- A Discourse For Playing Cards

Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: LeonJL on May 01, 2012, 06:46:56 PM

Title: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: LeonJL on May 01, 2012, 06:46:56 PM
Came across this on KS and did a search but found no topic on this deck, here's the link on kickstarter

Kinda think this took the concept of Paul's Tendril Deck design by having white borders on a black deck. Might be seeing more decks like this in the future. I haven't decided to pledge for this yet as I didn't really like its art especially the odd colored pips but that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Evan on May 01, 2012, 06:55:43 PM
The deck has potential but it looks sort of sloppy, especially with the white border on the faces only covering half of the indice. The pips look to be brown which doesn't go well with the rest of the deck. Also, the back design needs some work and he needs to fill in a lot of the open spots on the back. I won't be pledging for this deck.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 01, 2012, 07:04:56 PM
I actually really like the looks of these cards but won't be picking these up. I referred him to this thread as well.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: rainking187 on May 01, 2012, 08:33:27 PM
I don't like the way the pips are half on the border and half on the face. He says it makes them easier to see, but it doesn't for me. I guess it's easier to see than black pips on a black face, but not as good as light colored pips. I do hope that more black decks start using the white borders like the Tendril deck did to prevent the chipping though.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: shutupdangit on May 01, 2012, 08:50:49 PM
I'm in complete agreement about the pip design. Having a white outline around the pips doesn't make reading any easier at all. It's basically trying to solve a problem I feel like isn't that big of a problem to begin with.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Paul Carpenter on May 01, 2012, 09:20:20 PM
Well it didn't take too long did it? We have never seen a deck with black faces and borders and then blammo, there ya go. :)

I have to agree that those pips are really hard to read. He don't want to push the limits of the borders, so left those in the normal location but had to leave the pips in place as well so you get that effect. Can't say I like that all that much.

The back leaves me feeling a bit "meh." I guess that if I'd never seen my deck before I'd be intrigued but as it stands it doesn't do quite enough to grab me.

Still, it's nice to know I started a trend. :)
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Aaron on May 01, 2012, 10:08:55 PM
Looks like stated above "Meh". It isnt as bad as some other decks on KS lately, but certainly not a great deck. I won't be backing it. And I doubt it will reach funding with the highest pledge $100. Most other KS decks get most funding from the highest reward teirs. (from what I have read)
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: xZEROx on May 02, 2012, 02:20:00 AM
I'm slightly confused about this deck, Bicycle branded? I don't see anything relevant or resemble Bicycle at all...
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on May 02, 2012, 03:20:40 AM
The guy's obviously a first-time designer with big dreams, but who doesn't know about how to properly put together a deck design or a Kickstarter project.  Like When He Capitalized Every Word In Some Of His Sentences, or just plain uses terrible English.  I recognize that not everyone's a native English speaker, but if you want to look professional, have a pro proofread for you!

I hate the whacky pips, and I doubly hate the "split" indices.  He solves exactly one problem, the edge chipping, but doesn't exactly choose the most elegant way to do it.  As a "master level magician", he should know this, but he doesn't.

Don't even get me started on his own music as part of the rewards tiers.  What the hell is he selling, cards or CDs and MP3 downloads?  And he's counting on small donors to fund the whole ten grand, as well - no retailer-level reward tiers that don't include his freakin' music.

I just can't take this project seriously.  Pass, in a very big way.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: jmrock on May 02, 2012, 09:13:19 AM
Awful in many different ways... You cannot see what card it is due to the obstructive nature of the pip placement to the edge where the black meets the white, which would have been far better had their been a gradual fade... In addition, the box is just simple and designed poorly... As far as the backs... Eclipse what?  Given the name of the deck, there could have been such an interesting and nice back having to do with an eclipse, but as usual these days a simple line design mediocre at best... Easy to say no to this one...

Two more things:
People need to stop disrespecting the Bicycle name by including it in their ridiculous projects...

Paul, stay humble my friend... Your deck is nice from what we've seen, but as far as you starting a trend... relax...
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Paul Carpenter on May 02, 2012, 09:52:22 AM
Paul, stay humble my friend... Your deck is nice from what we've seen, but as far as you starting a trend... relax...

Heh, that was said very much tongue-in-cheek. When T11 and D&D come out with a black bordered face I'll claim the trend.  ;)
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 02, 2012, 11:24:27 AM
What did he use to print the cards and the box? His home printer? There are so many mistakes in the prototypes. For example, there is no black behind the 8's indexes while there is behind the King. Also make sure you pause at 1:02. He wrote "Hidden Mirros" instead of "Hidden Mirrors". And check out the site "" he linked to at the bottom of the KS page: there is nothing on it... Wow.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: CBJ on May 02, 2012, 02:13:28 PM
I'm slightly confused about this deck, Bicycle branded? I don't see anything relevant or resemble Bicycle at all...

I totally agree with you.  It's not a Bicycle Branded deck.  Does anyone know if he's planning on making it one?

Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 02, 2012, 02:48:09 PM
I'm slightly confused about this deck, Bicycle branded? I don't see anything relevant or resemble Bicycle at all...

I totally agree with you.  It's not a Bicycle Branded deck.  Does anyone know if he's planning on making it one?

It seems he didn't make the prototype through USPCC, but he repeated many times he was planning on making it Bicycle to have good quality.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on May 02, 2012, 11:36:42 PM
I just hope they don't get made.  They're really bad.  I can't imagine these cards, that "sales pitch" and those rewards are enticing enough to enough people to get this thing off the drawing board.

It's like everyone and their cousin wants to make a deck of cards, and Kickstarter gives them hope whereas prior to KS, it would never have happened.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on May 04, 2012, 01:12:38 PM
Wow, first I have to say thank you guys so much for checking the deck out. It really means alot to us. And you guys have some great points about the deck. The hardest thing about Design is trying to find that place where you make everyone happy, so for what it's worth, just know in our future decks, your words will be on our minds when we work.

I especially want to address Paul from Encarda, I got to say, I am really excited to be able to talk to you, you developed a great deck man, and we hold you in the highest regaurds, especially on Kickstarter. Your the Alpha Male of the pack as it stands and will always be the guy that started the kickstarter tread in my eyes, for all kinds of reasons.

The White on White boards was a evolution of a idea. I am sure we both are fans of ellusionist, and I have to give credit to ellusionist for the White on White Boards. There New Artifice Series was the Card that showed how nice an important White Boarders are on dark cards. They Sealed the deal with Infinite. So they Basically hand feed Hidden Mirrors the idea of doing the same exact thing to the faces. It was just a progression. Dark Faces was also there idea when they changed the Card world with Black tigers, those guys are the true innovators in my humble opinion.

We only claim originality because as far as we know, we are the first Deck to have pure white on white boarders, but I am sure ellusionist is right behind us. So how original are we? We just slightly improved on the idea they showed us. And in the end, it doesn't really matter who did what first, people only card about weather they want to buy the product or not.

I say this because I want you to know, in no way, did we look at Tendril and then copy your idea. I have praised Tendril in many forums, your shadow boarders are bit different then ours, the fade concept wasn't actually something that crossed our minds, and it was a really good idea. And here is my promise that you will never see us make a deck that fades from black to grey on the border, I saw your youtube video where you explained the shadow boarder concept, and we will never try to steal that from you. It's important to us for you to know how much we respect your work and success.

Also, to address some other popular points from other posters, Deck is Bicycle Brand, the Prototype were hand made by me and my friends on a home printer with Bicycle card stocks. And there are several places I misspelled Mirros instead of Mirrors, we are going to be more careful in the future. We are new at this, but trust me when I say we are dedicated to being the best, we are consumers and we know how much the consumers should be respected, which Is why we are going to every topic we can find and making sure everyone knows we are listing and learning.

Thank you guys so much, you can always reach out to us directly at and if you have any questions or ideas or complaints, we are so driven to proven our selves, we will get back to you. You will see us around here too. So take care.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Lara Krystle "Lane" on May 04, 2012, 08:33:50 PM
Hey there Juan. First of all welcome to the Discourse. I know the critique can be tough here, but I assure you these comments will really help you in developing your deck to becoming a better designed card you can make it to be.

have a great day!
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Paul Carpenter on May 04, 2012, 11:04:57 PM
Well thanks for the kind words on my deck. I am in no way the expert, certainly not the most talented designer, and there are many folks out there that I look up to. I think that my project worked well on Kickstarter because I KILLED myself planning it, getting every detail as perfect as I could, marketing it aggressively and being as responsive as humanly possible to any/every request.

I was mainly joking about your deck "copying" me. Honestly I was surprised that my idea hadnt been done before and I expect it would come about without me. If anything, I'm flattered that you know about Tendril and looked at it.

I still do caution you with that pip design. I see why you tried it, but it really does impact readability a lot in my opinion and there might be some ways to keep the intent but improve the design.

My final suggestion is that if ultimately you want to make cards, focus on the cards. Lose the music and other unrelated items and make the Kickstarter about the core product. People who are interested in the cards probably won't care one bit about any other products other than those directly related to the cards (like art prints, uncut sheets, card clips, etc), so focus in on the thing that really sells.

As Lara said, things can be harsh here but that stems from people being really passionate about their hobby. Don't try to please everyone, but if you universally hear bad things about a part of the design, that's when its time to step back and rethink a little.

Good luck!
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on May 05, 2012, 01:49:09 AM
HM, welcome to the Discourse.  Yes, we are harsh critics - because we love playing cards.  I know I felt that the deck design was a step backwards in that the split indices looks difficult to read.  The misspellings on the box and the KS front page didn't inspire confidence, either.  The white borders are a great choice, sure, but there was nothing else simple or easy about this deck, from appearances.

Some people go over the top when designing a new deck - but sometimes, simplicity works better.  For example, a "cutout" white background for the corner indices would increase readability tenfold, providing excellent contrast from the card art on the black background.  Half-in, half-out doesn't help this design one bit.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 05, 2012, 11:54:06 AM
Welcome to the forums, Hidden Mirrors. As the previous members have said, we are harsh critiques as we know a lot about cards. I hope the best to you and your project and your future projects as well.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Jin Jian on May 05, 2012, 04:02:51 PM
i do not like the deck .. the back design i think look ok and the other look just fine but my only problem is the split image.. one white one black .. my advice is if you want create a all white or black deck ..
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: lancetmiller on May 05, 2012, 05:35:02 PM
Wow, first I have to say thank you guys so much for checking the deck out. It really means alot to us. And you guys have some great points about the deck. The hardest thing about Design is trying to find that place where you make everyone happy, so for what it's worth, just know in our future decks, your words will be on our minds when we work.


Welcome to the forums. I must say, I saw your Kickstarter a few days ago and had the same initial "Meh" reaction. However, I went through a similar situation with my cards,  they were trashed horribly before the first deck I ever put on Kickstarter, and many were here to witness it. Of course that was on United Cardists, but the fact remains, the public has grown a voice and they aren't afraid to use it. You may not know me, and I'm not trying to say that I'm a somebody, but in my case, I encourage raw critique and a "no holds barred" type of feedback towards my product and toward other products hitting the market. It helps you gain insight into things you may have blinded yourself toward because you're in love with your own project. That's good that you're in love with your idea, you should be, else you shouldn't be trying to come to the market.

From a consumer product aspect, the Eclipse deck has a lot of potential, but your design aesthetic could use some work. The title font for "Eclipse" is highly illegible and part of design is knowing that less is more. Just because you can do a big outer glow or stroke on a font, doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to do. I further agree that from a legibility standpoint, the indices need a way for them to stand apart from the border. From a brand strategy perspective, Bicycle will literally come after you if they see their logo re-envisioned as you have it drawn on your Kickstarter page. They have worked tirelessly for 125 years to create a brand worthy of recognition and we owe it to them as designers to respect their intellectual property and their brand space. If you intend to make it a Bicycle deck, that's awesome, but you should go through the proper channels and ask for permission to use the Bicycle Logo on your Kickstarter. They have been cracking down on that, specifically on Kickstarter, for a while and I'd rather give you a heads up than to have them make you pull your project completely.

Now, you'll notice a lot of this thread will tear you down, but offer advice on how to build your deck back up. A smart designer knows that there are certain aspects which can be highly detrimental to their deck if changed. Listen to the advice and make the changes you feel best meet the overall community's desires. It's sad to say, but there are many people throwing their hats in the ring right now to be deck designers, who don't have the first clue about consumerism. The fact is, it doesn't matter if you like the deck, it matters if the market you are trying to sell it to likes the deck. It's a fine line to try to appease everyone and you've mentioned that you know that's not possible. That's a great start. However, don't neglect the advice that Paul mentioned before you hopped into this thread; consider other candid responses that you are discovering as you find new forum topics talking about your project, those are the questions and points you should be reflecting on. Look at those and the other posts honestly and before taking a defensive stance and ask yourself if some changes will benefit your project for the better. Your ability to discern the right moves to make will determine your success or failure.

Lastly, as much as it pains me to point out, your spelling and grammar need some serious help. I say this with a caveat that I, myself, am not perfect in my grammar or spelling by any means (there are probably errors in this very post). I'm not saying this to poke fun or to demean you in anyway and I'm not saying you have to be perfect with grammar, but I am saying that errors should be minimal and not detract, or distract, from your core message. I'm saying this because as a man developing a company that is about to sell a product, you owe it to your consumers to respect them enough to write with decent vocabulary and spelling. To put it in analogy, imagine if Pepsi constantly had spelling errors in advertisements but was trying to take more market share from Coca-Cola, who, for the hypothetical sake of this conversation, had no errors in spelling or grammar in their ads. Who would be most likely to retain their share and perhaps gain more of the market? When you present yourself as a businessman in written communication, such as these forums or your Kickstarter page, it is really hard for people to connect with you as a professional if your sentences are structured poorly or broken by misplaced or misspelled words.

I hope you don't get angry at me for pointing that out, but that is where knowing your strengths and weaknesses comes in. If you know you aren't great at that part of your business, hire someone else to write your communications (as dictated by you) so that your thoughts are still the prevalent idea, or invite someone whom you regard highly in terms of their communication abilities, to proofread and correct your writing.

Keep a strong heart toward your goal and you'll get there.

- Lance
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 05, 2012, 06:07:32 PM
i do not like the deck .. the back design i think look ok and the other look just fine but my only problem is the split image.. one white one black .. my advice is if you want create a all white or black deck ..
Creating 2 decks goes against what the designer was trying to do: have a black deck with white borders to prevent chipping. Instead of creating two decks, if the KS becomes unsuccessful, he could make some slight changes to the border size and the way it cuts the face and back images, and then bring give it another try on kickstarter, just like Sean Whelan did with his Galvanic playing cards and was successful.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: frostchew on May 06, 2012, 02:21:14 AM
@NathanCanadas, do you ever read what others post or are you just too eager to comment on what other people say? hawjinjian specifically mentioned "my advice is if you want create a all white or black deck", meaning his advice to HM was to create an all white OR all black deck.

of course, @hawjinjian, you could help with typing in proper English to the best of your ability instead of loosing the caps and having more than one fullstops (periods) after each sentence.

Back on topic, my only gripe with this deck is the design of the face cards. The white border cuts the corner pips in a way that is really annoying and this is definitely going to put off a lot of backers who want to use the deck in their performances or magic routines. HM, I suggest you guys keep the pips out of the white borders; borders are called borders for a reason! Trust me, it is definitely not "Easy-To-Read", whether "up-close and from far away".
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on May 07, 2012, 08:52:20 AM
Hi Lance! You are another designer that I was much looking forward to speaking with, I have a steam punk deck I think made by Theory 11 and I must say, your deck really surpasses that one. I was not around when you where getting funded but I will try to track down a pack of your cards for purchase because they are truly impressive.

I will address the English grammar issues just to clarify, the simple problem is that my associate LC Roman did most of the writing for this project. As far as the spelling goes, I will take your advice and hire someone to do this for us in the future. I know in business you should know your weakness and bring people in to help you, but we have no money for this sort of thing yet, so we do the best we can with what we have at the moment.

And some designers may question our ideas and experience, but again, we are self taught in design and what we bring to the table is our experience with magic. In time, we will get better with design and also work with more experiences artist once we can afford to hire them, this attempt on kickstarter has already attracted 2 young talented artists to our cause and you can be sure to see future work from them.

I just ask that people keep in mind what we are trying to do, we are people with ideas, and we are turning to kickstarter to see if we can get the funding to bring these ideas to life. And so far, we have seen great support from people and have made great strides to reach our goals.

We also have taken the time to respond to each and every post on every website and every e-mail to address everyone's thoughts on the deck, simply because we want people to know we truly care and we will not rest until people know that Hidden Mirrors is a group that cares and listens to the people.

There is more then one way to solve a problem, and I think people are jumping to conclusions on our design, stating, as if it is fact, that our ideas don't solve problems, or work. A truth is our boarders are inkless and it is not possible for them to chip, since there is Zero ink. The Bicycle Template is one of the most easiest to understand and recognize by the average person, and we did not stray from the traditional red and black color palette to further reduce confusion. Combine this with the alternate pip on each card, and the outlines, when a card appears in front of you, or if you are standing a few feet away, everyone knows what card it is. We know this from our test crowds, with these horrible hand printed cards, we know, the real cards will be even better, and this is something we will just have to prove once we have the real cards. We did not want to include any of these videos on this project because honestly there is no reason for any viewer to trust the crowd is real, so why waste anyone's time.

I thank you guys for your support and ask that we just keep in mind what it is people on kickstarter are doing, this is not a contest, or a way to prove who is better then who. This is a chance for small businesses to secure funding to go on and do what they want to do. I may not agree or like every product or idea out there, but I do understand that those people behind it work hard and have alot on the line with there ventures. We all may come from different schools of thought, or have different ideas about cards, but in the end, we are all doing our part to provide consumers with as many options as possible when it comes to picking a deck. And that's always a good thing. I will stay in touch.

Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 07, 2012, 10:23:31 AM
The thing was that HM wanted an ALL BLACK deck that wouldn't chip. And the only solution to the chipping problem was to have white borders. So, no, this wouldn't be possible. What they could do is not invert the court cards, but I don't see why they would do that though. It would be ugly and would fit the theme even less. So I don't really get what you are trying to say.
Post by: HiddenMirrors on May 10, 2012, 12:35:54 PM
Hey guy we got the proofs to all of our cards for the "BICYCLE ECLIPSE" deckl!!Check them out, and let me know what you guys think!!I made the red in the pips a lot  brighter for the red cards, and now they pop!  ;)

Also, you can now see where the word "Bicycle" will be on the Card Case.

Thanks Guys
Juan G

Check it out!!
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 10, 2012, 12:56:26 PM
Nice! Is it just me or are the red pips almost pink and the black ones almost gray? Not that that's a bad thing. I hope these get funded :D Have you gotten a USPCC prototype or not?
Post by: HiddenMirrors on May 10, 2012, 01:47:12 PM
yeah, the color is a mix of reds and a little pink to brighten it up, and the blacks are alittle on the grey side as well to make them also stand out on the black backround. And no I have not received a Prototype deck from them yet.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Robert Butler on May 10, 2012, 04:09:55 PM
Hey guys! HM may have had a rought start out of the gate but I've just spoken with them and there about to make a sweet turn around! 
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 10, 2012, 04:31:55 PM
Hey guys! HM may have had a rought start out of the gate but I've just spoken with them and there about to make a sweet turn around!
What do you mean? Are they going to make changes in their design? Are they going to get a sponsor?...
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: rainking187 on May 10, 2012, 04:34:58 PM
Hey guys! HM may have had a rought start out of the gate but I've just spoken with them and there about to make a sweet turn around!
What do you mean? Are they going to make changes in their design? Are they going to get a sponsor?...

I'm thinking he may be implying eco clips. But while they look nice I don't think they'll have a drastic impact on the Kickstarter if people just don't care for the deck itself. I could be wrong though.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Robert Butler on May 10, 2012, 04:44:51 PM
Hey guys! HM may have had a rought start out of the gate but I've just spoken with them and there about to make a sweet turn around!
What do you mean? Are they going to make changes in their design? Are they going to get a sponsor?...

I'm thinking he may be implying eco clips. But while they look nice I don't think they'll have a drastic impact on the Kickstarter if people just don't care for the deck itself. I could be wrong though.

Eco Clip?  ehh not really sure at this time but I mean I've spoken to him to explain the pros and cons of his kickstarter and how to improve.  This guy has the best intentions, he is just new to the industry and needed some info.  I expect to see improvements to his design and over all rewards. 
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: dcell59 on May 10, 2012, 04:55:50 PM
Eco clips could get a few people to increase their reward levels, but I do agree it's not going to bring in the $4k needed to complete funding. However, there's still 25 days to go, and I've seen card design projects completing with less at this point. I think most of us can forgive a few grammatical errors and web site problems (that link is still there, Juan). The real issues are the final look of the cards and the reward packages.
Post by: jmrock on May 10, 2012, 05:04:44 PM
Is there a reason that a second thread was started for the Elipse deck???  And what are they both doing on the first page of the discourse???

Could someone kindly combine or remove this post, as there was no need to have started a second post... Thanks, J.
Post by: Jin Jian on May 11, 2012, 12:43:30 AM
hi i have sent you a message at kickstarter .. pls reply
Post by: xela on May 11, 2012, 02:37:52 AM
Merging this thread with the original. :)
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Lara Krystle "Lane" on May 15, 2012, 08:29:43 PM
 The only problem I really have with these cards is the Half in half out pips, because I think it makes it even harder to recognize/read the pips and indice if they are like that.
I like the large Aces though. And I have a questions about the 2 people in the box. What are they supposed to be? just a question.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Jin Jian on May 16, 2012, 10:00:43 AM
me too .. i am not a big fan of the pips .. but i do like the back design
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 16, 2012, 12:12:09 PM
That's funny jin! I am not a huge fan of the back design but I like the faces although the pips are a bit confusing! I guess we all have different tastes!
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Russell CircleCityCards on May 16, 2012, 01:36:54 PM
Are any of you actually going to PLAY with the cards?  Most people here dont even OPEN them.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: CBJ on May 27, 2012, 11:19:52 AM

9 days left to get $2600 more in funding.. or this project fails.

So, if you haven't picked one or two up yet, now is the time!

Let's help Juan reach his goal!

Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: vmagic on May 27, 2012, 01:31:39 PM
Are any of you actually going to PLAY with the cards?  Most people here dont even OPEN them.

I always open my decks to review them and handle them.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: cosmicsecret on May 27, 2012, 06:23:44 PM
I don´t think he will success this time on kickstarter.
Like the galvanic deck,too many other deck projects were running or decks were released in the same time.
I really like the 4 big pip aces and the whole idea of the deck.

My problem is just with black decks,people always asume that you are using a trick deck.
No matter how good your performance was you get at least 1 person who thinks/says :"The trick was good but o boy....this deck looks suspicious"
and that´s why black deck´s kill it for me as a performance deck.

It will find the way in my collection but not during this kickstarter...if there will be a 2nd try later this year,then i will pledge for 3 decks.
Money is short these days...sadly.

Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: ItsMagicITellYou~ on May 27, 2012, 08:09:03 PM
im quite partial to the back design, the faces are still kind of a turnoff though....i guess ill wait till next time.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on May 28, 2012, 11:05:33 AM
I don´t think he will success this time on kickstarter.
Like the galvanic deck,too many other deck projects were running or decks were released in the same time.
I really like the 4 big pip aces and the whole idea of the deck.

My problem is just with black decks,people always asume that you are using a trick deck.
No matter how good your performance was you get at least 1 person who thinks/says :"The trick was good but o boy....this deck looks suspicious"
and that´s why black deck´s kill it for me as a performance deck.

It will find the way in my collection but not during this kickstarter...if there will be a 2nd try later this year,then i will pledge for 3 decks.
Money is short these days...sadly.
True, but then you can always use the deck for a fun card game with friends, for flourishing, or just to stare at it.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on June 01, 2012, 11:00:49 AM
We Heard you loud and clear, here come the Rewards for all our loyal backers!

·         Any Backer that Upgrades gets a FREE Signed Deck added on to their selected reward.
·         Any Backer that Upgrades to $45 or more gets the already mentioned FREE Signed Deck AND a FREE Signed Uncut-Card Sheet added onto their selected reward.
·        Any Backer already above $45 will get the Free Signed Uncut-Card Sheet automatically, Thank you for your support! Still consider upgrading to get the FREE Signed Deck.
·         Please message us and let us know you upgraded so we can make sure everyone gets their free decks!!! :)

·         As an Added Bonus, if we get Funded, EVEYONE GETS AND ADDITIONAL FREE DECK (Signed by Request) that means, if you upgrade AND we get funded, you would be getting 2 FREE DECKS! 1 for the Upgrade and 1 as a Reward for the funding.  And remember, if your Pledge is $45 or higher, you get that Free Signed Un-Cut Sheet as well!
·         Last but no not least, this Deck will Never be Re-printed after the Kickstarter Project is over. This is your only chance to Own Hidden Mirror’s First deck ever created.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Jin Jian on June 01, 2012, 12:39:12 PM
nice deal ... but what does it mean by any back that upgrades ?? will i get 2 free deck and 1 free uncut if i pledge for $45 or more?
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on June 01, 2012, 01:15:52 PM
nice deal ... but what does it mean by any back that upgrades ?? will i get 2 free deck and 1 free uncut if i pledge for $45 or more?

If we get funded, every backers gets a free deck, we will sign it if you like. If you are $45 or above when we get funded, you get a Free-Uncut Sheet Signed.

There is also the Upgrade bonus, this is for people that already backed us. If they increase their pledge we will reward them with ANOTHER FREE Deck, singed.

So for example, if you already backed us, and you increase to the $45 bracket, you get the 6 decks from the reward, 1 deck for the upgrade, 1 deck when we get funded, and the uncut sheet, a total of 8 decks and 1 uncut sheet for $45! And these are now decks that will never be reprinted past this kickstarter run. the left over will get sold at $8, you can get them for half that on kickstarter now.

another example is if you are new backer and you come it at 45, you would get those 6 decks, the uncut and the 1 deck when we get funded. The Increase pledge bonus only happens if after you entered 45 you went up to the next bracket, which is 52. Any backer that increase there bracket gets that bonus deck. So again, if a new backer comes in at 10, then upgrades to 45, they get the upgrade bonus too, which is kind of cheating, but we don't care :) we want everyone to get the best deal on Kickstarter. We have come too close to let that supported us down, we will do anything we can to make these decks a reality for them.

So you can get decks as low as 4.30 a deck, that's basically 50% off suggested retail AND free shipping. We listened to our backers and we are really pulling to give them everything they could ask for and more, no exaggeration, check update #6 and update #7 and see how we listened to everything they wanted and then some :)
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: CBJ on June 01, 2012, 05:56:32 PM
Man, I'm not sure why you waited for the last 3 days to push your sales..

You might have waited too long.  Only time will tell

Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on June 01, 2012, 07:52:28 PM
Man, I'm not sure why you waited for the last 3 days to push your sales..

You might have waited too long.  Only time will tell

I agree. This is an amazing deal. Sean Whelan, creator of the Galvanic deck, had a similar promotion about a week before, and it bumped his deck up 2,000$, from 8,000$ to 10,000$. Good luck any ways.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on June 03, 2012, 12:59:51 AM
In the future, you can expect alot more creative deals from Hidden Mirrors, we are learning alot from the backers and people on the forums and you will see that we will be shaped and molded by the people.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: KPopFever605 on June 03, 2012, 02:49:36 AM
If we pledge for the $10 pledge, are you able to include a SEPARATE signed card accompanying the SEALED Eclipse deck? Also, can you create a pledge for one single deck, excluding the MP3 Download and the Wallpaper?
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on June 03, 2012, 03:07:51 AM
60 hours remain, and $876 is still needed to meet the goal.  It's not impossible, but it's really going to be a close one - if this was horse racing, it would be a photo finish.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: vmagic on June 03, 2012, 10:57:56 AM
Less than $800 to go! I see Jason of the1eyedjack has been supporting these and other kickstarters, but I didn't see Michael of bmpokerworld on the list, or maybe I missed him. Somebody should tell him to check it out.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on June 03, 2012, 11:15:08 AM
Less than $800 to go! I see Jason of the1eyedjack has been supporting these and other kickstarters, but I didn't see Michael of bmpokerworld on the list, or maybe I missed him. Somebody should tell him to check it out.
Or perhaps he checked it out but judged it not worth his backing.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: vmagic on June 03, 2012, 11:26:08 AM
You could be right. Either way I sent him and pokerstud52 messages in case they never heard of it.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: vmagic on June 03, 2012, 11:30:30 AM
Apparently bmpokerworld doesn't back any kickstarter projects, sorry I didn't know and didn't mean to start any trouble!
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: CBJ on June 03, 2012, 11:52:45 AM
Well how's this for you, bmpokerworld doesn't back any kickstarter projects apparently! I guess he doesn't care about these guys producing decks.

That's jumping the gun a little.

BMPoker does sell some kickstarter decks.  But, I would imagine, Mike would rather tie up funds in decks that he can flip right away.. then tie up money with decks he might not get for 3-6 months.  It's just smart business.


Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Paul Carpenter on June 03, 2012, 01:32:12 PM
Bmpokerworld doesn't pledge for decks but can be interested after they are produced and ready. As CBJ said, they probably don't want to tie up funds and with the generally very long lead times for the kickstarter projects that makes sense.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: bmpokerworld on June 03, 2012, 01:38:20 PM
Well how's this for you, bmpokerworld doesn't back any kickstarter projects apparently! I guess he doesn't care about these guys producing decks.

Once again you are desperate for us to sell you. As you keep trying to find ways to contact us. We have already stated publicly why we do not support kickstarter decks through kickstarter. It just becomes to much money and too long of wait to support these projects upfront. I also believe someone who wants to produce a deck should have their own money invested as well. This has been stated before, but I guess since you are either too ignorant or too blinded by your own vengeance, you didn't see it.

We always are willing to support people once they have the decks and can send them right away.

Just so everyone knows what kind of person Victor really his, here is the email he sent me. He is too embarrassed to use his own name:

Name: Joe
Comments: Hey, I was looking at a deck on, which only
needs about $700 more to get funded within the next 2 days and I
didn\'t see your name on the list so I thought I would tell you about
it in case you are interested in backing it and getting it funded. It
is the Bicycle Eclipse. Go check it out at this link -

He used "Joe" because he didn't think I would realize it was him. Only a coward would hide behind the computer the way Victor is doing. He will never learn and that is why we will never sell him.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Curt on June 03, 2012, 02:08:43 PM
Lets keep this thread focused on the deck please. BM's response is fine because he was defending himself and answering a question directed at him, but from now on please keep the messages in this thread about the deck itself.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on June 03, 2012, 08:06:58 PM
Thx for all the support guys. we are getting close and pls don't fight over this, I am not sure what all that was about, but we have contacted many wholesalers that are willing to buy decks after they are made and we understand that move. While we call for people to spread the word, pls don't bother about our deck if you think they may not want them. We really don't want people seeing this project in any kind of bad light.

But on topic, we are so happy to see the increase in our last few days. In response to extra brackets and extra rewards on top of the already mentioned rewards, be sure, after we get everything, we are thinking of ways to reward people even further, but do not want to put our foot in our months and promise on anything we can't afford to deliver. We already thru our accounting sheets out the window to give everyone the deals we mentioned, we don't want to promise to much stuff, but after we get everything, if there is extra, rest assure people we see posting on forums and trying to help us will be remember in this card project and future card projects. We can't do it with out you.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: CBJ on June 04, 2012, 07:38:18 AM
Goal has been achieved!


Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on June 04, 2012, 10:59:59 AM
Thx so much for the post CBJ and yes, we have reached are goal. We are so excited about this and we have 1 last program to introduce to all of you that may be interested.

We would like to introduce to you, The Backer Referral Program.  For the last 24 hours, any new backer  who pledges at least $10 who was referred by a current backer, Both People  will received a free 8x10 Laminated and Singed Print of the Official Art of our Upcoming Deck “Codenamed: Bonfire”.  These prints will Never be Sold and WILL NOT be included in the next Project. The only way to get them is the Backer Referral Program which only last for the next 24 hours. 

We cannot post Pictures of the print online of the 8x10 print (We will once the next project launches), but I can tell you it will have 4 pictures on it, the Back of the Card, Our 100% Custom King of Hearts,  10 of Spades and the 2 of Diamonds. All the cards on this deck will be 100% Custom with a concept that will blow your mind! Just a little token of our apparition to everyone that not only pledged, but also took the time to spread the word and make so many dreams come thru.


If you are a 100% new backer, and want the print, all you would need to do is get one other person to pledge atleast $10 and you both get the prints. We wanted to make sure old and new people could get this reward and no one would be left out. Just send us a comment on kickstarter saying who referred. We need mails from both people to confirm the link between both parties. Mail us if you have any questions.

Again, thank you to the Mods and Owner/s of the Discourse, this Site has had the most conversation about the Deck and I think that had a great deal to do with our success. Please let us know if you are a Mod here or a Owner and you pledged, we be more then happy to send you a free deck for all your help. It really means alot to us that you guys spread the word and gave helpful tips about the art and the kickstarter project in general. We will never forget you.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on June 04, 2012, 11:54:41 AM
Congrats on getting it funded! With 27 hours to go, it would be nice for you to get past 11,000$ because there always are a certain amount of credit card failures that you need to take into account. But still, great job!
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on June 04, 2012, 12:09:51 PM
Congrats on getting it funded! With 27 hours to go, it would be nice for you to get past 11,000$ because there always are a certain amount of credit card failures that you need to take into account. But still, great job!

Yeah, I hear ya, that's why we are trying to push as hard as we can. I think people will really like the Referral program and the Art prints on the next Deck are Very cool looking. It's amazing how much everyone has helped, kind of too much to take in right now  :karrit: but in 24 hours, it might hit us. Special thanks to you Natahan, i have seen your name alot as I been swimming threw threads and forums and such. I appreciate all help
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: jmrock on June 04, 2012, 12:15:58 PM
Congratulations on your venture... I, personally, am not a fan of the cards, but that should certainly not be of detriment to you... I don't think they're horrible like others that I've seen, but just not my type...

As for BMPokerworld, they have the right, as do all of us, to choose not to back kickstarter.  In fact, they stated their reasons specifically and to the point.  Thus, there should be no further discussion of BMPokerworld's decision or trying to paint them in a bad light... They are one of the most reliable and honorable companies selling cards out there, and your personal motives (you know who you are) should not come into play when critiquing others... & magic... I can honestly say that I have never seen anything positive written from you... ever... think about that... ever...
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: cosmicsecret on June 04, 2012, 04:22:36 PM
Congratulation! :)
If his has been stated already in this thread,then i´m sorry and it has passed me but what is the 2nd gaff card (the first one seems to be a double backed card).
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on June 04, 2012, 06:10:19 PM
Congratulation! :)
If his has been stated already in this thread,then i´m sorry and it has passed me but what is the 2nd gaff card (the first one seems to be a double backed card).

The fist card is a double backer and the second card is a double facer  8)
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: vmagic on June 04, 2012, 07:04:55 PM
Lets keep this thread focused on the deck please. BM's response is fine because he was defending himself and answering a question directed at him, but from now on please keep the messages in this thread about the deck itself.

Congratulations on your venture... I, personally, am not a fan of the cards, but that should certainly not be of detriment to you... I don't think they're horrible like others that I've seen, but just not my type...

As for BMPokerworld, they have the right, as do all of us, to choose not to back kickstarter.  In fact, they stated their reasons specifically and to the point.  Thus, there should be no further discussion of BMPokerworld's decision or trying to paint them in a bad light... They are one of the most reliable and honorable companies selling cards out there, and your personal motives (you know who you are) should not come into play when critiquing others... & magic... I can honestly say that I have never seen anything positive written from you... ever... think about that... ever...

Well how's this for you, bmpokerworld doesn't back any kickstarter projects apparently! I guess he doesn't care about these guys producing decks.

Once again you are desperate for us to sell you. As you keep trying to find ways to contact us. We have already stated publicly why we do not support kickstarter decks through kickstarter. It just becomes to much money and too long of wait to support these projects upfront. I also believe someone who wants to produce a deck should have their own money invested as well. This has been stated before, but I guess since you are either too ignorant or too blinded by your own vengeance, you didn't see it.

We always are willing to support people once they have the decks and can send them right away.

Just so everyone knows what kind of person Victor really his, here is the email he sent me. He is too embarrassed to use his own name:

Name: Joe
Comments: Hey, I was looking at a deck on, which only
needs about $700 more to get funded within the next 2 days and I
didn\'t see your name on the list so I thought I would tell you about
it in case you are interested in backing it and getting it funded. It
is the Bicycle Eclipse. Go check it out at this link -

He used "Joe" because he didn't think I would realize it was him. Only a coward would hide behind the computer the way Victor is doing. He will never learn and that is why we will never sell him.

Curt - I don't understand how you can refer to that as him defending himself, he pretty much trashed me, all because I sent him a message about supporting a deck. This is the thanks I get for trying to help a deck get funded?

JM - Obviously you haven't seen a lot of my posts because the majority of them are not negative. I never see anything positive out of you either, you just trash me no matter what I say and you don't even know me, so don't judge me by a few posts. And I didn't mean to say anything bad about bmpokeworld, I was just surprised that they didn't back any kickstarters.

BM - First of all, I never knew you didn't support kickstarters until you responded to my message so you have no reason to call me ignorant!

Secondly, I have no vengeance towards you anymore, however I do wish you would be mature about things and let bygones be bygones and put our incident behind us.

Thirdly, I can understand your position on kickstarters and that is fine. I sent the email to you, not knowing that you did not support kickstarters, to try and get this deck funded and printed, that was all.

Also, I was not embarrassed to use my own name, I only used that name because I felt that if I used my real name you wouldn't respond at all, that is all.

I also don't understand why you would post this here and attack me like you did for sending you a simple question.

As for your first comment, I am NOT desperate for you to sell to me and this email had NOTHING to do with that whatsoever so why bring it up?

If anything that whole post shows what kind of a person you really are, not me.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Curt on June 04, 2012, 07:12:31 PM


Lets keep this thread focused on the deck please. BM's response is fine because he was defending himself and answering a question directed at him, but from now on please keep the messages in this thread about the deck itself.

If you have beef, take it up over PM. Please keep this thread focused on the deck, and not turn it into a diary of personal quarrel.

- Curt
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Curt on June 04, 2012, 07:37:41 PM



Rarely do I ever delete a posts, but I did ask nicely above to not derail this thread. Posts under this that continue to be irrelevant will simply be removed. Everyone just be happy that the deck made it through kickstarter! Congrats!
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: CBJ on June 04, 2012, 07:38:44 PM
I agree. 

No more.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: vmagic on June 04, 2012, 07:48:22 PM
I agree and am I happy that the deck was funded as well but I was too busy trying to defend myself to say that before and i'm sorry about all that Curt.
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: Lara Krystle "Lane" on June 04, 2012, 10:57:22 PM

Anyway huge congratulations on the funding!!

BTW @Hidden Mirrors, I sent you an email, I hope you check it  out. Thanks!
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: CBJ on June 05, 2012, 03:43:09 PM

The Kickstarter campaign is over!  $11,314 raised!!!


Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on June 05, 2012, 04:24:31 PM
Congrats on the funding Juan! I knew it would come alive! Now good luck sending all the packages out and dealing with USPCC :P
Title: Re: [New Deck] Bicycle Eclipse Playing Cards
Post by: HiddenMirrors on June 07, 2012, 12:41:35 PM
The Discourse! Thank you guys so much. I know you guys have been here long before I came around, and I really appreciate all the hard work that you guys put into building a strong community that has a love for playing cards. This site has one of the biggest platforms that helped bring attention to our project and we thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts.

Thanks you all for the kind words, the honest input and the passion you all put into not just my topics, but all the topics about playing cards. I am sure that every Kickstarter deck and many more owe you guys a debt of gratitude.

It is important to us that we are active members on any forum we use for promotion, While we are hard at work on our project, we will try to stop by and chime in on any topic we might be able to add value to. We want people to know we are dedicated to the people, so if there is every a question or topic we are not responding too fast enough, please reach us directly at

Again, we can't thank you enough.