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Messages - AceOfSpades

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: New to the forum
« on: June 19, 2012, 05:51:04 PM »
I wish my plastic containers were air tight, but they are not.  At least they are off the floor and stored in a cool environment.

No, I didn't win the lottery, unfortunately. I just used up all my savings and Christmas and Birthday money from the past 5 years. Totally worth it  ;)
You should try using shoe boxes to store cards. It's you're not trying to display them, it's nice, cheap, and protects from humidity and other stuff that could damage decks. Plus, it fits 40 decks perfectly, and if you open the lid, it looks very nice.

Five years of savings?  Wow.  I'm kinda speechless.

Shoe boxes are great in some circumstances, but in places with high humidity, paper-eating insects or a potential for flooding, they'd be a disaster waiting to happen.  Plastic containers sound good, particularly if you have ones that close air-tight.  They're more impervious to the assorted enemies of paper products.
Well the boxes are actually in a Wooden Trunk. That way the decks are protected and stored in a nice looking box.

I don't know what to say to the 5 years of savings other than if it were me I probably would have done the same thing.  A wooden trunk is not a bad idea.  Like you said its keeps the boxes safe.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: NEW DECK- Split Spades Silver Edition
« on: June 18, 2012, 08:30:17 AM »
I can not wait, if the series B white lions handle anything like the series A then these will b the death of my wallet lol. Any word on a release date?

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to the forum
« on: June 18, 2012, 08:24:23 AM »
412, that's insane! That's probably among the top 10 most decks for anyone on these forums (after people like Alex, Don, Vmagic, TigerKnee etc.) Do you own any vintage decks?

Yea i just can't get enough. Unfortunately I don't believe I have any vintage decks. What would classify as a vintage deck?

Right now, after 8 months of collecting, I'm between 210 and 220 (I counted but lost count) lol, and very very few duplicates.
In 2 weeks, at one point, I went from 20 decks to 350, but because of lack of money, I had to sell a bit more than a 150, before slowly buying and trading for some more. Do you just collect or do you do magic and flourishing as well?

Sorry to go off-topic, but DUDE - you got 330 decks in TWO WEEKS?!?  Did you win the lottery or mug a dealer?

Welcome to the forums! So, tell us, about how many decks do you own?

I have now counted and was way off.  I have a total of 412 decks with very little duplicates.  The most duplicates I have are Tally ho circle back, but total only 12 of those are tally ho.

412, that's insane! That's probably among the top 10 most decks for anyone on these forums (after people like Alex, Don, Vmagic, TigerKnee etc.) Do you own any vintage decks?

I currently own somewhere near 500 different deck designs and well over a thousand cards in total.  Five vintage decks.  The oldest is 120 years old, give or take a year.

Wow that's alot of decks. How do you guys store your decks? I'm currently thinking of replacing my current method which is storing them in these plastic containers on shelves.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to the forum
« on: June 17, 2012, 09:49:44 PM »
Welcome to the forums! So, tell us, about how many decks do you own?

I have now counted and was way off.  I have a total of 412 decks with very little duplicates.  The most duplicates I have are Tally ho circle back, but total only 12 of those are tally ho.

For me, it would have to be the same, 1st Edition Ghost deck, which I bought off of Ebay. Those things, from what I've seen, are hard to come by. : D

My wife found mine on ebay as well, she said it was very difficult to find, but when she did she thought it was a good price.

Welcome to the forums! Do you collect decks only or uncut sheets too?

I only collect decks, I have no where to hang or store uncuts? What about you?

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to the forum
« on: June 17, 2012, 05:39:50 PM »
Welcome to the forums! - By any chance, is you favorite card the Ace of Spades? - What's the most prestigious deck collected in your collection?

Yes it is lol. I would say my most prestigious deck would be my 1st edition Ghost deck in the lucite gold bolted case my wife found for me or Gold Monarchs. What about u?

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to the forum
« on: June 17, 2012, 02:05:47 PM »
As I said before I started collecting because of the black tiger deck I saw on YouTube. I looked it up and found ellusionist's site and went crazy. Then I found ou about all the custom decks like d&d, t11 and David blaine's SS series. I like black decks a lot and especially love the new magic finish. Borders on the decks don't bother me as much as some complain about.  What else do u want to kno?

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to the forum
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:11:40 PM »
Welcome to the forums! So, tell us, about how many decks do you own?

I haven't done an official count. I have just about every T11 deck, ellusionist deck and Dan and Dave. As well as some classics like tally ho, bicycle, bee etc. if I were to guess I would say 200 is a safe number. What about u?
Right now, after 8 months of collecting, I'm between 210 and 220 (I counted but lost count) lol, and very very few duplicates.
In 2 weeks, at one point, I went from 20 decks to 350, but because of lack of money, I had to sell a bit more than a 150, before slowly buying and trading for some more. Do you just collect or do you do magic and flourishing as well?

I am going to do an official count later today hopefully and I'll let u know the more up to date number.  I remember I went from like 5 to like 50-60 in 2 weeks, but 350 in 2 weeks is crazy.  I can't get enough, the more I buy the more I want lol. My wife helps keep me sane by letting me know when money is tight, which sucks. Sometime I sneak an order or two. I collect and do card magic as a hobby, but not performing except for family. I want to get into flourishing tho. What about u?

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to the forum
« on: June 17, 2012, 12:12:24 PM »
Welcome to the forums! So, tell us, about how many decks do you own?

I haven't done an official count. I have just about every T11 deck, ellusionist deck and Dan and Dave. As well as some classics like tally ho, bicycle, bee etc. if I were to guess I would say 200 is a safe number. What about u?

Introduce Yourself / Re: New to the forum
« on: June 17, 2012, 08:35:10 AM »
I like it a lot. I have been reading thru the forum as a guest for a week and like the information and wanted to b able to start contributing to the forum and participate in trades.

Hi, below is a list of decks I have to trade:
White Monarchs
Gold Arcane
Black Crown
Smoke and Mirror V6
Green Crown V1
Mana deck

Below is a list of what I am looking for:
White Centurions
Split Spades Lion edition (black)
Dan and Dave Tungstene deck
Dan and Dave Magic Con V1
David Blaine Variety Box

For offers, either comment on this post, pm me or email me at schindler.brandon - at -  For some decks I have to trade I have more than one (1).

Edit: Shipping from USA. Preferred trades within USA. Added mana deck to list of avail to trade, changed the number of white centurions I am looking for from 2 to 1.

Introduce Yourself / New to the forum
« on: June 16, 2012, 10:34:07 PM »
Hello.  I am new to the forum here but not to card collecting.  I have been collecting decks for almost 3 years. I can't get enough lol. Ellusionist black tiger red pip was my first deck to collect and introduced me to the world of card collecting.

Introduce Yourself / Re: just another newbie
« on: June 16, 2012, 10:32:52 PM »
Sorry I think I posted this in the wrong place.

Introduce Yourself / Re: just another newbie
« on: June 16, 2012, 10:31:17 PM »
Hello.  I am new to the forum here but not to card collecting.  I have been collecting decks for almost 3 years. I can't get enough lol. Ellusionist black tiger red pip was my first deck to collect and introduced me to the world of card collecting.

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