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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: badpete69 on July 02, 2014, 05:19:31 PM

Title: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: badpete69 on July 02, 2014, 05:19:31 PM
This is the rest of the gold Venexiana decks (

Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: BiggerDee on July 03, 2014, 09:59:44 AM
I've always thought that it would be interesting to have foil stamped cards and I like these but for some reason, I just can't pull the trigger on them. I can't explain why. I had a click away in the UC sale, and then had the KS page up yesterday. I haven't bought them yet though. I usually don't have second thoughts about a deck but for some reason, I do with these. Lotrek did a great job with them though.
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: Don Boyer on July 03, 2014, 12:00:18 PM
I've always thought that it would be interesting to have foil stamped cards and I like these but for some reason, I just can't pull the trigger on them. I can't explain why. I had a click away in the UC sale, and then had the KS page up yesterday. I haven't bought them yet though. I usually don't have second thoughts about a deck but for some reason, I do with these. Lotrek did a great job with them though.

With a price point that high, it's understandable that the trigger is very hard to pull.  I've never spent that much on a single deck.  And yes, it looks gorgeous, but I just can't justify the cost in my head.  It's like taking a guy who drives Chevrolets to go shopping for a Bentley.
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: IAmTheChin on July 03, 2014, 12:07:45 PM
Are these printed by EPCC? I am very curious about the handling. But at this price point I can only assume no one will even open the deck lol. Very pretty though.
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: JacksonRobinson on July 03, 2014, 12:14:23 PM
i love this deck for sure, but they are promoting it like its the "First Ever Foil Stamped Deck" what does that mean about the few hot foil stamped decks I have on my shelf right now that are not these decks? I'm sorry I'm such a debbie downer cuz this deck is awesome.
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: Paul Carpenter on July 03, 2014, 12:16:15 PM
I got one, purely as a business expense. He is having the foil done in a more "hand crafted" way and not through EPCC, so I need to see how these come out and handle. I am not sure if the foil is under the finish or not. I will be opening mine to experiment. :)

I've briefly discussed a full foil back like this in a large run with EPCC but have not worked out any details or how it might ultimately work. Seeing a live example, though perhaps done a little differently, will be educational.

Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: Don Boyer on July 03, 2014, 12:34:42 PM
Are these printed by EPCC? I am very curious about the handling. But at this price point I can only assume no one will even open the deck lol. Very pretty though.

As far as I know, the cards in the box are unchanged.  They could simply be decks remaining from the initial print run with the foil hand-applied and placed in a new tuck box.

And you're right that most of these decks will sit on display somewhere, never to be opened - but there's always someone whose curiosity gets the better of them!

i love this deck for sure, but they are promoting it like its the "First Ever Foil Stamped Deck" what does that mean about the few hot foil stamped decks I have on my shelf right now that are not these decks? I'm sorry I'm such a debbie downer cuz this deck is awesome.

I think it's a reference to the quantity of foil used - the back is practically 50% foil.

Also bear in mind that for some collectors, history started with the Bicycle Black Tigers!

If you have pictures of your foil decks (I'm assuming they're vintage), post them in the Cellar and link to them from here.

I got one, purely as a business expense. He is having the foil done in a more "hand crafted" way and not through EPCC, so I need to see how these come out and handle. I am not sure if the foil is under the finish or not. I will be opening mine to experiment. :)

I've briefly discussed a full foil back like this in a large run with EPCC but have not worked out any details or how it might ultimately work. Seeing a live example, though perhaps done a little differently, will be educational.

The inherent challenge is getting accurate registration.  There are slight differences in the placement of the stars on the backs of the Exquisite Bolds made by EPCC that Dan and Dave sold on the Art of Play.

If the foil isn't under the finish, this is a deck not meant for any actual use - the foil will start rubbing off pretty quickly.  If they used leftover decks from the USPC run, perhaps they "re-laminated" them with something like smoothing spray.
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: ATS on July 03, 2014, 01:22:03 PM
Well these are all sold out pretty fast, so the demand out-ways the supply. Will be interesting to see how people find these once they receive them
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: Sher143 on July 03, 2014, 01:31:19 PM
i love this deck for sure, but they are promoting it like its the "First Ever Foil Stamped Deck" what does that mean about the few hot foil stamped decks I have on my shelf right now that are not these decks? I'm sorry I'm such a debbie downer cuz this deck is awesome.

Do you mind listing what those decks are? Excluding the Exquisite Bold, as I'm aware of that one.

Are these printed by EPCC? I am very curious about the handling. But at this price point I can only assume no one will even open the deck lol. Very pretty though.

This deck isn't being printed by EPCC. It's being printed in Greece, under Lotrek's direct supervision. Lotrek has stated that the gold foil should last under normal gameplay. However, these are a collector's deck and are not meant for cardistry or flourishing.

The deck won't be sealed or cello wrapped, so they can be opened and the artwork can be admired. A seal will be included, to let the owner decide when and if the deck should be sealed.

If the foil isn't under the finish, this is a deck not meant for any actual use - the foil will start rubbing off pretty quickly.  If they used leftover decks from the USPC run, perhaps they "re-laminated" them with something like smoothing spray.

Lotrek isn't using leftover decks from the USPCC run. These new ones will have gold metallic ink on the court faces. The plan initially was to have *both sides* foiled, but it was too difficult to do, so they had to settle for one side, and Lotrek decided to put metallic ink on the other side.
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: DarkDerp on July 04, 2014, 03:48:33 AM
I found these. (

from (
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: BiggerDee on July 08, 2014, 04:24:40 PM
I'm not concerned so much about price, I generally buy based on whether it's a good value, at least in my own mind. Being primarily a collector, I would leave them sealed, just in case I ever decided to sell. I would never see the cards, and the tuck wouldn't be any more spectacular than any other tuck, so they would provide me no more value than any other deck. The extra cost would remain (for me, at least) locked inside of that tuck. I have a few high-dollar Aurum Laser Cut decks. Sealed, but I get to enjoy them because the majority of the value is the cut tuck. Value to me, even sealed, so they were worth every penny to me. All of my JNuggs have already been opened (By their previous owners), so I get full enjoyment of the supreme handling of those, and when I buy some sealed versions, I won't be tempted to open them to see what the fuss is about.

I wouldn't want to buy two, just to open one to see what the backs looked like in person. I know that this sounds weird (probably especially to Don, and I understand completely), but that's just the way that my thinking is wired, and how I buy. This is why I just didn't buy them. I may keep an eye out for an opened deck on eBay and pick up one if it's not too pricey, but that would be it.
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: D. Dorn on July 11, 2014, 05:34:28 PM
I would have loved to get one, esp. at the pre-sale price.  Just couldn't hack it...

Now Uusi is coming out with some guilded decks in Gold, and Silver.  That's something that will be even harder to resist.
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: aldazar on July 21, 2014, 10:40:52 AM
I would've loved to have some of these, and came this close to pulling the trigger, but, as others have said, at that price point, I just couldn't make myself do it!
Title: Re: Venexiana Gold playing cards (KS)
Post by: aldazar on July 21, 2014, 10:41:27 AM
PS: When someone does get their deck, please do post pics (as many as possible! =P) - can't wait to see them!