- A Discourse For Playing Cards

Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: mundaine on February 17, 2015, 07:37:17 PM

Title: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: mundaine on February 17, 2015, 07:37:17 PM
Take a break from the craziness of complicated new designs and enjoy something a bit more 'ordinary':

Mundaine Playing Cards (
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Fess on February 17, 2015, 07:46:27 PM
Hahaha!  ;D

If these are for real, I'll buy a couple haha. :))
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: BiggerDee on February 18, 2015, 10:26:58 AM
So funny! I'm in as well. Maybe even a newly released recolor every 5 minutes as a stretch goal?! ;-)
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Magasaki on February 18, 2015, 10:29:16 AM
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Justin O. on February 18, 2015, 11:28:59 AM
Man, the Fontaine decks can't seem to catch a break. I don't understand where all of the criticism comes from?
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Magasaki on February 18, 2015, 11:35:27 AM
It did take a whole year to change them from blue to black
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: mundaine on February 18, 2015, 03:16:30 PM
Check out the Mundaine instagram feed: (
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: HolyJJ on February 18, 2015, 06:21:55 PM
I'm going to depart from my usual "I'm not buying anything that's printed by USPCC (or any other printer that produces inferior quality cards)" stance, and I'm going to buy a few of these decks even if they're printed on cardboard without any coating!

This is awesome... I love it! :D
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Fess on February 18, 2015, 07:52:59 PM
I'm going to depart from my usual "I'm not buying anything that's printed by USPCC (or any other printer that produces inferior quality cards)" stance, and I'm going to buy a few of these decks even if they're printed on cardboard without any coating!

This is awesome... I love it! :D

I was wondering if there would be something to come along that would sway you. Who knew all it took was a little something, Mundaine? hahaha, good stuff.
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Card Player on February 18, 2015, 07:57:07 PM
"Scary Good". I might have to buy some also. "We take the 'extra' out of extraordinary" ROTF
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: aldazar on February 18, 2015, 08:10:34 PM
Check out the Mundaine instagram feed: (
Hilarious! =)
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Rob Wright on February 18, 2015, 09:57:09 PM
Things that make you go hmmm  :-\
From Lance's facebook page.

( Lance T. Miller

Yesterday at 9:14pm · Edited ·

My evening has been a little, shall we say mundane.... but now things are getting ready to get crazy!

If you are hearing C + C Music Factory in your head, then my evil plan worked  :t11:
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on February 19, 2015, 11:11:01 AM
Man, the Fontaine decks can't seem to catch a break. I don't understand where all of the criticism comes from?

Perhaps because they're as exciting as dirty dishwater and half as hard to make?

I get the whole "minimalism" thing, but there's a fine line between minimal and boring.  Fontaines are on the wrong side of that line.  I could buy red NOCs and a white marker and have nearly the same deck in ten minutes - right down to the Ace of Spades design!  And that would still be longer than it took to design the originals.

When I saw this topic - I was DYING of laughter.  Nearly woke up my stepson!  I would back this deck just for the hysterically funny statement about some of today's lazier deck designs!  Reminds me of the YouTube video purporting to be an ad for the next-gen iPhone - and it's INVISIBLE, too!
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: DarkDerp on February 19, 2015, 08:13:16 PM
Man, the Fontaine decks can't seem to catch a break. I don't understand where all of the criticism comes from?

Perhaps because they're as exciting as dirty dishwater and half as hard to make?

I get the whole "minimalism" thing, but there's a fine line between minimal and boring.  Fontaines are on the wrong side of that line.  I could buy red NOCs and a white marker and have nearly the same deck in ten minutes - right down to the Ace of Spades design!  And that would still be longer than it took to design the originals.

When I saw this topic - I was DYING of laughter.  Nearly woke up my stepson!  I would back this deck just for the hysterically funny statement about some of today's lazier deck designs!  Reminds me of the YouTube video purporting to be an ad for the next-gen iPhone - and it's INVISIBLE, too!
I still don't get the hate.  There has got to be a backstory. From what I see there have been 2 fountaine Kickstarter projects. The cards are not marketed ostentatiously ie Daniel Madison/Ellutionist  with every color change billed as game changing/ mind blowing/  pushing the limits.
 The fountaine site is filled with how to demos and examples. The cards are simple and part of a brand image focusing on cardistry. In this current market  Fountaines with 2 decks, 1 a recolor based  and marketed on a guy's ability and community of cardistry hardly seem offensive.

So what gives?
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: EvanEssence on February 20, 2015, 06:16:53 AM
Gotta make fun of something :)
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Justin O. on February 20, 2015, 03:45:36 PM
The way I see it he made one deck for personal use, people requested a print run, he made one, they asked for a blue version, he made one, they still wanted more, he printed more. I don't think he ever intended to build a brand out of that deck until the requests came in, and it isn't an unattractive deck, I actually rather like the design. I do for the Mundaines as well. But from my perspective it all looks really reactionary for him and for the sake of being the devils advocate I don't think that any of the criticism is warrented.
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on February 20, 2015, 05:34:33 PM

I still don't get the hate.  There has got to be a backstory. From what I see there have been 2 fountaine Kickstarter projects. The cards are not marketed ostentatiously ie Daniel Madison/Ellutionist  with every color change billed as game changing/ mind blowing/  pushing the limits.
 The fountaine site is filled with how to demos and examples. The cards are simple and part of a brand image focusing on cardistry. In this current market  Fountaines with 2 decks, 1 a recolor based  and marketed on a guy's ability and community of cardistry hardly seem offensive.

So what gives?

Perhaps it's more a case of personal tastes.  The Fontaine deck is really kind of boring, at least to me and apparently to some others.

DM/E was a bad example to compare these to - people are just as critical of those decks these days if not more so.  I think E has reached the point where half of their playing card output is something by Madison, McKinnon or both.  I have nothing against either man - Madison's a nice guy when you meet him face-to-face - but there's only so much of the same thing that the market will tolerate.

But back to the point.  The deck is pretty snooze-worthy, I'm apparently not the only person who thinks so, and someone's having a great, fat laugh at it all while capitalizing on the opportunity.  And I love a great, fat laugh!

I think as well that the Fontaines were not well-timed, especially initially.  Zach Mueller was getting raked over the coals a bit here for ripping into a trick that was selling at #1 on T11's "The Wire" during one of his video updates and no one thought it was called for.  Many had thought he had a bit of an attitude to start with and thought it was utterly uncalled for, not to mention bad for his own business.  Someone at T11 must have agreed, 'cause he ain't there no more.  His rep hasn't quite recovered, and the people most vocal about the lazy design of the deck were also the people who thought he was acting like an ass.  It doesn't make the design any less lazy or him any less of an ass, but it puts things into perspective a bit.
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: mundaine on February 24, 2015, 01:34:51 AM
Here's an image that's a bit different from what you've seen with the Fontaine deck, the tuck box mockup...

Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Fess on February 24, 2015, 02:40:35 AM
I like it, when am I going to be able to purchase?
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: mundaine on February 24, 2015, 10:53:15 AM
I like it, when am I going to be able to purchase?

Not sure yet if these will actually be produced - will depend on a few things...

For anyone who is interested in seeing this deck actually get printed, please request an invitation at the website so I can get an idea of how many people are out there.

Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Will W. on February 24, 2015, 03:28:30 PM
I like it, when am I going to be able to purchase?

Not sure yet if these will actually be produced - will depend on a few things...

For anyone who is interested in seeing this deck actually get printed, please request an invitation at the website so I can get an idea of how many people are out there.


Just my opinion, but I think the best way to gauge how many people would be interested would be to create a kickstarter campaign.  But only if you were serious about producing this deck of cards and all of what that entails. My feeling is that as long as these are produced by a reputable printer at a fair market value with a reasonable funding goal you might be surprised by the volume of pledges you would receive.
The whole "enter your email and we will think about it" approach comes off as a phishing scheme to me.
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Card Player on February 24, 2015, 04:24:42 PM
I like it, when am I going to be able to purchase?

Not sure yet if these will actually be produced - will depend on a few things...

For anyone who is interested in seeing this deck actually get printed, please request an invitation at the website so I can get an idea of how many people are out there.


A few things that would factor in my interest.

#1. Who are you? Normally it would not matter. A good project is a good project. However, if your a first time card designer I have to question the project's integrity. It's not just that it could be a scam but embellishing on the simplicity of another design and benefiting financially as a first timer looks really bad.

If your an established card designer who has created more lavish designs, then this is funny as hell. I would buy a few.

#2. Price. I do see the collectability in it but if the price is not on the cheaper end of the market, I would still pass. There's just too many good decks I want to save my money for, to be buying this at $8 to $11 a deck. If you can get it printed for a sh#ts and giggles fair price, the door is still open.

#3. I get the mock-ups but who pays to register a website (with mailing list) for playing cards they have no intention of making or selling. A little suspect if you ask me.
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on February 25, 2015, 03:51:06 AM
I like it, when am I going to be able to purchase?

Not sure yet if these will actually be produced - will depend on a few things...

For anyone who is interested in seeing this deck actually get printed, please request an invitation at the website so I can get an idea of how many people are out there.


While I did sign up out of interest in the deck, the guys before me raise valid points.  Collecting email addresses is NOT going to give you an accurate gauge of interest.  There's too much "serendipity" involved in backers stumbling across projects on Kickstarter that can't be factored in on your mailing list.  Just go ahead and launch a project - or find private backing.  You might actually find a deck producer keen enough to poke fun at Zach Mueller and the Fontaines that he or she might fund you for a short run out of pocket.  It saves you some hassle dealing with pledges, but you also get a smaller percentage of the overall profit - in fact, it's common enough to be paid a flat rate for a deck design, so that's probably what would occur, if you could find a private backer.

Regardless, just launch this thing, one way or another.  The longer you wait to strike, the colder the iron gets...
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Justin O. on February 25, 2015, 11:57:46 AM
I definitely would by several of these. I'm not going to sign up for a website/newsletter.
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Fess on February 26, 2015, 06:30:18 AM
Yea that sign up thing, it's a bad idea. Doesn't work out that as planned, all that what, makes it a pretty terrible interest gauge in my opinion. Facebook doesn't even reflect a serious show of interest, the only thing that does that is cold hard ca$h.
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Justin O. on December 28, 2015, 04:24:34 PM
Was reminded of these recently, anyone ever hear anything more about them?
Title: Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on December 28, 2015, 11:41:18 PM
Was reminded of these recently, anyone ever hear anything more about them?

I've not heard anything, I think it's safe to assume based on this quote, below...

I like it, when am I going to be able to purchase?

Not sure yet if these will actually be produced - will depend on a few things...

For anyone who is interested in seeing this deck actually get printed, please request an invitation at the website so I can get an idea of how many people are out there.


...that there was insufficient interest in the project.  The website is still live, though unchanged.  The Facebook page is still live as well, but hasn't had a new post in over ten months.

It's one thing if you spoof something major like a huge project or an entire genre, but this was a spoof of a single limited-run deck done in two or three colors.  Spoofs, like sequels, will often generate a good percentage of the original, but only that - a percentage, a fraction of what the primary project did.  For Hollywood, that percentage rule of thumb is 80% - this means that if a movie makes enough money that a sequel can be made profitably based on a box office take of 80% of what the original movie earned, that sequel is almost certain to get the go-ahead.  For playing cards, I'm guessing it's significantly less, though there's always the outliers on the far end of the Bell curve.