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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => A Cellar of Fine Vintages => Topic started by: 52plusjoker on May 02, 2014, 07:57:45 AM

Title: Victor Mauger Centennial [1876] reproduction
Post by: 52plusjoker on May 02, 2014, 07:57:45 AM
Interesting topic for vintage/antique collectors in the Plethora - link below!/
Title: Re: Victor Mauger Centennial [1876] reproduction
Post by: Don Boyer on May 02, 2014, 09:20:49 AM
...not to mention a great opportunity to own a reprint of a classic and hard-to-obtain deck!

I mentioned in the other topic that younger and less well-heeled collectors like to get reprints like this one because of the great cost of some of the originals.  I own many Bicycle classic back reprints, some popular, some obscure.

I've heard that some vintage collectors can be bothered by reprints of these decks out of fear that the reprints will end up passed off at the originals.  In most cases, however, the reprints would never be confused for the real thing - the modern materials, the concessions to modern deck printing conventions such as barcodes or copyright notices on the box, etc. all insure that you'd never mix up the two.

The most enjoyable thing for me about owning the reproductions is that I can actually use them - play with them, perform with them, show them off to friends and so on.  Most people in possession of a rare deck specimen from 1876 wouldn't dare do any such thing!  So reprints give you the license to imagine what it might have been like, using these cards in the era in which they were made and to have fun with them all at the same time.

It's really a golden opportunity for you - and they would make for excellent gifts to children or grandchildren who might have an interest in your vintage decks or who you'd like to see bitten by the collecting bug!