- A Discourse For Playing Cards

Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: Rob Wright on June 11, 2015, 11:07:57 PM

Title: Animagique Playing Cards by Roman Kotiv (KS)
Post by: Rob Wright on June 11, 2015, 11:07:57 PM
Animagique Playing Cards by NoirArts (NPCC) (

( (

Quote from: Roman Kotiv
Animal-fantasy styled playing cards, printed by NPCC in Europe. Artwork created by Denis Sirotinin


Quote from: Roman Kotiv
"Animagique" ("animal" - an animal, "magique" - a magical) Decks - are fine example of modern digital painting in the style of animal-fantasy. Suits presents "races" of animals: cats, rhinos, elephants and primates; characters are anthropomorphic, and at the same time are endowed with features, not peculiar to the species in the reality.

Besides high artistic performance among the advantages of the deck should also be noted polystylism of the images - traditional "French" suits in the corners of all the cards, "Swiss" (roses, bells, acorns, shields) - the main field of numerical cards, "Italian-Spanish" (Cup coins, mace, sword) - on kings. Backside is decorated with elegant, and at the same time rhythmic Celtic ornament. All artwork created by Denis Sirotinin.

Only 700 sets will be ever printed and will be limited for Kickstarter backers only. Each deck will have numbered seal.

Title: Re: Animagique Playing Cards by Roman Kotiv (KS)
Post by: Don Boyer on June 12, 2015, 08:29:40 AM
Yeah, another deck from the company that copies-and-pastes text on its website that it swiped from elsewhere...

$13 for a deck, no shipping included?  From a virtually-unknown printer with a counterfeit website?  Pass.