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Topics - Brodyds

Pages: [1]
A couple of years ago I set out to design a new deck of playing cards, and ended up with the Vitruvian Classic Deck. It seemed to be a polarizing deck, with people either loving it or hating it (First image). Rather than working it until most people loved it, I decided to just launch it on Kickstarter and see what happened. It pulled in a few thousand on the crowdfunding platform, but was ultimately not funded.
So afterwards what I wanted to do was rework it. The most common complaint was that it was too busy or too trippy. So I wanted to use a minimalist design that maintained the basic logo. I worked with that idea and came up with a design that I liked with various color themes (metallic ink too).

What I'm hoping for with this post is that I can get a general idea of how this new minimalist design might be received. Let me know your thoughts and favorite variation. Also, would you back this? Respond  yes, no, or maybe (explain the maybe).

see more: ig: @vitruviancards

Design & Development / Custom Deck Feedback, Please
« on: April 23, 2018, 08:46:03 PM »
Hi all, I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for some feedback on a deck that I've designed. It's based off of some of the artwork of Leonardo da Vinci, as well as some 16th century architecture.
The goal is to launch the deck on Kickstarter within the next couple of months. So let me know your thoughts!

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