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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Magical Cardistry Bonanza => Topic started by: Magic_Orthodoxy on April 11, 2015, 08:45:36 PM

Title: 50 fifty by Brian Kennedy and World Magic Shop
Post by: Magic_Orthodoxy on April 11, 2015, 08:45:36 PM
Creator: Brian Kennedy
Publisher: World Magic Shop
MSRP: $ 38
Skill Level: beginner/intermediate
DVD Run time: 42 minutes

Type of effect: Sawing a card in half

Manufacturer's Write Up:
A freely selected card is signed and then placed into a card case.
Two other cards are used as blades and used to divide the card case in half.

In a moment of pure close up theatre the box is parted leaving a visual work of art for your spectators to take in.

The card is signed and inside the box throughout!
Everything can be immediately examined.

How accurate is the ad copy?

I have seen where it says "gimmick included." And that's not fair. This is more of a prop than a gimmick, second you need to build the prop yourself, and third you have to purchase more materials to build the prop. When you say "gimmick included" it feels like everything comes ready to go.

What's in the box?

42 minute DVD and some of the materials you will need to build the prop

Key points:

After the effect, everything can be examined - prop box, and signed card, no switching and no ditching.

How are the production values:

Moderate - live performances filmed in a bar, studio performances filmed at Brian's flat? Low light levels, some good close up shots. 20 minutes of the DVD is solely devoted to building the prop.

Is it well made:

You build the prop, so it's as "well made" as you make it.

Is it well taught:

Brian does go over all of the handling and you get to see his patter in the live performances.

My thoughts (what I personally liked/disliked):

I liked that Brian took a traditional stage effect and brought it down to the spectator's field of view. This kinda reminded me of a Jay Sankey effect "the folding deck"

Storage? Does it "pack flat?"

It's a card box with a few embellishments, that's all there is.

How practical is this in the real world? Does it "play big?"

I felt the handling (or maybe it's the construction) was a little "clumsy" even Brian fumbles with it in the live performances. I think it's a good puzzle to see live and will certainly leave your spectator's scratching their heads.

How original is this idea?

Granted it's a classic stage illusion, and yes there are other "split" or "halved" decks on the market - but Brian has done a good job creating a neat effect with a lot of surprise value built in.

Overall score: 8/10

+ If you want to see my full review with even more of my opinions and ideas you can visit this link:
Title: Re: 50 fifty by Brian Kennedy and World Magic Shop
Post by: Don Boyer on April 11, 2015, 11:28:13 PM
Hey, MO - your reviews may not get a lot of comments, but I want you to know that your efforts here are appreciated.  I read every single post and if I was in the market for some new magic right now, I'd be checking out these reviews first!

Thanks for taking the time to review all these cool tricks for us all.