- A Discourse For Playing Cards

Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: Frost on August 30, 2013, 02:05:20 PM

Title: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: Frost on August 30, 2013, 02:05:20 PM
might be the same designer that designed the rebel deck ?
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: KPopFever605 on August 30, 2013, 02:20:11 PM
Only 500 decks open to the public: Sounds nice and limited. The box has an Artisan feel to it. It's nothing too special, and, to me, only serves as a collector's item. I had the chance to obtain one, but bailed out. Did anyone else here get one?
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Card Player on August 30, 2013, 03:26:04 PM
Only 500 decks open to the public: Sounds nice and limited. The box has an Artisan feel to it. It's nothing too special, and, to me, only serves as a collector's item. I had the chance to obtain one, but bailed out. Did anyone else here get one?

The limited deck is decent but I wanted the other decks in my order more. So I'm probably selling the one Rarebit deck. If anyone is interested you can PM me to work out a deal. It goes up on eBay in about a week if not. Thanks
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: loldudex2 on August 30, 2013, 05:15:25 PM
I've been trying to cut-back majorly on buying cards, but when they said they were in te archives, I quickly picked one up. All I paid was about $5 for shipping, which I'm more then happy with.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: jmrock on September 13, 2013, 11:32:36 PM
Can anyone explain why this deck looks red/maroon in color with gold writing, whereas all other versions I've seen are black with green metallic writing... Perhaps the lighting?  If so, shows you how important it is to take accurate pictures of your merchandise...
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Don Boyer on September 14, 2013, 02:24:25 AM
Can anyone explain why this deck looks red/maroon in color with gold writing, whereas all other versions I've seen are black with green metallic writing... Perhaps the lighting?  If so, shows you how important it is to take accurate pictures of your merchandise...

It's all the blasted red velvet reflecting off the shiny cellophane.  You can tell in some of the more oblique shots, where the entire face of the box looks like a field of red velvet.

I'm still reminded of how those orange-red Fulton's Chinatown decks were made to look deep red because of how they were photographed.  The actual product was a serious letdown for me.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Michael on September 14, 2013, 04:11:19 AM
Can anyone explain why this deck looks red/maroon in color with gold writing, whereas all other versions I've seen are black with green metallic writing... Perhaps the lighting?  If so, shows you how important it is to take accurate pictures of your merchandise...

It's all the blasted red velvet reflecting off the shiny cellophane.  You can tell in some of the more oblique shots, where the entire face of the box looks like a field of red velvet.

I'm still reminded of how those orange-red Fulton's Chinatown decks were made to look deep red because of how they were photographed.  The actual product was a serious letdown for me.

Are you two sure it's just the reflection off the velvet?!? I only doubt cause that'd take a hell of a lot of reflection to make the black look red and the green look gold.

And those Chinatown decks were just plain disappointing. I think I remember one of the Buck twins commenting on how that deck was one of the very very few they had printed without first getting a sample deck printed first. That would explain why something that should have been deep red turned out orange. Either way, very disappointing.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Don Boyer on September 14, 2013, 06:23:20 AM

Are you two sure it's just the reflection off the velvet?!? I only doubt cause that'd take a hell of a lot of reflection to make the black look red and the green look gold.

What green?  To my eye, it's gold in both photos.  There's a slight greenish cast to them in the T11 photos, but it's still gold, I believe.

I am positive about the reflected red from the velvet.  For all I know, he also used a red light on his "set" and a red filter over his lens.  Whatever you want to call it, these are NOT the true colors.  The bottom set of photos on the eBay page are the true colors, and those are the photos from Theory11.

I don't know why people are freaking out about this deck.  It's nice but I didn't think it was anything that exceptional.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Fred on September 14, 2013, 08:18:50 AM

Are you two sure it's just the reflection off the velvet?!? I only doubt cause that'd take a hell of a lot of reflection to make the black look red and the green look gold.

What green?  To my eye, it's gold in both photos.  There's a slight greenish cast to them in the T11 photos, but it's still gold, I believe.

I am positive about the reflected red from the velvet.  For all I know, he also used a red light on his "set" and a red filter over his lens.  Whatever you want to call it, these are NOT the true colors.  The bottom set of photos on the eBay page are the true colors, and those are the photos from Theory11.

I don't know why people are freaking out about this deck.  It's nice but I didn't think it was anything that exceptional.

Simply because there are '500' in circulation. I guarantee that within a year they'll drop down to 30-50$
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Don Boyer on September 14, 2013, 08:44:05 AM

Are you two sure it's just the reflection off the velvet?!? I only doubt cause that'd take a hell of a lot of reflection to make the black look red and the green look gold.

What green?  To my eye, it's gold in both photos.  There's a slight greenish cast to them in the T11 photos, but it's still gold, I believe.

I am positive about the reflected red from the velvet.  For all I know, he also used a red light on his "set" and a red filter over his lens.  Whatever you want to call it, these are NOT the true colors.  The bottom set of photos on the eBay page are the true colors, and those are the photos from Theory11.

I don't know why people are freaking out about this deck.  It's nice but I didn't think it was anything that exceptional.

Simply because there are '500' in circulation. I guarantee that within a year they'll drop down to 30-50$

Well, the deck was designed for a restaurant located in a former speakeasy - find the restaurant and you'll probably find the decks.  They also have it in their Rewards program.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Fred on September 14, 2013, 08:58:49 AM
Exactly Don, that's why i put the 500 in quotations. Things are always overhyped thus resulting to initial inflated prices. One day someone's gonna lose interest in their collection and just wants to get rid of it on ebay. Once they realise no one's gonna buy it for 150$ anymore they'll keep dropping the prices.. When other people look at completed listings and see the decrease in price and lack of demand, they'll drop their prices even more.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: jmrock on September 14, 2013, 08:54:00 PM
I agree with all of you who feel that in no time the deck will drop significantly... Red LTD Deck? Tungstene Deck? Most Decks? However, it has been confirmed that this is the one and only Rarebit deck, which even by T11 standards does not quite reflect the true coloring of the deck.  Thanks to an extremely honorable fellow member of the forum the deck is now in my possession.  The color of the box is a deep black and the lettering on the box is a metallic green... Beautiful box & seal... From what I've seen the pics of the actual deck are quite nice as well (but I did not open the deck, which was covered in another post)... All in all I love the deck and it reminds me a bit of the Monarch in a way... A nice addition to the collection...
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Don Boyer on September 14, 2013, 11:57:31 PM
Finally got up the gumption to do some digging.  The Rarebit is in Charleston, South Carolina, open 11am-2am, closed Mondays.

By New York standards, they're downright cheap, only barely more expensive than fast food.  Bear in mind, a standard "meal" from McDonald's or Burger King can run over $7 here.

No indication on how to obtain a deck from them - it's obviously not through the web.  I guess you'd either have to show up or call.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Michael on September 15, 2013, 05:31:31 AM
I guess if you really want to have every deck out there you'd buy them for the prices being asked. I passed on them the first time I saw them. I haven't really gone for decks associated with a brand outside of playing card companies.

Oh and okay maybe they're supposed to be black and gold/metallic green. Either way, coloring shown should match the product.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Collector on September 15, 2013, 11:20:11 AM
Finally got up the gumption to do some digging...

You could save your time :)

RARE-bit. Think about it. This deck has its predefined destiny  :) :) :)
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Nurul on September 15, 2013, 05:55:07 PM
Finally got up the gumption to do some digging...

You could save your time :)

RARE-bit. Think about it. This deck has its predefined destiny  :) :) :)

The name has nothing to do with the deck being rare, the name "rarebit" derives from "welsh rarebit" which means Welsh rabbit. The origin of the actual term is unknown, but you're going back like 300 odd years. Anyway, that's why the restaurants logo is of a rabbit and why the deck has rabbits as the court cards.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: CordedTires on September 15, 2013, 08:58:35 PM
And, rarebit (while your derivation is right!) has nothing to do with real rabbits. It's a thick cheese sauce on toast. Why Welsh rabbit? Don't know but probably it was rude.

I looked up a recipe since haven't had this in forever and forgot what's in it - cheddar in a cream sauce with a little hot sauce, mustard, etc.  - made me hungry. One of the best comfort foods ever.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Nurul on September 15, 2013, 09:25:47 PM
And, rarebit (while your derivation is right!) has nothing to do with real rabbits. It's a thick cheese sauce on toast. Why Welsh rabbit? Don't know but probably it was rude.

I looked up a recipe since haven't had this in forever and forgot what's in it - cheddar in a cream sauce with a little hot sauce, mustard, etc.  - made me hungry. One of the best comfort foods ever.

It's the same with Bombay duck, has nothing to do with a duck, it's dried fish (I know cos it's one of the national dishes of where my family is from)

From what I understand, rarebit is somewhat of an ironic term. Something to do with the welsh being really poor not being able to afford butchers meat, and in England, rabbit was considered poor mans meat and so in Wales, cheese was considered poor mans meat.
It's kind of a stab at the English to say "haha we don't need rabbit meat to enjoy a good meal. Our cheese is our rabbit"

In the welsh language, rarebit means baked cheese.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Don Boyer on September 16, 2013, 01:18:45 AM
Finally got up the gumption to do some digging...

You could save your time :)

RARE-bit. Think about it. This deck has its predefined destiny  :) :) :)

I was referring to getting them from the restaurant, not from Theory11.  BTW, that promotion ended 6 Sept.  Theory11 received (or at least released) not more than 500, which means the restaurant got the rest, or at least the lion's share of it.

Re the name of the dish - a lot of foods have that kind of name origin.  The most famous to come out of New York would probably be the egg cream, a fountain drink that contains no eggs and no cream.  There's two varieties, both of which start with club soda or seltzer - for a vanilla egg cream, you'd add a little milk and some vanilla syrup and gently stir to mix the ingredients but not destroy the carbonation and leave the drink flat.  For a chocolate egg cream, you cut back the vanilla syrup by half and add chocolate syrup for the rest - yes, the chocolate version still has vanilla in it.

Outside of the New York Tri-State area or South Florida, I rarely ever find anyone who knows what an egg cream is.  It's as New York as a pack of Tally Ho.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Nurul on September 16, 2013, 04:46:57 AM
I had egg cream when I was in New York :)

Anyway, to answer you previous post, I heard somewhere (think it was on a YouTube video) that you have to spend $100 to get a free deck of rarebits, although this is unconfirmed. May have just been the case of someone making up numbers.

EDIT: looking at its menu, it's pretty hard to make $100 for a single person unless your buying a couple bottles of wine, are a serious alcoholic or have got the bad munchies
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Don Boyer on September 16, 2013, 06:41:41 AM
I had egg cream when I was in New York :)

Anyway, to answer you previous post, I heard somewhere (think it was on a YouTube video) that you have to spend $100 to get a free deck of rarebits, although this is unconfirmed. May have just been the case of someone making up numbers.

EDIT: looking at its menu, it's pretty hard to make $100 for a single person unless your buying a couple bottles of wine, are a serious alcoholic or have got the bad munchies

I think that was referring to how to get it from T11.  I've heard nothing about how to get it from the restaurant.

And it would be hard for one person, for for a party of three or more having food and alcohol (two if they love to drink), it wouldn't be hard at all.  For one person to do it, he'd have to be hungry, thirsty and a top-shelf drinker.  It's a classier version of diner comfort food, and as such is only slightly elevated in price.  For that region, though, it's possible they'd see it as a little costly - the cost of living there is nothing like it is in New York or most of the other major cities of the country.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: john on September 16, 2013, 05:40:07 PM
I think that was referring to how to get it from T11.  I've heard nothing about how to get it from the restaurant.

From what I understand, you have to spend 100 at the restaurant. Why don't one of us call and find out...
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Nurul on September 16, 2013, 06:14:19 PM
I think that was referring to how to get it from T11.  I've heard nothing about how to get it from the restaurant.

From what I understand, you have to spend 100 at the restaurant. Why don't one of us call and find out...

That's what I said, $100 has to be spent .. I was going to call then realised its not UK lol international calls r a bitch
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: MrMollusk on September 16, 2013, 07:25:26 PM
I think that was referring to how to get it from T11.  I've heard nothing about how to get it from the restaurant.

From what I understand, you have to spend 100 at the restaurant. Why don't one of us call and find out...

The prices for the restaurant are actually pretty reasonable.

Blowing a hundred by yourself wouldn't be that easy. (Unless you drank an entire bottle of Chardonnay and had 2 entrees.)

I'm actually kinda disappointed these were so "rare" and "limited". I hate it when decks that are definitely cool and definitely interesting are put up for ludicrous prices. I'd be willing to pay 15 bucks tops for these cards. But 50? And a 140 now ( Hell no.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Collector on September 27, 2013, 03:09:15 PM
I am glad that my joke provoked more interesting information here.  :)
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Mike Ratledge on November 30, 2013, 04:10:50 PM
I had egg cream when I was in New York :)

Anyway, to answer you previous post, I heard somewhere (think it was on a YouTube video) that you have to spend $100 to get a free deck of rarebits, although this is unconfirmed. May have just been the case of someone making up numbers.

EDIT: looking at its menu, it's pretty hard to make $100 for a single person unless your buying a couple bottles of wine, are a serious alcoholic or have got the bad munchies

I think that was referring to how to get it from T11.  I've heard nothing about how to get it from the restaurant.

And it would be hard for one person, for for a party of three or more having food and alcohol (two if they love to drink), it wouldn't be hard at all.  For one person to do it, he'd have to be hungry, thirsty and a top-shelf drinker.  It's a classier version of diner comfort food, and as such is only slightly elevated in price.  For that region, though, it's possible they'd see it as a little costly - the cost of living there is nothing like it is in New York or most of the other major cities of the country.
Well, since I'm from Charleston - and live here now, I decided I'd give them a call and find out.  The answer is exactly as everyone has posted already: they are an 'incentive', not for sale.  To get a deck, you have to spend $100 in one visit, it's not a cumulative thing with a tally card or something.  Simple enough - take the wife and a couple of friends and $25 each wouldn't even be a challenge, although the prices are very reasonable.  The reason I never connected the deck with the restaurant here is that they changed the name a few years ago (apparently 6 or 7 now, from what I read) and bought what used to be "Big John's" downtown.  Right on the upper King Street "tourist trap" area near the visitors center, not even a challenge.  I've got one, but I'll soon have another, and if they are worth a darn, I'll pick up a few over the next couple of months, maybe drop a couple on the board here when I get my post count up.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Don Boyer on December 01, 2013, 06:33:17 AM

Well, since I'm from Charleston - and live here now, I decided I'd give them a call and find out.  The answer is exactly as everyone has posted already: they are an 'incentive', not for sale.  To get a deck, you have to spend $100 in one visit, it's not a cumulative thing with a tally card or something.  Simple enough - take the wife and a couple of friends and $25 each wouldn't even be a challenge, although the prices are very reasonable.  The reason I never connected the deck with the restaurant here is that they changed the name a few years ago (apparently 6 or 7 now, from what I read) and bought what used to be "Big John's" downtown.  Right on the upper King Street "tourist trap" area near the visitors center, not even a challenge.  I've got one, but I'll soon have another, and if they are worth a darn, I'll pick up a few over the next couple of months, maybe drop a couple on the board here when I get my post count up.

It doesn't appear that you'd have much trouble finding interested parties!  Thanks for the info.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: blastercast on December 02, 2013, 11:43:34 AM
Well, since I'm from Charleston - and live here now, I decided I'd give them a call and find out.  The answer is exactly as everyone has posted already: they are an 'incentive', not for sale.  To get a deck, you have to spend $100 in one visit, it's not a cumulative thing with a tally card or something.  Simple enough - take the wife and a couple of friends and $25 each wouldn't even be a challenge, although the prices are very reasonable.  The reason I never connected the deck with the restaurant here is that they changed the name a few years ago (apparently 6 or 7 now, from what I read) and bought what used to be "Big John's" downtown.  Right on the upper King Street "tourist trap" area near the visitors center, not even a challenge.  I've got one, but I'll soon have another, and if they are worth a darn, I'll pick up a few over the next couple of months, maybe drop a couple on the board here when I get my post count up.
If you're picking up a few over a few months then I'll be keeping an eye on your posts, as long as they aren't extortionately priced I'm in the market for a deck :)

Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! Next Theory11 deck ?
Post by: Phegget on December 02, 2013, 09:44:48 PM
Well, since I'm from Charleston - and live here now, I decided I'd give them a call and find out.  The answer is exactly as everyone has posted already: they are an 'incentive', not for sale.  To get a deck, you have to spend $100 in one visit, it's not a cumulative thing with a tally card or something.  Simple enough - take the wife and a couple of friends and $25 each wouldn't even be a challenge, although the prices are very reasonable.  The reason I never connected the deck with the restaurant here is that they changed the name a few years ago (apparently 6 or 7 now, from what I read) and bought what used to be "Big John's" downtown.  Right on the upper King Street "tourist trap" area near the visitors center, not even a challenge.  I've got one, but I'll soon have another, and if they are worth a darn, I'll pick up a few over the next couple of months, maybe drop a couple on the board here when I get my post count up.
If you're picking up a few over a few months then I'll be keeping an eye on your posts, as long as they aren't extortionately priced I'm in the market for a deck :)


Same! :)
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! by Theory11 -in copper
Post by: Rob Wright on October 29, 2014, 12:18:45 AM
( theory11

4 hrs  ·

A little Bit of something Rare. Coming soon in Copper.


Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! by Theory11 -in copper
Post by: Rob Wright on November 19, 2014, 10:01:50 PM
Not digging the coloring on the back of the card. Tuck looks good

( theory11

Liked · 40 mins  ·

Rarebit Copper. 11/28.

Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! by Theory11 -in copper
Post by: Fess on November 20, 2014, 04:35:43 AM
The back color is not what I was expecting from the tuck. I'm not as excited as I used to be. It's not that I don't like brown back decks. I do, it's just not what I was expecting at all. Maybe it will grow on me over the next week, if I quit looking at the tuck... Probably not.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! by Theory11 -in copper
Post by: agera94 on November 20, 2014, 06:24:04 AM
The back color is not what I was expecting from the tuck. I'm not as excited as I used to be. It's not that I don't like brown back decks. I do, it's just not what I was expecting at all. Maybe it will grow on me over the next week, if I quit looking at the tuck... Probably not.

My thoughts exactly. I don't mind browns as they tend to grow on me a fair bit, but the tuck reminds me too much of the monarchs. You see this luxurious looking gold, and get some pale yellow and white lines instead  :(
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! by Theory11 -in copper
Post by: Card Player on November 20, 2014, 04:42:15 PM
It's nice to see a company not using the standard gold and silver metal alloys. I actually was thinking last year how nice a new print of unlimited White Centurions would have looked with metallic bronze (bronze age centurions).

I like the color. The deck design is very attractive. I really don't know what some of you expected, they said it was copper. That's what copper looks like!

I say, keep your Gold Rarebit deck in the cellophane and play with these.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! by Theory11 -in copper
Post by: Rob Wright on November 20, 2014, 10:45:53 PM
The back just looks very flat to me. I get that it's supposed to be copper, but it just looks like a dull brown to me.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: Collector on November 21, 2014, 05:26:01 PM
Previous edition was better.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: PaperMasta on November 29, 2014, 01:04:36 AM
Anybody know how limited this new edition actually is?
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: Don Boyer on November 29, 2014, 02:00:40 AM
Anybody know how limited this new edition actually is?

Nope.  They haven't said in the advertising.  Have you tried contacting Customer Support?

BTW: welcome to the PCF!  Head over to the "Introduce Yourself" board and make a topic so we can get to know more about you!
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: Fess on November 30, 2014, 12:31:41 AM
No idea what the print run is on this either. Haven't been too interested in it beyond the tuck myself. Tuck is pretty great. The closer the holidays come, the more I tighten up on my spending habits as my loving lady's spending habits amp up haha. If it was may, I think I'd probably pick up a handful of them.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards !!! by Theory11 -in copper
Post by: Rose on December 01, 2014, 02:38:11 AM
The back just looks very flat to me. I get that it's supposed to be copper, but it just looks like a dull brown to me.
My thoughts exactly. I think an orange colour would have been a better choice...maybe...
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: BiggerDee on December 01, 2014, 01:55:56 PM
Metallic foil copper card backs would be nice.

I really, really love copper.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: Don Boyer on December 01, 2014, 11:56:11 PM
Metallic foil copper card backs would be nice.

I really, really love copper.

Sure, would have looked great.  If only USPC stamped foil on their cards...  :))

Not to mention it would be ungodly expensive.

But yeah - copper's cool.

You might like the red Bicycle Synthesis deck from Albino Dragon, if you don't already have it.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: BiggerDee on December 02, 2014, 10:32:27 AM
I don't, but I will definitely check in to it, thanks for the heads-up. I've seen it mentioned before and keep forgetting to check it out.

I think about the dream of copper foil stamping due to the Exquisite Bold (EPCC) gold stamping experiment recently. I'd love to win the lottery just to produce some freakishly high end collector decks at reasonable prices, when money isn't an object and I don't need the profit. That would be fun!

In the meantime, I'll just look at my copper Rarebits and dream "what if?"!

Just there a realistic copper (at least more so than what's shown above) in the realm of printing that may not be being used due to expense, or is this copper as good as it gets with current technology/chemistry? It's a bit different with me as a collector. Since many of my cards never leave their tucks, the tuck has far more weight in my purchase decision than back color. These are great for me as a collector because I have the copper foil that I love so much whereas a lot of folks are disappointed in the back color, which I understand.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: Anthony on December 02, 2014, 02:49:01 PM
I don't, but I will definitely check in to it, thanks for the heads-up. I've seen it mentioned before and keep forgetting to check it out.

I think about the dream of copper foil stamping due to the Exquisite Bold (EPCC) gold stamping experiment recently. I'd love to win the lottery just to produce some freakishly high end collector decks at reasonable prices, when money isn't an object and I don't need the profit. That would be fun!

In the meantime, I'll just look at my copper Rarebits and dream "what if?"!

Just there a realistic copper (at least more so than what's shown above) in the realm of printing that may not be being used due to expense, or is this copper as good as it gets with current technology/chemistry? It's a bit different with me as a collector. Since many of my cards never leave their tucks, the tuck has far more weight in my purchase decision than back color. These are great for me as a collector because I have the copper foil that I love so much whereas a lot of folks are disappointed in the back color, which I understand.

I can think of a couple other decks with Copper foil on the tucks  ;)
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: Don Boyer on December 03, 2014, 02:12:19 AM
I don't, but I will definitely check in to it, thanks for the heads-up. I've seen it mentioned before and keep forgetting to check it out.

I think about the dream of copper foil stamping due to the Exquisite Bold (EPCC) gold stamping experiment recently. I'd love to win the lottery just to produce some freakishly high end collector decks at reasonable prices, when money isn't an object and I don't need the profit. That would be fun!

In the meantime, I'll just look at my copper Rarebits and dream "what if?"!

Just there a realistic copper (at least more so than what's shown above) in the realm of printing that may not be being used due to expense, or is this copper as good as it gets with current technology/chemistry? It's a bit different with me as a collector. Since many of my cards never leave their tucks, the tuck has far more weight in my purchase decision than back color. These are great for me as a collector because I have the copper foil that I love so much whereas a lot of folks are disappointed in the back color, which I understand.

I mentioned the Synthesis deck because at the time I mentioned it, Albino Dragon was still having a nice sale on damn near everything.  And it's shiny and coppery, too!

As far as foil, you can see that copper is possible - it's just not as popular.  While the price of copper's gone up in recent years, given a choice between pennies-per-pound copper and the more expensive silver and gold, most deck makers opt for the silver or the gold.  I don't know if there are copper metallic inks for printing, but again, since it wouldn't be as "deluxe" or as shiny, even if it's out there it's passed over most of the time by the more precious metals.

The 52 Plus Joker deck has foil on a large area of the backs of each card - the silver deck with slipcover sold for $45.  There's a gold one in a simpler box coming soon from CARC via Expert.  This will be likely be one of those odd cases, just like in the military, where silver is more valued than gold!  (When comparing US commissioned officer rank pins that are identical except for color, the silver one is higher-ranked than the gold one by one pay grade.)

Fun Trivia about copper and copper coinage...

The rising cost of copper reached the point in the late 1970s/early 1980s where a single penny contained barely more than $0.01 worth of copper (largely due to inflation), so in 1982 the US Mint started using a zinc core with a thin copper coating for a total copper content of only 2.5%, except for a small commemorative run in 2009 for Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday.  You can tell the difference between them by weight (zinc is heavier) and sound (copper coins make a high-pitched ring when dropped on a hard surface, while zinc pennies make more of a "clunk" sound).

Before zinc was chosen, a limited test run of over 1.5 million pennies were struck but never circulated in the early 1970s, all made with an aluminum core, as the US Mint was already aware that rising copper costs would create the need for a substitute.  The aluminum pennies were rejected for two reasons.  First, they were prone to causing mechanical problems in the vending machines of that era.  Second, if swallowed or lodged in an airway, the metal was difficult to detect using X-ray machines due to having a similar radiodensity to human gastrointestinal and respiratory tissues.  The pennies were destroyed, except for one single coin which was donated to the Smithsonian Institute.

While it is illegal to destroy US currency and coinage, many people still do melt down older pennies to sell for the copper content to a recycling plant, as well as copper wires stolen from street lighting systems, railroad yards and anywhere else that it's not under guard.  Unfortunately, it's still the cheapest viable metal to use safely in electrical wiring - cheaper alternatives are either poor conductors or liable to melt or burn when carrying a strong electrical load high in amperage.

Circulating copper and copper-coated coins are also the best breeding ground for viruses and germs transmissible via touch or fluids, which is why you should always wash your hands after handling money, especially before you touch your face or your food.

Lastly, in the early 1940s, copper pennies were replaced by zinc-plated steel for a brief period as the copper was in high demand by the US military in World War II.  These coins bear dates ranging between 1942-1944, though none were struck in steel before 1943.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: BiggerDee on December 03, 2014, 11:00:07 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that stamping/printing foils have been made out of real gold/silver/copper for many decades now. I believe that it's all simulated metal placed onto plastic films using vapor deposition, and then those rolls of "foils" are used for stamping. High-end gilding uses powdered leaf/metal in some cases (such as Uusi Classic and Scarlett Tally-Ho), but can also utilize simulated metal.

Good info, as I'm also a currency, coin, and bullion collector. To add a 1944/45, the US Mint used recycled spent shell casings left over from the war to make cents.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: Don Boyer on December 05, 2014, 12:47:38 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe that stamping/printing foils have been made out of real gold/silver/copper for many decades now. I believe that it's all simulated metal placed onto plastic films using vapor deposition, and then those rolls of "foils" are used for stamping. High-end gilding uses powdered leaf/metal in some cases (such as Uusi Classic and Scarlett Tally-Ho), but can also utilize simulated metal.

Good info, as I'm also a currency, coin, and bullion collector. To add a 1944/45, the US Mint used recycled spent shell casings left over from the war to make cents.

Honestly, I'm not sure about that.  "Simulated metal?"  Why simulate it?  The amount of the metals used for foil is incredibly small and the metals in questions are highly malleable.  Affixing it to a plastic film makes sense, much like how old-school mechanical typewriters no longer use inked ribbons but instead use a plastic film with the "ink" on one side - as the key strikes the film and then the paper, the ink substitute sticks to the page where the key struck it.  If metallic gold paint contains a small amount of actual gold (which it does), why wouldn't real gold be used in gold foil?  Substitutes wouldn't have the same warm, brilliant shine to them.

Uusi didn't use powdered metal.  They glued down to the edge of the cards a very fine, very thin layer of nearly-pure gold, 23.5 carats out of a possible 24.  While gold is expensive, a layer of foil that thin and small will only contain a tiny amount of gold, probably measured in hundredths of an troy ounce if not less.  With a troy ounce costing around $1200 at present, a hundredth of a troy ounce is still $12 worth of gold, plus the cost of the process and profit for the seller.

You're right about the pennies - the need for copper was high enough that the spent casings were recycled.  The famous "steel pennies" were actually a steel core coated with zinc.

More trivia:

What weighs more, a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?

Scroll down for the answer.

The pound of feathers is heavier.  Sounds dumb, I know, but when using old English measures, precious metals and gems are measured in troy weights while everything else is measured in avoirdupois weights.  A troy ounce is nearly three grams heavier than an avoirdupois ounce, but there's only twelve such ounces to a troy pound instead of sixteen.  In metrics:

1 ounce = approx. 28.35g
1 pound = 16 ounces = approx. 454g

1 ounce = approx. 31.10g
1 pound = 12 ounces = approx. 373g

Now, I think we've hijacked this poor topic enough for now, don't you agree?
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: BiggerDee on December 05, 2014, 12:26:39 PM
"Now, I think we've hijacked this poor topic enough for now, don't you agree?"

Rofl! :-)

Received my Rarebits on Saturday and I really like them, well the tuck at least. The copper color is very true and distinctive. The tax stamp seal is kind of plain though. After Stranger and Triplicate, I am really, really, REALLY liking the old time stamp look, so much so that I have started collecting the tax stamps separately. Something along those lines would have been a classy touch on this deck, but I will survive without it.
Title: Re: Rarebit Playing Cards by Theory11 - Now in Two Colors
Post by: Don Boyer on December 05, 2014, 12:56:26 PM

Received my Rarebits on Saturday and I really like them, well the tuck at least. The copper color is very true and distinctive. The tax stamp seal is kind of plain though. After Stranger and Triplicate, I am really, really, REALLY liking the old time stamp look, so much so that I have started collecting the tax stamps separately. Something along those lines would have been a classy touch on this deck, but I will survive without it.

I still remember a few years back when the trend was for no tuck seals at all.  When custom seals came out, they became all the rage among collectors.