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Messages - kidcrimp

Pages: [1]
Chef de cuisine a domicile
MMA fan
Wine enthusiast and Hug wizard

What has been happening with me? Well, I'm glad you asked!

In magic news:

I've recently switched over to the "Gene Maze" grip 2 months ago after having bottom dealt using the Marlo "Master Grip" for 18 months and I practice it approximately 2 hours a day in 30 minutes sessions.

I have even acquired a dime size callous in the palm of my right hand (I'm a lefty) from it!

I recently (in the last couple of years) became interested in collecting cards and becoming more knowledgeable about them in general.

In non-magic related news:

I did some podcast Voice Over work every day this week. Today I made an excellent steamed vegetable medley which consisted of yellow onion, carrots, kale, chili, and jalapeno peppers* with a side of red lentils and a boiled sweet potato.

I'm currently watching a very good 6 part documentary on Netflix while practicing bottoms called "Who Killed Malcolm X?" so I am going to get back to it.

If you're reading this know that I wish you happiness and I hope 2020 has been kind to you thus far.

See you around.


* I'm a bit of a chilihead. I like to occasionally eat things that have the potential of being excruciatingly hot. No, I'm not masochistic it's only that I enjoy the challenge, to test my mettle, to overcome and well...the endorphin rush is pretty killer too. Of course, I add more tame ingredients (red chili and jalapeno peppers) into what I have for dinner since I actually like to taste my food. LOL

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