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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Magical Cardistry Bonanza => Topic started by: Cardini on February 27, 2016, 11:37:40 PM

Title: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Cardini on February 27, 2016, 11:37:40 PM
I've got one of these... an older copy, not entirely sure of the vintage. It's cute. I didn't have any instructions with mine (it was second-hand), but I was easily able to figure out the left-hand index, and with some googling, the right-hand index (and that it's got a stack based on a non-chased Si Stebbins). But can't seem to find out anything on the stuff in the middle (something to do with depths of cuts). Anyone know or have a link to full instructions?
Title: Re: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on February 28, 2016, 02:13:28 AM
They're still made to this day by Magic Makers, Inc. and printed for them by USPC.  The MM website has downloadable instructions for most if not all of their magic decks.

As a kid, I thought they were the coolest thing, but as an adult, they're the most blatantly marked deck I've ever seen.  Most people looking at it will say it's strange and it will fail any riffle test in epic fashion - almost worse than if you riffle-tested the faces instead!  Still, it's an interesting historical artifact.

For similar functionality in a slightly less-obvious deck, try the Gambler's Deck.  Current printings are Bicycle Maiden Back, but if you're lucky, you might stumble on a now-rare and out-of-print Bicycle Rider Back version.  They're stripped, marked multiple ways and in stack order - they'd fail a riffle test nearly as badly as a DeLand, but the back design is more innocuous-looking in the first place.  Between the Maidens and the Riders, they had an interim generic back - avoid that one like the plague, it's too obvious.
Title: Re: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Cardini on February 29, 2016, 12:45:00 PM
Thanks, I'll take a look and see if I can find anything. I'm really just interested in them as a curiosity, and admire the ingenuity (if not the advisability) of baking so many markings into a single deck.
Title: Re: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on March 01, 2016, 01:12:54 AM
Thanks, I'll take a look and see if I can find anything. I'm really just interested in them as a curiosity, and admire the ingenuity (if not the advisability) of baking so many markings into a single deck.

Such is the charm of the modern DeLand deck...  :))
Title: Re: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Cardini on March 07, 2016, 10:02:18 PM
Finally found it. Full instructions, too, so thanks!

Better yet, I found they did a professionally-produced trailer for it. That's just adorable.
Title: Re: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on March 08, 2016, 12:37:14 AM
Finally found it. Full instructions, too, so thanks!

Better yet, I found they did a professionally-produced trailer for it. That's just adorable.

Don't keep it a secret - share the links here!
Title: Re: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Cardini on March 08, 2016, 12:19:31 PM

See? Adorable!
Title: Re: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on March 09, 2016, 12:36:56 AM

See? Adorable!


But what about links to the instructions page online?
Title: Re: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Cardini on March 09, 2016, 09:03:20 AM
Oh that ... I dunno... the board rules read pretty strict about reveals, and it's only 103 years old, and was found in probably every 5 and dime in the country ...

Here you go (I better not get in trouble with the cabal of magicians!):

Interestingly, when I tried figuring it out on my own, I got the stack backwards, but the corner indexes still work--they just tell you the next card, not the previous one in that case.
Title: Re: DeLand's Automatic Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on March 10, 2016, 01:26:09 AM
Oh that ... I dunno... the board rules read pretty strict about reveals, and it's only 103 years old, and was found in probably every 5 and dime in the country ...

Here you go (I better not get in trouble with the cabal of magicians!):

Interestingly, when I tried figuring it out on my own, I got the stack backwards, but the corner indexes still work--they just tell you the next card, not the previous one in that case.

The reveal rule doesn't count for tricks that are as old as the hills and practically considered common knowledge...  :))  Additionally, you're only posting information that's available freely online from the trick's manufacturer to anyone in the general public.