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Topics - Noobmachine

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Hi guys, I've been on this forum a while, and started collecting last year or so, but since then I've moved on from the whole playing card hobby, and as such will be selling off my entire collection. I'm from Singapore and will be shipping from there (obviously) but international buyers are welcome. This stuff is more or less priced reasonably low as I do just want to get rid of most of it, so the more you buy, the more I'm willing to throw in discounts. No low-balling though, please do understand that I want to make at least some form of returns on my cards.

I accept payment through Paypal only, and the option for Cash on Delivery for any SINGAPOREAN buyers.

Feel free to contact me (Karl) at either my email, or through PMs. (email is a better though)

The cost for shipping most of these is as follows: (prices in USD)
1-3 decks - $6-8
4-6 decks - $12
7+ decks - Contact me for confirmation of shipping prices.

These are what decks I have to offer, the prices are not exactly final, I'm open to negotiations, and will gladly give discounts for purchases of multiple decks.

ALL OPENED DECKS ARE IN PERFECT CONDITION, shuffled maybe once or twice at max.

Tungstene Deck - $25

Magic-con v2 - $15
Set of 2 Monarch decks, Normal and newer Silver one - $12
Pr1me sketch deck with red(opened) and blue decks attached as a set - $20
Fan back(opened)and Circle back Tally Ho Vipers - $30 for the set
Theory 11 Black Stingers deck, 1 opened(from Kentuky) - $8
Set of 4 Arrco Tahoe Reprint decks (2011) (Black, White, Blue(opened) and Red(serialised and wrapped in foil)) - $30
Sentinel Deck - $5
2 DnD Fantastique decks (1 free opened one, if you want it) - $10
Bunch of Ellusionist Decks, all opened, (I'll probably keep these, but If you'd like them, just let me know - They're free)

Bunch of Assorted Open Decks, a boat load of them, I'll throw the good condition ones in for free at no added shipping cost as a sort of bonus for buyers :)

And that's about it, thanks for taking the time to look and if you have any further questions please ask away and if you require pictures feel free to ask, I'm currently a bit too busy to take individual photos but if you have something in mind and want to check, I'll take a few for you.

Playing Card Plethora / Metrodeck Playing cards
« on: September 10, 2012, 05:08:40 AM »
Hey guys, I stumbled across these while looking at interesting playing cars, these look extremely awesome, especially for anyone that enjoys the unusual :)
Its like high quality individually silk-screened cards, hand made in NY on old metro cards (hence the name). What do you guys think?

Hey guys, I have 2 Oriental decks available for trade or sale, 1 signed and stamped without cello and 1 normal sealed with cello. I'm still not too sure about the market price of these guys, so I'm open to price suggestions if you're keen on buying(maybe about US$40-45 for the signed one, US$25 for the normal one?), but I would much prefer a trade, and it would increase your chances greatly if you are located in Singapore. Here are some pics (uncut sheet not up for trade or sale):

The signed deck came without cello and is a couple small dents at the corners, but that's how I got it, It came in a packaging tube along with the uncut. The sealed decks are in mint condition though.
I'm looking for these decks for trade:
- White Monarchs
- Tally-Ho/Bee Split spades
- Smoke and Mirrors v1-4
- Tungstene
- Dr Leons
- Red and Violet Wynns standard index
- Arrco Tahoes (Red, Blue, Black, White)
- Studs (Old or new)
- Magic Con 2012
- Gold Arcane
- Red Artifice

Just contact me via PM or send me and email at siu_karl(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)sg, my full name is right there in the email, and I'll be shipping from Singapore to worldwide. Paypal will be used if you want to buy from overseas. Just send me a PM if you require a shipping quote or want more pics :)

Introduce Yourself / HELLO EVERYBODY!
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:18:34 AM »
Hi there everyone, I'm a long time lurker of the forums and such, and I've finally decided to come out of my sad little lurker shell and say hello! I've just recently started collecting cards and have quite a tidy little collection of ellusionist and T11 decks.

I'm from Singapore, aside from the fact that it costs a bomb for shipping, I just wanted to give a shout out to any fellow Singaporeans here on the forums, I'm quite sure there are a few! Thanks for reading, I'm sure I'll have a great time on these forums!!!

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