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Topics - la_asie

Pages: [1]
Hello all,

We are currently designing the Three Kingdoms Playing Cards!

Our Three Kingdoms deck is inspired by the fiction novel "Romance of the Three Kingdom". We find the story fascinating and extremely interesting. The main characters, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan are our three KINGS! The fourth king is Dung Zhuo.

We appreciate every feedback or comment! Thanks in advance!

Hello all,

I've been browsing the past Kickstarter decks to collect data about playing cards and analyze what could be the reason some decks weren't successful. However, I've come across one that I thought could be a success but ended up otherwise.

- The design of the front is not bad, and the back of the card is, I believe, good enough for a project to be a success.
- The price is not unusual.
- The box features a nice gimmick.
- They even have an augmented reality feature on the smartphone.

All of these makes me wonder why the project failed. Bad marketing? What might be the reason you don't want to buy this deck?

Introduce Yourself / Hello from Los Angeles
« on: February 28, 2019, 05:44:54 PM »
Hello there,

I am la.asie, based in Los Angeles. I am not a magician, a cardist, but I am an art enthusiast, a semi card collector, and gamble occasionally. I am very into playing cards and would love to create my own deck in the near future. I find this forum extremely helpful in providing information regarding the deck-creating process. While reading through many topics/posts, I enjoy seeing many designs that became real. After two hours of browsing through the forum, I also notice that the admin Don Boyer is very attentive and dedicated to responding to various posts, which is highly appreciative. I hope that I will be able to come through with my designs and present them here.

It is very nice to be a member of this forum!

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