- A Discourse For Playing Cards

Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Design & Development => Topic started by: HandSkillz on December 25, 2013, 01:57:52 AM

Title: The Discourse Deck
Post by: HandSkillz on December 25, 2013, 01:57:52 AM
Hey everyone, I've only been a member here for a few months, but I have been thinking lot lately about some new deck designs, vintage cards, and how great a community that has been built here.  The main question in my mind is has anyone ever undertaken the idea of creating a limited run of "Discourse" cards for the forums?  If not, this could be a great time.

Here is my thought process, please hear me out and read all bullet points before jumping to any conclusions:
1) We have some of the best designers on the planet, Jackson, Paul, etc (I know it's not fair, I could name 20 of you) posting here all of the time.
2) We have many people with an incredible wealth of knowledge and love of cards and card designs, look, feel, handling. I always wondered what a deck of cards would look like if Don, Lee, Rob, MrMollusk, and a bunch of you I see around had a lot of say for instance.
3) A lot of people here know how to run a successful kickstarter campaign, so getting the cards printed and shipped wouldn't be as big of an undertaking as it could be.
4) The designers are busy working on their own projects, but if we had a master thread, voted on ideas, and got small contributions from everyone, we could have quite the epic deck.  I say we give someone veto power as well, like Don or another moderator.  I really mean would could create something for the ages.
5) Which leads me to what started this entire idea in my mind - This could be an awesome opportunity to marry the designs of a modern deck design with vintage deck designs!!!

I would be happy to participate in any aspect if this is something that could work - I definitely think the deck would be called "Discourse".

I look forward to hearing everyone's feedback and thoughts.

Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on December 25, 2013, 02:15:30 AM
The idea has been attempted before, but as a group-made work.  It fell apart over time - too many cooks and all that.  At the time, Alex had committed to getting the deck made if the design was ever completed - it never was.

As Tom Dawson owns the Discourse, the rights to make such a deck would be in his possession.  It's not a bad idea, really, as it would help promote the board, but he may also want to tie in the board's connections with 52 Plus Joker as well.

What could be very interesting would be to create a two-deck set - a Discourse deck and a 52+J deck.  The Discourse deck would have a modern design, while the 52+J would be more old-school, something you would have expected to see a hundred years ago or more.

At that would remain then would be getting it designed and funded.  Kickstarter would be a good way to try funding it, but there would have to be a LOT of community support for it.  Additionally, you'd need to find a designer or two willing to work on spec for the job, something not many graphic designers are willing to do, unless Tom or someone else was interested in fronting the cash to pay them.

I would say to let the idea sit for a while, let people discuss it.  If the support for it is still strong in, say, three or four months, maybe it is something worth looking at seriously.  Right now, we're still in the process of integrating the board with the club, so getting that under our belts first would be more prudent.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: JacksonRobinson on December 25, 2013, 11:17:18 AM
I think (as an artist) creating a Discourse deck or a 52+ Joker deck would be totally doable. I'll be straight up and say that I can't commit to designing another Federal 52 "level of detail deck" but I would personally would be more than happy to design a solid back and tuck case. If you guys want I will even make sure the production side of it goes smooth as well.

I can also chat with the powers at be of how much the production cost would be. I would contribute my art for free, especially if it is for 52+ joker. It would be really nice this fall to have the first 52+ joker deck at the convention, especially since alot of new people are planning on coming.

If Tom is interested, just have him give me a shout or Don can get a hold of me as well.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Nurul on December 25, 2013, 11:24:31 AM
This would be an amazing idea. You've got my vote and funds :)
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: JacksonRobinson on December 25, 2013, 12:21:22 PM
I personally would like to design a vintage style deck with vintage style back, standard courts, and vintage tuck case.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: xela on December 25, 2013, 12:49:45 PM
Funding would be an issue if it was just a "Discourse deck." A joint venture seems more appropriate, perhaps with 52+ fans, PCF fans and fans of Lee Asher's magic, it could get done.

The last forum deck here was a failure because of, like Don said, too many cooks in the kitchen. It was a member's collab effort, and went down the drain as a result of every member having vastly different artistic skill.

The last forum deck to get funded wasn't even really funded, it got about half way before receiving the other half of its funding in one lump pledge. Maybe it was self-funded or maybe there was just one guy who wanted thousands of decks, but either way we can't rely on that kind of luck.

Decks that don't go "viral" (and this one certainly won't, since it would be by the members, for the members) must rely on proper marketing. I hate to say it, but it would be easier to get a shitty deck made with great marketing, than an amazing deck made with poor marketing.

So before all else, I think we should have a discussion about exactly how we will find the numbers needed to accomplish this.

A 2500 deck run seems most appropriate, and I love the idea of mixing vintage with modern. However, could we get a unique feel for the cards? The best thing about vintage decks from the 60s-80s is their handling.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: HandSkillz on December 25, 2013, 12:54:36 PM
Funding would be an issue if it was just a "Discourse deck." A joint venture seems more appropriate, perhaps with 52+ fans, PCF fans and fans of Lee Asher's magic, it could get done.

The last forum deck here was a failure because of, like Don said, too many cooks in the kitchen. It was a member's collab effort, and went down the drain as a result of every member having vastly different artistic skill.

The last forum deck to get funded wasn't even really funded, it got about half way before receiving the other half of its funding in one lump pledge. Maybe it was self-funded or maybe there was just one guy who wanted thousands of decks, but either way we can't rely on that kind of luck.

Decks that don't go "viral" (and this one certainly won't, since it would be by the members, for the members) must rely on proper marketing. I hate to say it, but it would be easier to get a shitty deck made with great marketing, than an amazing deck made with poor marketing.

So before all else, I think we should have a discussion about exactly how we will find the numbers needed to accomplish this.

A 2500 deck run seems most appropriate, and I love the idea of mixing vintage with modern. However, could we get a unique feel for the cards? The best thing about vintage decks from the 60s-80s is their handling.

I agree with all of your points.  As far as marketing and making things viral, I think we could get a blank deck funded on Kickstarter tomorrow with some of the potential names that could be attached to the project.  Not to mention the word-of-mouth factor would be exceptional.  If we look at playing cards on kickstarter, I would be shocked to see any deck started by the group of people on this forum and 52+ Joker not be successful, even if it was a run of 5000 decks.

I haven't done it before, true, but I would be happy to take the reigns on the marketing effort.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: JacksonRobinson on December 25, 2013, 01:10:46 PM
Funding would be an issue if it was just a "Discourse deck." A joint venture seems more appropriate, perhaps with 52+ fans, PCF fans and fans of Lee Asher's magic, it could get done.

The last forum deck here was a failure because of, like Don said, too many cooks in the kitchen. It was a member's collab effort, and went down the drain as a result of every member having vastly different artistic skill.

The last forum deck to get funded wasn't even really funded, it got about half way before receiving the other half of its funding in one lump pledge. Maybe it was self-funded or maybe there was just one guy who wanted thousands of decks, but either way we can't rely on that kind of luck.

Decks that don't go "viral" (and this one certainly won't, since it would be by the members, for the members) must rely on proper marketing. I hate to say it, but it would be easier to get a shitty deck made with great marketing, than an amazing deck made with poor marketing.

So before all else, I think we should have a discussion about exactly how we will find the numbers needed to accomplish this.

A 2500 deck run seems most appropriate, and I love the idea of mixing vintage with modern. However, could we get a unique feel for the cards? The best thing about vintage decks from the 60s-80s is their handling.

I agree with all of your points.  As far as marketing and making things viral, I think we could get a blank deck funded on Kickstarter tomorrow with some of the potential names that could be attached to the project.  Not to mention the word-of-mouth factor would be exceptional.  If we look at playing cards on kickstarter, I would be shocked to see any deck started by the group of people on this forum and 52+ Joker not be successful, even if it was a run of 5000 decks.

I haven't done it before, true, but I would be happy to take the reigns on the marketing effort.

I think the more groups you bring into the "collaboration" the more "cooks" you have so I think it would be best just to pick one group. But honestly it doesn't matter what group is doing as long as it is well designed deck all collectors would want it.

Unfortunately your not going to get a 60s-80s feel as those days are dead and gone. You will either get a USPC deck or non USPC deck and even with the USPC decks its all but a crap shoot. Theres tons of talk about "i like the handling of this, I don't of this deck" when theres really no difference in the production, or what you have control of. So much of what people "like" about the handling is a random factor of who ever is running the presses the day your cards are printed and if they are in a good mood or not.

I disagree about having to have marketing. If you make well designed deck and keep the run low you will get it funded. 9 out of the 10 decks I see fail not because they didn't have a marketing plan but fail because they are just flat out crappy decks.

Also if yo design a great deck it will reach past just the members of the group and be wanted by all card collectors because it is a great deck.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Rob Wright on December 25, 2013, 09:48:35 PM
UC got $7k funded on KS for their deck. After fees and shipping, I would think that would get the deck about half funded. While Jackson is very generous for offering his design service. I doubt he would want to run a KS campaign. With Jackson's name attached as the designer, it could turn into a pretty big project for whomever runs it.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: xela on December 25, 2013, 11:15:22 PM
UC got $7k funded on KS for their deck. After fees and shipping, I would think that would get the deck about half funded. While Jackson is very generous for offering his design service. I doubt he would want to run a KS campaign. With Jackson's name attached as the designer, it could turn into a pretty big project for whomever runs it.

The UC deck got funded half way on KS, and then mysteriously got the other half from one more pledge nearing the end.  It's unreliable to look at it and go "well, hey, we can do it too!"

@Jackson: When I meant multiple groups involved with the deck, I simply meant from a marketing standpoint. For example, back when D&D decks used to launch on T11 as well. Naturally the design of the deck should be given to 1-2 people and that's it. We *did* try this before, with at least a dozen designers involved, and it failed as a result. :P
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Lotrek on December 26, 2013, 05:07:10 AM
Funding would be an issue if it was just a "Discourse deck." A joint venture seems more appropriate, perhaps with 52+ fans, PCF fans and fans of Lee Asher's magic, it could get done.

The last forum deck here was a failure because of, like Don said, too many cooks in the kitchen. It was a member's collab effort, and went down the drain as a result of every member having vastly different artistic skill.

The last forum deck to get funded wasn't even really funded, it got about half way before receiving the other half of its funding in one lump pledge. Maybe it was self-funded or maybe there was just one guy who wanted thousands of decks, but either way we can't rely on that kind of luck.

Decks that don't go "viral" (and this one certainly won't, since it would be by the members, for the members) must rely on proper marketing. I hate to say it, but it would be easier to get a shitty deck made with great marketing, than an amazing deck made with poor marketing.

So before all else, I think we should have a discussion about exactly how we will find the numbers needed to accomplish this.

A 2500 deck run seems most appropriate, and I love the idea of mixing vintage with modern. However, could we get a unique feel for the cards? The best thing about vintage decks from the 60s-80s is their handling.

I agree with all of your points.  As far as marketing and making things viral, I think we could get a blank deck funded on Kickstarter tomorrow with some of the potential names that could be attached to the project.  Not to mention the word-of-mouth factor would be exceptional.  If we look at playing cards on kickstarter, I would be shocked to see any deck started by the group of people on this forum and 52+ Joker not be successful, even if it was a run of 5000 decks.

I haven't done it before, true, but I would be happy to take the reigns on the marketing effort.

I think the more groups you bring into the "collaboration" the more "cooks" you have so I think it would be best just to pick one group. But honestly it doesn't matter what group is doing as long as it is well designed deck all collectors would want it.

Unfortunately your not going to get a 60s-80s feel as those days are dead and gone. You will either get a USPC deck or non USPC deck and even with the USPC decks its all but a crap shoot. Theres tons of talk about "i like the handling of this, I don't of this deck" when theres really no difference in the production, or what you have control of. So much of what people "like" about the handling is a random factor of who ever is running the presses the day your cards are printed and if they are in a good mood or not.

I disagree about having to have marketing. If you make well designed deck and keep the run low you will get it funded. 9 out of the 10 decks I see fail not because they didn't have a marketing plan but fail because they are just flat out crappy decks.

Also if yo design a great deck it will reach past just the members of the group and be wanted by all card collectors because it is a great deck.

Agree 100%  A deck is either a good/great deck or not. All the rest are of minor importance.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Rick Davidson on December 26, 2013, 05:48:46 AM
I third that ;)

Also agree with running a small team on this.  If Jackson is willing to devote his time to the design, I think free reign will get the best result artistically.  Nice one Jackson.  Others to promote the campaign, great, and I think you'll have a winner.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: xela on December 26, 2013, 09:41:33 AM
I third that ;)

Also agree with running a small team on this.  If Jackson is willing to devote his time to the design, I think free reign will get the best result artistically.  Nice one Jackson.  Others to promote the campaign, great, and I think you'll have a winner.

Jackson volunteered his time for the backs/tuck, so we still need someone for:

Jokers, AoS, pips, courts (optional)

Preferably one person would tackle the rest of the list.  :karrit:
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: JacksonRobinson on December 26, 2013, 10:45:29 AM
I third that ;)

Also agree with running a small team on this.  If Jackson is willing to devote his time to the design, I think free reign will get the best result artistically.  Nice one Jackson.  Others to promote the campaign, great, and I think you'll have a winner.

Jackson volunteered his time for the backs/tuck, so we still need someone for:

Jokers, AoS, pips, courts (optional)

Preferably one person would tackle the rest of the list.  :karrit:

When I volunteered I was including AoS, Jokers, Pips into the equation. :) Sorry I didn't make that clearer. And simple color variations like metallics and such on standard courts. I just couldn't commit 250 plus hours to create a full set of courts to the level of the Feds.

That way everything has consistency.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: JacksonRobinson on December 26, 2013, 10:51:40 AM
I already had an AoS in mind for this deck.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: 52plusjoker on December 26, 2013, 11:35:49 AM
I think this is a great idea. Not sure about two different decks [Discourse + 52+J] in one set. I'd like to see the idea percolate for a while as Don suggested. I think I'd like to see a joint deck showing the cooperation and respect that the two organizations have/will have. I'm not concerned with funding if we come up with the right theme/design. I will talk to Jackson and see what is realistic in terms of his time and with a few thoughts I have for a design [I can't design but I can think!]. One model to follow might be that of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards in London who do a set every year for presentation at their annual installation of the new Master gala dinner.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on December 26, 2013, 11:52:12 AM
I think this is a great idea. Not sure about two different decks [Discourse + 52+J] in one set. I'd like to see the idea percolate for a while as Don suggested. I think I'd like to see a joint deck showing the cooperation and respect that the two organizations have/will have. I'm not concerned with funding if we come up with the right theme/design. I will talk to Jackson and see what is realistic in terms of his time and with a few thoughts I have for a design [I can't design but I can think!]. One model to follow might be that of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards in London who do a set every year for presentation at their annual installation of the new Master gala dinner.

The two-deck set was something I tossed out to represent both groups individually, but perhaps a single deck shows better unity.

I'd like to suggest a few decks that might be something to look towards in terms of creating a deck.  I love the classic design of the Hornets by CCCC, including the ad campaign that Russell Kercheval created and the pale-cream colored background, though I might prefer a color set more akin to what we see on casino decks, with that much-deeper shade of red and pure black.  For the courts, I'd like something a little softer and more updated - I like the courts on the Club Angel deck by Angel Playing Cards in Japan as well as the Virtuoso deck, both versions, printed for the Virts cardistry group by USPC.  The faces are more realistic and look less like they fell out of a history book.  Updated, realistic garments might be nice as well, such as what appears on the WhiteKnuckle deck - and the three-dimensional effect he creates is also quite lovely.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Leif on December 26, 2013, 02:04:50 PM
I'm just tossing this idea out there.

Doesn't it feel like we've entered a "New Era" in the world of playing cards collecting? What if we tried to marry a vintage court design like... gee, I don't know... maybe the New Era no. 46, with a more modern back, ace and tuck design, to kind of symbolize the unification of the playing cards collecting universe?

I'd like to be involved in the design of this deck somehow. Mostly to learn from Jackson, but also to do something for the community.

Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on December 26, 2013, 02:13:17 PM
I'm just tossing this idea out there.

Doesn't it feel like we've entered a "New Era" in the world of playing cards collecting? What if we tried to marry a vintage court design like... gee, I don't know... maybe the New Era no. 46, with a more modern back, ace and tuck design, to kind of symbolize the unification of the playing cards collecting universe?

I'd like to be involved in the design of this deck somehow. Mostly to learn from Jackson, but also to do something for the community.

It's worth considering, but I'd think something borrowing from the past but unique in nature would be better - something to tie both the vintage/antique world of collecting with modern custom deck collecting.  Using New Era faces with new backs feels more like a kludge than a unified design.  I'm thinking more of a deck that fuses the elements together to make something both new and familiar, modern and classic.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Leif on December 26, 2013, 04:37:56 PM
I'm just tossing this idea out there.

Doesn't it feel like we've entered a "New Era" in the world of playing cards collecting? What if we tried to marry a vintage court design like... gee, I don't know... maybe the New Era no. 46, with a more modern back, ace and tuck design, to kind of symbolize the unification of the playing cards collecting universe?

I'd like to be involved in the design of this deck somehow. Mostly to learn from Jackson, but also to do something for the community.

It's worth considering, but I'd think something borrowing from the past but unique in nature would be better - something to tie both the vintage/antique world of collecting with modern custom deck collecting.  Using New Era faces with new backs feels more like a kludge than a unified design.  I'm thinking more of a deck that fuses the elements together to make something both new and familiar, modern and classic.

It would probably be difficult to make it look good together, I guess. But I like your idea with fusing elements of new and old together.

Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: HandSkillz on December 26, 2013, 07:36:58 PM
I'm really happy with everyone's response to the idea.  Any way I can be attached would be great :) what can I do that's not design related?
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: MrMollusk on December 28, 2013, 09:48:51 PM
Jackson Robinson's helping design a deck for the Discourse?
This is too good to be true.

And I think the deck would obliterate the KS goal if it's good. The United Cardists deck was so specific, that it alienated much of the fanbase. If the Discourse deck's design was still broad enough that it appealed to the rest of the card collecting world in addition to forum members, there would be no problem with funding.

Also, it's freaking Jackson Robinson. It'll most likely look absolutely stunning.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Rob Wright on December 29, 2013, 12:01:52 PM
Just an idea to combine the Discourse and 52 Plus Joker- Taking a cue from Uusi, use the two extra cards, and form a diptych. Discourse on one and 52+ on the other
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: John B. on December 29, 2013, 12:36:45 PM
Personally I did not like how the UC deck was just for promotion. Imo unless you knew who they were and wanted to promote them it was ehh. I like the idea of the 2 decks, one modern one vintage. Maybe take the same design and just tweak it to a more vintage style, or make one vintage and tweak it to be more modern. I would say just have one or 2 designers design it and have one person run the kickstarter project. I dont know if any of us live in the same general area but if so we could join up to help with the packaging and shipping.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: xela on December 29, 2013, 01:15:20 PM
Any way I can be attached would be great :) what can I do that's not design related?

Just keep checking back in the thread, share ideas, and see where you can help out!
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Rick Davidson on December 30, 2013, 12:14:54 AM
I'm with you John, the UC deck was beautiful but something that had it's own personality would open it up to producing an annual themed deck.  'Discourse branded' in the style of bicycle to tie them together maybe
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: JacksonRobinson on December 30, 2013, 01:16:43 AM
I'm with you John, the UC deck was beautiful but something that had it's own personality would open it up to producing an annual themed deck.  'Discourse branded' in the style of bicycle to tie them together maybe

Although I love the Bicycle brand, IMO the worst thing you could do to make a deck stand out would be to brand it Bicycle. I will get plenty of heat, but... there it is. You want someone to buy your deck because it is excellent not because they buy everything that bike makes.

"awakin CBJ"
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on December 30, 2013, 05:40:01 AM
Tom was suggesting a deck that was more of a signature piece - a design that's meant to capture the eye and show off the best card design possible in a single deck, one that marries the classic and the modern.  It doesn't even have to be insanely elaborate - it just has to be beautiful and timeless.

A good example is the Sentinels deck.  If you were dropped into your favorite author's fantasy-setting world of, say, the Victorian era or the old west, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine something like the Sentinels being the standard design.  They're simple and practically minimalist, but they draw on a number of old cultural design elements - they're modern, nearly high-tech, but at the same time classic and drawing from old-school concepts, with a sort of Freemason aesthetic.

We wouldn't want to ape the Sentinels deck element-for-element, but it's a good general direction to head in.  Imagine the courts being slightly more "painterly" in appearance and the teeny little pips on the spot cards being blown up to vintage-deck proportions, and that might be a first step to what would work very nicely.

While we do want to tie in 52+J and the Discourse, we also want it to be an attractive-enough deck that anyone who saw it would be interested in having a pack or two at home, or giving them as little gifts to friends and family.  The point was raised that the UC deck was strictly a promotional deck - and they're right.  It promoted the board and the board's owner at the time.  We should want this to be a deck with a much broader appeal than just the people who hang out on message boards talking about playing cards all day and night...  :))
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: John B. on December 30, 2013, 10:24:36 AM
I'm with you John, the UC deck was beautiful but something that had it's own personality would open it up to producing an annual themed deck.  'Discourse branded' in the style of bicycle to tie them together maybe

Although I love the Bicycle brand, IMO the worst thing you could do to make a deck stand out would be to brand it Bicycle. I will get plenty of heat, but... there it is. You want someone to buy your deck because it is excellent not because they buy everything that bike makes.

"awakin CBJ"

I don't think it should be bicycle. People who see it will see it as another off the shelf deck. With no branding ( or maybe Discourse instead of bicycle?)  it stands out more.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Anthony on December 30, 2013, 03:08:12 PM
I've just been absorbing this thread as it developes, I love the idea very much, but two points were made that I couldn't agree more with....

Although I love the Bicycle brand, IMO the worst thing you could do to make a deck stand out would be to brand it Bicycle. I will get plenty of heat, but... there it is. You want someone to buy your deck because it is excellent not because they buy everything that bike makes.
We should want this to be a deck with a much broader appeal than just the people who hang out on message boards talking about playing cards all day and night... 

I think the link/tie back to the site will happen regardless when the deck is produced. People should pick it up on its own merit as Jackson stated and that, if they are like many of us, will direct them to check out where this deck came from and why.

Hopeing for this project to become a reality.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Rick Davidson on December 30, 2013, 04:13:59 PM
Agreed.  My bicycle example wasn't the best, that's some seriously overpowering branding.  Just something subtle like a small standardised Discourse motif on the edge, or even a label.  Let the deck be its own piece and have its own theme.   But it would be nice down the line if you could stack a set and see a small 'D' across the line.  Just thinking ahead.

Agree with Don, don't think the deck needs to be over the top.  Something refined and elegant that will appeal to a wide audience.  Zombies, no ;)
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on December 31, 2013, 12:26:14 AM
Zombies, no ;)

No zombies, no steampunk, no Lovecraftian Mythos, no movie monsters...

Picture an alternate universe where a pack of these cards would be a high-end example of a standard deck.  There's no need for an additional theme to be hung on it like a cheap dress.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Mydnyghte on January 02, 2014, 06:18:54 PM
Gilded edges would be classy.

Insert tongue into cheek...
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: John B. on January 02, 2014, 07:59:50 PM
no, they make the worse for actual use.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Mydnyghte on January 02, 2014, 08:44:33 PM
Yeah, I was joking. Other than Bling, as the kids say, it adds nothing to a deck from what I hear.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Sher143 on February 14, 2014, 06:42:08 PM
I would buy a gilded deck, though :P
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: jwats01 on February 14, 2014, 08:34:57 PM
Please don't let this idea die!
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: CBJ on February 14, 2014, 09:08:51 PM
I'm with you John, the UC deck was beautiful but something that had it's own personality would open it up to producing an annual themed deck.  'Discourse branded' in the style of bicycle to tie them together maybe

Although I love the Bicycle brand, IMO the worst thing you could do to make a deck stand out would be to brand it Bicycle. I will get plenty of heat, but... there it is. You want someone to buy your deck because it is excellent not because they buy everything that bike makes.

"awakin CBJ"

Did someone call me?

I actually...... agree with Jackson.

Obviously I'm a Bicycle whore.. but...

I have tons of amazing decks that are not branded.  The most recent ones that blew me away  is the Empire, Jackson's decks, and now the grotesque.
I'm a huge fan of the Arcane decks.

I don't think any deck needs the Bicycle logo on it... I just prefer it on most
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on February 15, 2014, 03:21:11 AM
So, Jackson - where are things on this project?
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: vixentorgames on February 15, 2014, 06:44:25 PM
I'm curious about this myself. Now that I've designed a deck of cards, I'm itching to do it again. Chipping in on one would be an easier way to go than tackling the whole thing again. The last one took me most of a year.

I can design stuff, format files for print, collect elements to build individual cards, stuff like that. I know I'm new here, but I'm not new to design. I've been a print designer for 15 years.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: DarkDerp on February 18, 2014, 01:49:35 AM
I'm curious about this myself. Now that I've designed a deck of cards, I'm itching to do it again. Chipping in on one would be an easier way to go than tackling the whole thing again. The last one took me most of a year.
I can design stuff, format files for print, collect elements to build individual cards, stuff like that. I know I'm new here, but I'm not new to design. I've been a print designer for 15 years.

You should post some of your stuff. or.. just to get the juices flowing ... go with  Multiwolves sipping various alcoholic beverages for face cards, write the word "pip" instead of having any distinguishable suits  and make sure there is no discernible order to them scattered around the card, also on the back clip art a giant truck running over a 1970's Volkswagen beetle. 
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on February 18, 2014, 02:26:16 AM
I'm curious about this myself. Now that I've designed a deck of cards, I'm itching to do it again. Chipping in on one would be an easier way to go than tackling the whole thing again. The last one took me most of a year.
I can design stuff, format files for print, collect elements to build individual cards, stuff like that. I know I'm new here, but I'm not new to design. I've been a print designer for 15 years.

You should post some of your stuff. or.. just to get the juices flowing ... go with  Multiwolves sipping various alcoholic beverages for face cards, write the word "pip" instead of having any distinguishable suits  and make sure there is no discernible order to them scattered around the card, also on the back clip art a giant truck running over a 1970's Volkswagen beetle.

Hey, that's not nice!  Funny, perhaps, but not nice...  :))
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: vixentorgames on February 18, 2014, 07:49:41 PM
Right now the only deck I've designed is the Plugged Nickel deck:

Not sure I could pull off the drinking wolves. Maybe if I could throw some barbed wire on them...
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: DarkDerp on February 18, 2014, 08:14:17 PM
I didn't know they came without barbed wire. A little know fact about multi-wolves is that they have 5 hearts. You gotta have a real steady hand to bring one down.


How about some art or sketches none deck related?
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: vixentorgames on February 18, 2014, 10:57:46 PM
Well, that is a good idea, but I will have to run down some of my art first. I could show you my design portfolio, but aside from a couple logos, there's nothing in there that was drawn. I directed a lot of photoshoots, but I don't think that will help in this case.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: sastian on April 13, 2014, 11:08:20 PM
I guess its time for me to throw my two cents in here. In order for this to work wouldn't it have to be a discourse branded deck? And in turn that would mean that discourse would be up for rebranding. In my humble opinion discourse doesn't really have a brand visually speaking. The name recognition maybe there by now but there is definitely not a good visual identifier. Unless of course you want a use Don Boyers avatar. (tounge in cheek)

As a brand designer, I could be talked into developing a good brand for the packaging. I'm not talking about the brand of the deck but the brand of discourse in the same way that bicycle is a brand. On the upside the website could get a good refresh from this as well.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: JacksonRobinson on April 13, 2014, 11:41:51 PM
I honestly don't think there should be a discourse deck. There already has been a discourse deck. I want to see a 52 plus joker deck.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: HandSkillz on April 13, 2014, 11:43:37 PM
I guess its time for me to throw my two cents in here. In order for this to work wouldn't it have to be a discourse branded deck? And in turn that would mean that discourse would be up for rebranding. In my humble opinion discourse doesn't really have a brand visually speaking. The name recognition maybe there by now but there is definitely not a good visual identifier. Unless of course you want a use Don Boyers avatar. (tounge in cheek)

As a brand designer, I could be talked into developing a good brand for the packaging. I'm not talking about the brand of the deck but the brand of discourse in the same way that bicycle is a brand. On the upside the website could get a good refresh from this as well.

I guess what I had more in mind is taking the brilliant minds of collectors and artists and joining forces to do something everyone on the forum would love, I'm not sure if the point is really to brand the Discourse, unless that's what Tom and everyone want.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on April 14, 2014, 01:00:08 AM

Unless of course you want a use Don Boyers avatar. (tounge in cheek)

Someone beat you to it...

I honestly don't think there should be a discourse deck. There already has been a discourse deck. I want to see a 52 plus joker deck.

Actually, there was only a deck by AetherCards with no forum branding, but they're no longer part of the picture, existing as nothing more than a redirect pointing here.  We've never completed and printed a Discourse deck, whereas there have been 52+J decks before.  Tom was nice enough to give me one a few months back, about five years old if memory serves.

I guess what I had more in mind is taking the brilliant minds of collectors and artists and joining forces to do something everyone on the forum would love, I'm not sure if the point is really to brand the Discourse, unless that's what Tom and everyone want.

Nah.  We tried that once.  The expressions about too many cooks and plenty of chiefs but no Indians both applied.  The project ground to a halt under its own weight.

At this point, all I can tell you guys is: "Stay tuned."
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Rob Wright on April 15, 2014, 10:19:14 PM

At this point, all I can tell you guys is: "Stay tuned."

I saw something pretty interesting a little while back.

If I'm correct then "OMG-Stay tuned"
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: BeDoubleYou on April 16, 2014, 01:17:48 AM
First time poster, joined a few days ago and will be making my appearance in the intro thread very soon. I've been lurking here for a couple of months and this community is extremely great. Between the amount of artists and knowledgeable collectors, I must say Im very impressed.

The only suggestion I may make about a deck like this is maybe trying to make one deck (possibly an annual thing) that is designed by one or two artists that are voted for or elected by the community. This way everybody has a voice and feels like they helped create the deck and the deck doesn't suffer from the "too many cooks" routine.

Also, just because someone else is designing the deck doesn't mean there aren't opportunities to fill other roles on the team. The project would need someone constantly running the Kickstarter page, and shipping is always a very stressful process if is just one person.

Im sure there's plenty of ways thay everyone can help is what I'm saying. And there's more than enough creativity and good taste in this community for this project to be a smashing success.

Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on April 16, 2014, 02:32:47 AM

At this point, all I can tell you guys is: "Stay tuned."

I saw something pretty interesting a little while back.

If I'm correct then "OMG-Stay tuned"

Um, I dunno what you saw...  but as I said, just stay tuned.

I suspect what you saw and what I'm thinking of aren't the same things.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Rose on April 20, 2014, 10:09:14 AM
As an artist I would love to participate in something like this. I imagine it could maybe resemble something like where 54 different artists could each design a different card. Also as a collector I love these types of decks. The whole community coming together to make this happen would be awesome.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: John B. on April 20, 2014, 10:40:36 AM
As an artist I would love to participate in something like this. I imagine it could maybe resemble something like where 54 different artists could each design a different card. Also as a collector I love these types of decks. The whole community coming together to make this happen would be awesome.

I hate those kinds of decks. They have no point IMO

I am looking forward to the discourse deck design contest thing that is going on and seeing the results though.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on April 20, 2014, 10:57:19 AM

I am looking forward to the discourse deck design contest thing that is going on and seeing the results though.

To me, right now, that contest deck is FAR more interesting than a Discourse Deck!  It's a major opportunity.  I'm just waiting to see who's going to take up the challenge.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Rose on April 21, 2014, 12:06:52 AM

I am looking forward to the discourse deck design contest thing that is going on and seeing the results though.

To me, right now, that contest deck is FAR more interesting than a Discourse Deck!  It's a major opportunity.  I'm just waiting to see who's going to take up the challenge.

Agree, it is way more exciting. I just wish I could participate, as I have been working on something for a few months, but still has at least 2 months work left to do, so it is a very small time frame for anything epic, unless it is ready to go it might be a rushed design.
Can't wait to see how it goes and what sort of deck comes out of it though.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on April 21, 2014, 12:44:30 AM

I am looking forward to the discourse deck design contest thing that is going on and seeing the results though.

To me, right now, that contest deck is FAR more interesting than a Discourse Deck!  It's a major opportunity.  I'm just waiting to see who's going to take up the challenge.

Agree, it is way more exciting. I just wish I could participate, as I have been working on something for a few months, but still has at least 2 months work left to do, so it is a very small time frame for anything epic, unless it is ready to go it might be a rushed design.
Can't wait to see how it goes and what sort of deck comes out of it though.

You have lots of time, actually.  We're in the pre-entry phase now.  Entries start getting submitted in about a month, and there's a six-week period before entries are closed and the voting begins.  That's over two months to refine your design before posting it as an entry.

Just start a topic in the Design/Dev board with the tag (DDDC) at the beginning of the title!
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: RandCo on July 30, 2014, 06:24:03 PM
Just throwing this idea out for consideration. What about a deck that has each card designed by a different artist.

Here is a successful deck that was created to promote designers and illustrators:

A deck with many artists would promote not just Discourse/52 Plus Joker, but custom playing card design in general. It could be sold/promoted to not just card collectors, but people who like to collect in general, and people who like to collect art, etc.

Like in the example above, each artist would get one card to design as they see fit. The best cards, such as aces, jokers and face cards, would go to the most established designers. The opportunity to design a card (beside the obvious established designers) could be offered to anyone who has had a custom deck receive funding on Kickstarter. Next priority might be artists who had good designs that did not receive enough Kickstarter funding or artists who entered the Discourse Design Contest. If not enough designers are found this way, maybe artists who have posted interesting card designs on Behance.

Each artist would only need to spend the time to create one card (they could even use the art from one of their existing cards if they wanted), in return they would get free exposure/promotion/advertising. Every artist would have their website on their card or listed on the ad cards.

I think Jackson Robinson has earned the right to do the card backs if he wants, or there could be a design contest to vote on it.

The box design front should probably have a Custom Playing Card / Discourse /52 Plus Joker theme, with the back describing the theme and the contents.

I'm sure The Discourse/52 Plus Joker could find a good use for the proceeds.
Title: Re: The Discourse Deck
Post by: Don Boyer on July 30, 2014, 09:48:52 PM
Just throwing this idea out for consideration. What about a deck that has each card designed by a different artist.

Here is a successful deck that was created to promote designers and illustrators:

A deck with many artists would promote not just Discourse/52 Plus Joker, but custom playing card design in general. It could be sold/promoted to not just card collectors, but people who like to collect in general, and people who like to collect art, etc.

Like in the example above, each artist would get one card to design as they see fit. The best cards, such as aces, jokers and face cards, would go to the most established designers. The opportunity to design a card (beside the obvious established designers) could be offered to anyone who has had a custom deck receive funding on Kickstarter. Next priority might be artists who had good designs that did not receive enough Kickstarter funding or artists who entered the Discourse Design Contest. If not enough designers are found this way, maybe artists who have posted interesting card designs on Behance.

Each artist would only need to spend the time to create one card (they could even use the art from one of their existing cards if they wanted), in return they would get free exposure/promotion/advertising. Every artist would have their website on their card or listed on the ad cards.

I think Jackson Robinson has earned the right to do the card backs if he wants, or there could be a design contest to vote on it.

The box design front should probably have a Custom Playing Card / Discourse /52 Plus Joker theme, with the back describing the theme and the contents.

I'm sure The Discourse/52 Plus Joker could find a good use for the proceeds.

Allow me to provide you a few opinions and updates.

This deck was never completed because the creator didn't obtain the IP rights from their owner, Tom Dawson.  He altered and renamed the design for the contest.

A 54-artist decks with everyone doing a different card is about as much fun as 54 people jammed into my tiny kitchen trying to make me dinner.  They're usually inconsistent - nice art deck, but not the most popular with players, magicians, cardists and collectors.

Jackson not only "earned the right" to design the back, he's making the entire deck!  It will be a short-run limited release available only to members of 52 Plus Joker attending this year's convention in October - there's an ad for it on the home page.