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Topics - Rob Wright

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I say bullshit! I know waiters that regularly get $500+ on a weekend night.

If you work in a shitty restaurant, or one that charges $5 for a meal, or only charges $0.89 for a bottomless cup of coffee to seniors. Then your not going to make any money. If you are a good waiter, and work in a decent restaurant. You can make pretty good money.

There is a Mexican restaurant in my town that has been here a long time. Way back when I was in high school (1987ish) I could get 2 meals, 2 sodas, and tax for about $15 + 10% suggested tip at the time= $1.50. Average 4 tables an hour= $6. I made less than $3.50 working at McD's
Today the same restaurant, same meals, drinks, higher tax is about $32 + 18% tip= $5.76 x 4 tables per hour=$23.04. That is still more than I make now, selling insurance.

Take it one step forward. Go out to a nice restaurant. have a few adult beverages. Bill now at least $100 + 18% tip= $18 even if you only get 2 tables per hour=$36

If you're a waiter, and you complain about tips. Then you either work in a shitty restaurant, or you suck, or both. My suggestion is quit bitching, do your job, and work for a better place

I attended a funeral this weekend. As the Pastor spoke. He gave one of the best compliments I have heard. He said "This man was a good man"
I hope this is said about me, when it is my time.

What would you like said at your funeral?


Project by
Editorial Plague
New York, NY

First Created, $5,000 Goal, No Mention of printer
$18 Early Bird, $25 Regular for 1 deck
There is 3 links on the front page to a website to buy the deck now(no mention on the site of a delayed delivery) $25 for 1 deck +$7 for US/CAN shipping
I believe this is a direct violation of KS policy. I assume this will come down quick........... I did use the word assume.


Well, not poker style cards, but still cards you play with.

Project by Dann Kriss
First Created
$35,000 Goal   :o
Has stretch goals starting at 45k all the way up to 500k. $15 for 1 deck, $30 for 2 decks/dice
No mention of printer. Cards appear to be oversized.

He also drops some other designers names- Albino Dragon- Nat Iwata- (wonder if they know?)

Playing Card Plethora / Bicycle Emperor Playing Cards (KS)
« on: July 31, 2013, 11:10:22 AM »

Project by Joanne Lin

First Created, $1,000 Goal    $10 for 1, $19 for 2

Quote from front page "There are very few risks in funding this project. Bicycle Emperor is already close to production with the US Playing Card Company. The low goal for this campaign is set to ensure that everyone on Kickstarter can get their decks if we reach the $1000 goal."

Playing Card Plethora / Pocket Time Machine Playing Cards (KS)
« on: July 29, 2013, 11:24:13 PM »

Project by, Paul Vincent
First created, $7,500 Goal, $11 early bird, $12 regular. No mention of printer.


This is Warpunk Games(Brian Lee) reincarnation of Zombie Black Playing Cards. Has a goal of $19,000
The actual cards of the project are called Revenant, and will be Bicycle branded. The game comes with additional game cards, plastic chips, dice, and pawns.
 Kind of a novel approach to get a custom deck of cards made.

Playing Card Plethora / Bicycle Haunted Playing Cards (KS)
« on: July 08, 2013, 11:04:21 PM »

Project by /Mike Guistolise, Art by Ana Albares

First Project, $5,000 goal


Project by
David Sitto,
" Printed by the USPCC | Made By Bicycle"- $15,000 Goal

I am currently designing a deck based on a pre 1900 style. New card stock is white, and I would assume that it was white in the day. I've been looking at a lot of the Replica/Vintage decks. The Ellusionist Vintage 1800 Deck looks cool, but just seem way over the top. For me too much cracking, fading, and yellowing. The Bicycle Distressed Expert Back Playing Cards looks like they were thrown into a pile of mud. Again way over the top. I want my deck to look like a new "old" deck. As far as adding details- not really fading, but more printing imperfections. like ink lifting, lightning of ink from a dry press, and ink bleeding. I'm torn as to slightly yellow or not. Any comments/ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

Playing Card Plethora / THE PERSIAN EMPIRE playing card deck (KS)
« on: June 24, 2013, 01:10:38 AM »

Project by Cy
First created, $8,619 goal, 100% Plastic Kem Cards, Bridge size

The Conversation Parlor / What If Animal House Was Remade
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:12:29 AM »
Animal house was on TV tonight. I got to thinking about all the remade movies(and hopefully this will never be remade/ruined). But if it was to be remade. What modern day actors would you cast.
I Think Will Ferrell would be good as John "Bluto" Blutarsky

The cast of characters:

Delta Tau Chi (ΔΤΧ)

John "Bluto" Blutarsky, Eric "Otter" Stratton, Donald "Boon" Schoenstein, Lawrence "Pinto" Kroger, Kent "Flounder" Dorfman, Daniel Simpson Day- "D-Day",  Robert Hoover

Omega Theta Pi

Gregory "Greg" Marmalard, Douglas C. Neidermeyer, Chip Diller

Supporting characters

Dean Vernon Wormer, Marion Wormer, Professor Dave Jennings, Katy, Clorette DePasto, Otis Day, Mandy Pepperidge, Barbara Sue "Babs" Jansen

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / NDZ magic card deck (KS)
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:15:50 AM »
Project by ndz
First created, $1,000 goal

Quote from main page
"This magic deck changes color and font right in front of your viewers eyes and is handmade at home with different bicycle card decks."

I watched the video. Seems to be a young kid doing the promotional.
I'm not sure if this project should even be on KS. It looks like they are buying a bunch of standard Bicycle decks, and exchanging cards between to make trick decks. I'm not a magician, so I don't no if they have to do anything else. They are promoting 13 different trick decks.


Designers website    Website has over 70 different decks available.

Created by Hero Decks
$5,000 Goal. First created
No mention of printer


A fairy-inspired deck of playing cards featuring the four Great Houses of the Seelie Court.
Project by Darren J. Gendron
6th project, 2nd playing card
$5000 Goal w/$15,000 stretch goal for USPCC printing

1 of 3 new decks on KS today.
Project by Chris Cavill
First created, $12,000 goal

Playing Card Plethora / Gangsters Playing Cards(KS)
« on: June 12, 2013, 12:41:15 AM »

Project by
Jacob Reynolds
1st project, $500 goal, chinese printer

The Conversation Parlor / 28 live card projects on KS
« on: June 03, 2013, 11:22:15 AM »
Already met goal
6-(4 USPC)

Most likely will make goal

Has a chance to make goal

Long shots
The rest should cancel to give the above a chance, because you're not going to make goal.

Go back to the drawing board and try again

Maybe you shouldn't design cards

What the F were you thinking. Just go away.
5(2USPC, 1 non w/$500 goal)

The Conversation Parlor / Not a good start for JumpStartCity.
« on: June 02, 2013, 01:06:22 AM »
So a couple designers have started promoting decks on the new site. Wow, what a process. You have to first get 500 votes, which can take 3 weeks, before you can even really start promoting your deck for 3 weeks. Then you can actually go active with funding. So it could be 6 weeks before you even start funding.

The not so good start is- I can't vote. I logged in. I go to vote. It says please log in. Repeat several times with no success. OK so let me try to contact JSC. Fill out the form. put in the distorted code. Error- code incorrect. repeat several times. It reminds me of the idiots that put projects on KS before doing all the research, and making sure their shit works.

Don't think I will be going back soon.

I believe this is the 7Th card deck on KS with in the last 48 hours, and 10Th with in a week. Appears to be 25 live projects right now.

by Jacob Bear, first project, $15,000 goal

Playing Card Plethora / EMOTIONS Playing Cards - 2nd try (KS)
« on: May 31, 2013, 12:30:31 AM »

by Xtu Productions, previous project canceled 5-6 days in, Had a $5,000 goal w/USPC printing as a stretch goal. Now a $11,500 goal with USPC printing- unbranded.

Playing Card Plethora / Motobushido! Bicycle® Playing Cards (KS)
« on: May 30, 2013, 11:35:22 PM »

Motorcycle-riding Samurai theme deck based on RPG from same creator- Nathanael Cole, 2nd project
$13,000 goal, USPC printing
No pictures of finished cards, but some artwork.
The first picture below is the KS search pic.
Nothing about this picture says "Hay come look. this is a new set of playing cards" to me.

The Conversation Parlor / Removing your project from KS
« on: May 29, 2013, 11:14:42 PM »
I had starred a card project on KS, just to see how it would go. I do this for all the card projects whether or not I plan on backing. This particular projects failed twice, and now is completely gone from KS. It was actually canceled twice. The creator is getting ready to try a third time. It will be interesting to see if he comes in under a new name. I guess we will see if the project is truly a woman's best friend.

Playing Card Plethora / Samurai Poker Cards (KS)
« on: May 28, 2013, 11:11:57 PM »

New deck on KS
Project by FP Games, First KS project
$10,000 Goal

Custom pips and change from J-A to Retainer, Geisha, Diamyo, and Ninja

To me- neat concept, just not executed well.

Edit- Did not see a mention on who would be printing.

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