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Messages - Preformer19

Pages: [1]
Actually, Pre, it applies there as well.  Each post made in the STISO counts as a post.  If someone posted thirty eBay auctions all at once, they'd have thirty posts, allowing them to post sales topics without ever having any real interaction with the board members.  Sorry about that - but hey, thirty posts doesn't take that long.  (Just remember, no spam posts - they'll end up deleted.)  Join a few conversations, make an "Introduce Yourself" topic...  The idea is for people to know who you are a little before entering into a deal with you, and for you to know them.  You only have twenty more posts to go and there's no shortage of active threads to participate in, plus you might find some gem in an older topic you'd like to revive - reviving old topics is welcome as long as you have something worthwhile to contribute to them.

Thank you for the clarification. 

It does make sense having the minimum imposed so that people can get to know you.


If I have less than 25 posts, can I still make a thread redirecting the members to an eBay auction of mine?  Or do I still need 25 posts before making a thread about an auction?

I only ask this, because the way the rules are written, it sounds like the rules apply only to auctions being held by members on this site, strictly for this site, and not for auctions outside of the site.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Federal 52 Part 2 plus images
« on: June 24, 2013, 05:24:26 PM »
I really like this deck.  Nice artwork and great colors.

You can really tell this guy has a passion for this sort of thing.  IMO, that's what makes a great deck...passion...

Introduce Yourself / Re: New here, but not so new to cards...
« on: June 24, 2013, 05:08:43 PM »
Thanks for the warm and friendly welcome!

I was on the old UC, and once bmpoker picked up the site again, I registered with the new UC.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Here to Stay or Gone Tomorrow.
« on: June 23, 2013, 08:47:30 PM »
One deck I seriously regret is the Alchemist X deck.  What I regret even more is that I purchased 12 of them.

Then again, this was when I had just began my collection and didn't know a lot. 

Introduce Yourself / New here, but not so new to cards...
« on: June 23, 2013, 08:37:18 PM »
Hey guys!

Preformer here.  Others know me by Daniel.

I've been collecting playing cards for quite some time now.  I don't go for every single deck - just one's I like.  It's a fun hobby that keeps myself occupied.

I'm also on UnitedCardists...hope there is no competition!  I've browsed the site a couple times but finally decided to go ahead and make an account.

Hope to contribute in any way possible, and to make a couple of trades (once I get my 25 posts, that is!)


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