, and don all you have to do is order it online and put my address in, then you dont have to deal with the hassle. :p Would it be weird if I drank scotch alone? I dont have friends that do much liquor drinking. Atleast not scotch.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:04:15 PM »
See I have always heard of people drinking scotch straight. They say adding water ruins the taste. The scotch I did have, I did the 1:1 ratio with a dash of lemon. I might try it the next time I get scotch. If you want don I wont stop you from getting me a nice bottle as a gift,  8)  ;D  :t11:

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 18, 2014, 01:29:39 PM »
If you decide to try whisky, Irish tends to be the smoothest.  Bourbons have a perfume-y aftertaste, Scotch can be a little rough around the edges.  Irish whiskey and Scotch are in essence the same - same ingredients, same distillation process - but the grain for Scotch is dried with peat fires as opposed to air-dried for Irish whiskey, and Scotch is double-distilled whereas Irish is triple-distilled.  The best commonly-available brand would be Black Bush, the top-shelf version of Bushmills.

Little known facts: whisky is spelled without an "e" unless it's Irish - then it's spelled whiskey.  It comes from the Gaelic phrase "uiske beatha," meaning "water of life."  It's kind of funny, because throughout Dublin the manhole covers connected to the water supply are marked uiske!

Over here you're likely to meet much disagreement making even slight comparisons between irish and scotch whisky!

In my opinion the only 'proper' whisky is single malt scotch. But I can't drink it often as it gives me chronic heartburn   :(

I love the smell of scotch, but cant drink it straight, which somewhat defeats the purpose of drinking scotch.

Hey guys so I am selling 4x hound of the baskervilles decks, a moritary v1 edition, the independence deck, and a black crown. Willing to sell them individually if you want but prefer to sell them all for $110. Would be packaged in a brick box and then in a flat rate shipping box. Shipping would be less then $10 in the US (will give you exact number when I go to post office.) Outside of the US contact me for a quote.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 15, 2014, 08:51:10 AM »
If you like stouts, those ales I mentioned are right up your alley.

Also, see if you can find any lambic ales - they're made with fruits such as peach, raspberry, etc.  They go down very easily.

And of course, you have to try the king of all stouts, Guinness!  Best to get it on tap, but now they make the can and the bottle with "the gadget" - a device used to do something to the stout so that when you pour it out into a glass, it reacts in pretty much the same way as if you'd poured it from the tap.  It really only works when poured, so never drink Guinness in the container it came in.

BTW: if you find any porter as well - it's just another name for stout!  The name came into being because it was the favorite beverage of the Irish porters working in England.

Hmm they may have been why I did not like the Guinness. That was the first one I tried, I think the bottle said Guinness draught. I hated it. But the stout from the other night was good.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:44:50 AM »
Yea since the night of getting wasted I have learned moderation, lol. And the corana did have lime. My friend really likes them, I dont. I do prefer mixed drinks. Rum and orange juice is good. Also screwdrivers.
Try a screwdriver with a splash of ginger ale in it.  Totally kills the taste of the vodka.

 I like the vodka though... might give it a shot as I enjoy ginger ale. A friend of mine gave me this apple vodka he did not like and I found its not bad with the oj. Also found out I like wheat beer. And stouts. Last night I had a chocolate stout, and a samuel adams cherry wheat

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 13, 2014, 02:49:44 PM »
Yea since the night of getting wasted I have learned moderation, lol. And the corana did have lime. My friend really likes them, I dont. I do prefer mixed drinks. Rum and orange juice is good. Also screwdrivers.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Do you like beer?
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:58:15 AM »
Hey so just figured I would say I am 21 now, have been for a few months. And in this time I drank an entire thing of 375 ml thing of candian whisky  and got sick, at my grandma while I was visisting no less. Had a bunch of different drinks Kinda know what I like. 151 is nice. Seeing my friend light it on fire before I drink it though was scary. I am trying a mix and match 6 pack of beers right now. I dont like guinness. Also had a corona since turning 21 and dont like it. I dont think I like beer but I am giving a bunch a shot.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Kickstarter delays...
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:42:22 AM »

I completely disagree with Fes.
I've never had a project deliver late.
Every project I have funded came through.
Everyone knows what they are doing.
Do you think KS would let a bunch of dummies start projects?

I wish there was a like button, I would like that.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Other hobbies
« on: September 12, 2014, 10:36:06 AM »
Some pretty cool hobbies you guys have. :)

Mine aren't too exciting really. I play poker, buy and sell gemstones, paint, read with my girl, cooking. I've been trying to treat spending time with my girl friend and her friends as a hobby so I do it more often. They're a lot of fun and since they're all broke actually do a lot of board gaming, which I tend to fail at haha. Also been trying to dedicate more time to practicing my card control, so that's becoming more of a daily kind of hobby. It's something I've been enjoying quite a bit doing it this way, gives me a few minutes of quiet time throughout the day. I find a lot of pleasure in peace, so I tend to value those five to ten minute sessions enough to growl a little when I'm disturbed lol.

With the return of the NFL season, my sundays get chewed up a bit. So it limits some of the other activities I enjoy. Just not enough time for them. They have to wait again until spring. :)

I need to buy some gemstones. And I know the feeling of hanging with friends can be hard. Magic takes up a lot of my time. Especially since I am putting 2 shows together right now.

The Conversation Parlor / Re: Kickstarter delays...
« on: September 12, 2014, 10:31:57 AM »
Just be glad you did not pledge $80 to a deck that constantly had delays to the point only some of the backers got their decks, you not being one of them. Quicksilver.

BUMP + new info. I could really use the cash, if your interested let me know, we can take a look at other decks I have, plus magic if your interested.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Cards Clips... Are they Worth it?
« on: September 02, 2014, 08:35:31 AM »
Standard aluminum Porpers are hefty - I was enjoying my Eco Clips because despite the added bulk they weighed less (and covered the edges of the box for added tuck protection.

Those carbon fiber ones are more costly, but so much LIGHTER.  You almost expect them to levitate the deck out of your pocket...

Again, don't forget the "What the hell is that?" factor.  Don't let your spectators see your clips.

Wait a minute, don't let your spectators see your clips? Why? I always do, they love seeing it. They ask me what it is and they tell me it looks cool. I don't draw attention to it, but I don't keep it secret either.

So I am selling 4 baskervilles decks, 1 moriarty v1, and a black crown for $100. Feel free to make a reasonable offer. Shipping $6 domestic. International contact me and I can find out. I also have the continental decks if you wish to make an offer on them. contact me here, pm works best.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Wizard Wars
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:17:45 AM »
Its a new effect called Layers, not yet released. Ekatrina is working on it right now.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Wizard Wars
« on: August 20, 2014, 03:01:59 PM »
If you google it, it is online. I used gorrilavid. but I dont think they were robbed. Honestly I feel justin floms prediction effect of where he would stab the guy was awesome. Also the fact that they made it a story was nice.

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