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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Deck Reviews! => Topic started by: Don Boyer on April 24, 2013, 02:04:57 AM

Title: Battle 24: White Arrco vs. Artifice Tundra
Post by: Don Boyer on April 24, 2013, 02:04:57 AM
Two very beautiful black-on-white decks go head-to-head...

The White Arrco is actually an "inverse black" - think of it like a black-&-white negative image of the Black Arrco deck - and was the first Arrco deck to employ what they called "Premium Finish", one of the several industry names for Magic Finish.  It has (what else?) standard Arrco faces.

The Artifice Tundra takes the black-&-white aesthetic a step further, replicating the colorway of the Bicycle Ghost deck in the "new classic" Artifice style and like all Ellusionist decks today, it uses "Performance Coating", a.k.a. Magic Finish.  The Artifice has (again, what else?) Artifice faces with black-bordered red-suit pips in the indices of the red cards while the face pips are all black for all the suits.

Voters who comment on their choice are entered in a random drawing for forum swag - see this topic (!/) for the rules.
Title: Re: Battle 24: White Arrco vs. Artifice Tundra
Post by: Soliloquy on April 24, 2013, 01:53:38 PM
Love the snowflake back of Artifice Tundra.
Title: Re: Battle 24: White Arrco vs. Artifice Tundra
Post by: KPopFever605 on April 24, 2013, 10:39:37 PM
Artifice Tundra - Although both decks are black and white, the white makes the Artifice stand out. Plus, the borders fade, which is always nice. Although I'm not a fan of the Ghost faces, it works surprisingly well with this deck though.
Title: Re: Battle 24: White Arrco vs. Artifice Tundra
Post by: Don Boyer on April 25, 2013, 12:46:40 AM
Love the snowflake back of Artifice Tundra.

That's not really a snowflake...  :))

I like the Arrco.  At least it's not a case of, "hey, I'm out of ideas, let's toss two deck designs in a blender and call it a day..."  Plus I don't have any mental compulsions to hate Arrco faces, unlike SOME people I've seen posting here...  :))
Title: Re: Battle 24: White Arrco vs. Artifice Tundra
Post by: Nurul on April 25, 2013, 06:20:42 AM
Artifice tundra hands down. I'm a massive fan of the artifice series, I love everything about them, the courts, the pips, AoS is one of the most elegant AoS out there. The joker, definitely one of the best jokers IMO - it just looks so badass :) . And they handle like a dream in my hands. Love them
Title: Re: Battle 24: White Arrco vs. Artifice Tundra
Post by: Utterfool on April 25, 2013, 10:00:55 AM
Haven't received my Artifice Perma Frost yet. I seem to get all my Ellusionist decks about a week after everyone else gets theirs (except for our foreign patrons)
and since this always annoys me.
I am voting for the White Arrco deck

Title: Re: Battle 24: White Arrco vs. Artifice Tundra
Post by: Don Boyer on April 26, 2013, 12:29:01 AM
We can see the clear winner here - Artifice Tundra.

Soliloquy, you are the comment winner - again!

Next battle comin' right up...

Tally Ho: Titanium vs. Black (