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Topics - chimington

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Simian Playing Cards
« on: May 06, 2012, 01:24:45 PM »
Hi Everyone! I wanted to share news of my latest project with you: The Simian Playing Cards set

This plastic coated poker deck showcases 54 individual monkey portraits with a variety of odd and unusual professions. It includes a monkey flavored custom card back and tuck box. Includes such characters as Baron Andrew Oolong the Ghost Hunter, François Hyperbarique the Sub-Aether Explorer, Major Manny Minuscule the Micro Militiaman and Captain Uther Wigglesgig the Zombie Whisperer.

More info and pictures here:


Introduce Yourself / Hello!
« on: May 06, 2012, 01:09:04 PM »
Hi All:

New to the forums and glad to find this great wealth of info and community. I'm a freelance illustrator transitioning from commercial work to personal, self publishing projects. The last couple of years I've created several series of "cigarette card" sized projects that I've sold online and through the Small Press area of San Diego's Comic Con. I've just released my first playing card deck with 54 individual monkey portraits. I'll post more info in the appropriate area for anyone interested in more details.

Great to be here!

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