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Topics - Samurai007

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Hello again!
« on: January 25, 2014, 09:32:08 AM »
    Name:  Samurai007, or my real name is Tom
    Where you are from: Northern California
    Are you a Cardist? Magician? Collector? a combination of the 3?:  I'm a collector and I enjoy the artwork.
    What got you into the arts?:  Several years ago I started writing a Role-playing game (like Dungeons and Dragons, but set in a fantasy steampulp Victorian era) that uses a deck of playing cards instead of dice for determining the success or failure of actions in the game.  In that era, cards are a gentleman's game, but only ruffians play with dice!  While doing research and play-testing the game, I naturally looked into the availability of cards and what's out there, and discovered the recent explosion in collectable card decks, design studios and artists creating unique and interesting art in the form of cards.  I started buying a few decks with the excuse that it would look cool and add flavor when I was play-testing my game, and before I knew it I had several hundred different decks!  (By the way, I'm still working on the game, I have 130 pages written and still going, I hope to publish it later this year!)
    How you found out about the forums. We are always secretly curious:  When UC went down a while back, it looked like it was done for so I looked for a different card forum and found this place.  UC is down again (switching forum software I think), so here I am again.  Hopefully with new ownership all around the relationship between sites will be improved.

So, that's my intro, hi all, let me know if you have any questions for me!

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