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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Deck Reviews! => Topic started by: NathanCanadas on August 27, 2012, 03:56:22 PM

Title: [TXT] [long] Skulkor Deck *** (3/5 stars)
Post by: NathanCanadas on August 27, 2012, 03:56:22 PM
So. Here is my first written review, and it is for the Skulkor deck that I have bashed on for the past months.

Box: 3/5 The front looks pretty sleek, all in black, with Skulkor and the logo in a faded white in it's center. One side says "The United States Playing Card Company" and the other says "Skulkor Playing Cards Performance Air Coating". Bottom has an ugly skulkor logo and some copyright info. Top is just plain black. Back shows the design. Doesn't look too good as a whole but is pretty detailed (see more info later). Flap is a continuation of the back design and has the skulkor logo. The "continuation effect wasn't rendered well IMO and the logo is off-center compared to the back design.

Extra cards: 2/5 The deck comes with 2 extra cards. One is a gimmicked card, which shows a faded version of half of the back design and 3 face up cards. Pretty useless IMO. Front of this card is the same as those of the jokers. The other card is a skulkor ad card on the face and the back is also an ad and also gives a link to a tutorial on how to use the other gimmicked card.

Faces: 2/5 The jokers are both identical and show some sort of weird eagle. Pretty ugly IMO. No indexes on them. The Ace of Spades is custom as well, and says skulkor on the bottom. No copyright info. Simple and horrible. Faces are standard bike faces.

Back design: 2.5/5 The back design is pretty much the same as on the back of the box, but with white and thicker borders. It is very detailed, but as a whole it doesn't make any sense to me. Nothing pops out, and the center wastes the intricateness of the edges ad corners.

Overall look: 3.5/5 These cards look amazing in all sorts of fans because the corner design appears and looks great. The most beautiful of all though are giant fans as half of the back design shows, and it truly looks amazing.

Handling: 4/5 Just like any USPCC deck, these handle great, both out of the box and after having been worked in for a while. Fans aren't perfectly even, but they are very easy to do. Faros are also very easily executed.

Stock and finish: 4/5 I believe these cards have regular Bicycle Stock and Magic Finish, but I can't be sure since the box keeps the secret pretty well in stating they use "Performance air coating".

Durability: 3.5/5 The cards hold up pretty well to regular use. Nothing exceptional, just like most custom bicycle stock decks. The finish seems to wear off pretty quickly though.

Improvement Obviously there is a lot of room for improvement. The center of the back design is confusing and doesn't add anything to the intricate edges. It would have to be rethought. The extra cards are a waste. I would have liked to at least see re-colored court cards to fit the "creepy/mysterious" feel. Inside of tuck case isn't black, and that is too bad. The Ace of spades would also have to be redone. Jokers are OK. Box isn't bad.

Overall: 3/5 Mediocre at best. If it weren't for a standard USPCC handling, these cards would have only weaknesses. The design is ok. No custom faces, and disappointing Ace of Spades, Jokers, Extra cards and box. A confusing back design.

Extra On an extra note, Skulkor really have to change marketing tactics, referring to us as brothers, considering their lackluster product to be a "revolution", selling ugly clips, brick boxes and rings for a lot extra etc.


Please feel free to comment below regarding my review and what you thought about it. Thanks a lot. Also, if you'd like to see more from me, please encourage me below as well. (These are pretty tiring to me :P
Thank you for your time and patience,
Title: Re: [TXT] [long] Skulkor Deck *** (3/5 stars)
Post by: chisairi on August 28, 2012, 12:09:40 AM

Extra On an extra note, Skulkor really have to change marketing tactics, referring to us as brothers, considering their lackluster product to be a "revolution", selling ugly clips, brick boxes and rings for a lot extra etc.

i agreed with most of things except for the quote comment.
marketing is really a hit or a miss thing depending on who they want to attract. From I see from forums and facebook pages. It looks like the people who likes it really dig it and for those who hates the marketing..they really hate it.
as for clips and brick boxes, the clip looks like any other JP clip..nothing too special except for color (i am a fan of white). the leather wrap brick box. I have one and i have to say it is amazing. it actually make sense to say it's a brick. not just another paper box.

The other thing I find is that you are putting too much personal emotion into your review. it makes people feel the review is bias. Be more objective if you could. adding "the Skulkor deck that I have bashed on for the past months" at the very top is just no good in my opinion. If you hate it so much why write about it..right?

Everything else is well written tho! good job!

Title: Re: [TXT] [long] Skulkor Deck *** (3/5 stars)
Post by: NathanCanadas on August 28, 2012, 08:30:18 PM
I didn't actually hate it. I was just bashing on their marketing tactics. And for the brick box I was talking about their "custom brick box" they were talking about, not the special one you get with some extra red-sealed decks. I was talking about the one with their "custom sticker", a plain white box with a sticker on it. Thanks for the suggestions.