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Off Topic Chat => The Conversation Parlor => Topic started by: Magasaki on January 14, 2015, 07:10:52 AM

Title: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: Magasaki on January 14, 2015, 07:10:52 AM
Hi guys, I've been trawling ebay a little and have come accross these which seem too good to be true (bearing in mind the $6 international shipping)

Has anyone bought anything from these guys before? I'm worried they might be knock offs due to the slightly strange box and the price.

Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: bamabenz on January 14, 2015, 12:14:16 PM
I bought from c571121 several times without any problems.
As far as I know he's a reputable seller in Taiwan.
The "Luxury" box thing is something that sellers sometimes do, put legit decks in a generic box to make it appear special somehow. Ignore it, it adds no value.
This is probably a better deal:

Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: Magasaki on January 14, 2015, 01:53:36 PM
Cheers. That is a better deal! Was about to buy until I checked the item description which says it's silver certificate and reserve note, not the original and a gold certificate like the photo shows. I"be sent him a message about it.

Thanks for the help
Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: bamabenz on January 14, 2015, 03:44:29 PM
I bet's its just a typo. I think c571121 is a business person,not at all shady.

I see elsewhere that you're looking for some original Blue Blood decks.
I think c571121 has some a couple for $99. In November I think he offered them for $80, so if you're willing to pay that much you might send him a message (at the time I offered him less and he declined).
He's pretty good at combing shipping.

I actually bought a deck for $50 on eBay in December -- I will buy as many as I can at that price.
I have a half-dozen of them, all bought on eBay in the last year.
I think that these will only increase in price over time, as they should as it is a fantastic deck.

Sorry for wandering off-topic. I didn't want to comment on your ISO post as I wish you luck finding a deck.


Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: Don Boyer on January 14, 2015, 04:04:12 PM

Sorry for wandering off-topic. I didn't want to comment on your ISO post as I wish you luck finding a deck.


If you want to leave a note to someone regarding an STISO topic they made, PM is the way to go...but this works, too!
Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: Magasaki on January 15, 2015, 03:35:25 AM
I spoke to him, the link that showed the 4 decks was actually for 2 unbranded. However he's sorted me a deal for a full set of branded and unbranded fed 52s and a blue blood. I am now broke  :( but excited!  :D

I already have some of the fed 52s so I'll hope to have a set of unbrandeds I can open and a full set of bikes / unbranded to keep sealed.

Thanks guys
Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: bamabenz on January 15, 2015, 03:40:32 AM

Remember, you can spend you money on wine, woman and playing cards OR you can see it go to waste.

Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: PurpleIce on January 18, 2015, 02:54:02 AM
Just thought i should add in also, for future testimonials if anyone wants to buy from him.

I have bought many times from c571121. Never had any problems with him, decks came in well packaged as well. His decks are definitely original and the addition of luxury boxes or metal tin case is just a "more attractive" way of packaging his items. Very responsible guy, even dropped me a message when he had some personal issues and had to delay my shipment a couple of days, which ultimately arrived as well.

I hope you guys had no problems buying from him as well.

Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: Magasaki on January 18, 2015, 01:11:48 PM
Awesome, well I sent him about $400 on Friday which is going to fill in all the 'must haves' I want in my collection (except the curator deck!) I've never spent so much in one hit so I'm glad to hear good things about him.

Oh and he also messaged me saying he listed something wrong and I'm actually going to be receiving an additional bicycle federal 52 and bicycle gold reserve so I'm pretty stoked on that!
Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: Don Boyer on January 19, 2015, 05:20:02 AM
For all of you that have had good trades with this guy - would you be so kind as to write a testimonial for him on the Trader Testimonials sticky topic in the Pasteboard Bazaar?  That's our key source of info for anyone trading with anyone.
Title: Re: Advice on buying from ebay
Post by: Fess on January 19, 2015, 06:49:05 AM
Awesome, well I sent him about $400 on Friday which is going to fill in all the 'must haves' I want in my collection (except the curator deck!)

The Curator deck is not easy to get, I don't have one either haha. Usually odd decks turn up in groups though. If I score a couple in my various wanderings I'll give you a shout. :)