- A Discourse For Playing Cards

Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: Paul Carpenter on February 21, 2012, 11:06:25 AM

Title: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: Paul Carpenter on February 21, 2012, 11:06:25 AM
Saw this come by Twitter today, and hadn't heard of them before. Anyone else?

My conclusions: 1. wow expensive 2. possibly the most one-wayish cards I've seen 3. "stylish" but not really usable. Seems like they've been around for a little while though, as they have multiple decks available.

Maybe I should do a crazy design and sell it for $30.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: Frost on February 21, 2012, 11:18:53 AM
I think they look cool but way to expensive for new playing cards, that's almost how the MSM Watcher deck costs, and these decks ain't even rare yet
the cards look great and the tuck boxes are cool,ca the USPCC make the tuck boxes like that to ?
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on February 21, 2012, 01:01:03 PM
wow. These people truly stepped out of the box! But I'm still not a huge fan of those cards!
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: moonexe on February 21, 2012, 01:40:03 PM
Some elements of these look insanely cool, I'd love to pick upo a few, but with that price I think I'll have to pass. And the word "varnish" pretty much screams "I don't know anything about cards but I want you to think they're quality." :P
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: Frost on February 21, 2012, 02:03:08 PM
I think somebody should buy one of these decks and do a review on them. :P
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: DeckReview on February 21, 2012, 02:12:44 PM
#1 and #2 do look pretty cool.
I'll try to order #1 next week out of curiousity. I'm sure these will have sweet looking thumb fans
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: Evan on February 21, 2012, 02:44:41 PM
The look cool and definitely unique...
I like how the designs aren't on the entire back like a bee deck but it still doesnt have a border.
But its not for me... to much money.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: xlacs on February 21, 2012, 02:53:40 PM
It would be nice to see the rest of the faces of the cards, especially the court cards.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: Paul Carpenter on February 21, 2012, 02:55:43 PM
It would be nice to see the rest of the faces of the cards, especially the court cards.

yeah for $30 a deck you'd think they'd be a little more forthcoming with the pictures. I did see this on another page. Meh.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: DeckReview on February 21, 2012, 03:00:26 PM
Meh. #2 faces are pretty weak sauce....
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: dmbaggs on February 21, 2012, 03:28:04 PM
I just got an email about this and was going to post about it! Seems y'all have already been conversing on the topic  :P

First of all I think the cards are awesome!! They look really cool and you can't complain about them not being unique (i'm sure they don't have standard court cards  ;) ). The designs are really interesting and I can appreciate the artistic vision that went into it. The biggest problem for me is that they are pretty spendy. 30 bucks is a little too high honestly.

This is pretty cool though...
The tricky thing with anything you love
and care for so deeply is not to smother it, so one widow includes a temporary replacement in every pack, in case you
lose or damage a card. And newly minted ones are sold singly so you can restore your deck without the expense of having to buy a new one. You see, our cards aren't for display, they're to be used. Kept on you at all times and played with regularly.

So, to those of you out there who hold
dear new purchases as if they were
your first born. We love you. We admire
your quirky affections and would like
to say, "stop being so protective
and go play some cards, capiche!".

I think it's really cool that you can buy single cards though!!

Overall sweet designs and I'm a fan but I just can't pay the price.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: Billywiz on February 21, 2012, 06:57:32 PM
It would be nice to see the rest of the faces of the cards, especially the court cards.

yeah for $30 a deck you'd think they'd be a little more forthcoming with the pictures. I did see this on another page. Meh.
Horrible...They look like kids flash cards. At that price, no thanks.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: Aaron on February 21, 2012, 07:03:00 PM
Those #1`s are acctually pretty neat. Not worth $30 though 8)
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: phantom1412 on February 21, 2012, 07:31:53 PM
I like those decks.
Is it USPCC? But whatever, 30$ is expensive.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: TigerKnee on February 21, 2012, 09:37:59 PM
$30?  Shirley they can't be serious.  PASS!
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: digipunk on February 21, 2012, 09:42:16 PM
Now people know the worth of Merz67's decks :-X
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: NathanCanadas on February 21, 2012, 09:50:46 PM
Yup. If these decks are too expensive for most people at 30$ then Merz's decks aren't worth more than 10.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: dee1orean on February 22, 2012, 12:41:11 AM
I just got an email about this and was going to post about it! Seems y'all have already been conversing on the topic  :P

First of all I think the cards are awesome!! They look really cool and you can't complain about them not being unique (i'm sure they don't have standard court cards  ;) ). The designs are really interesting and I can appreciate the artistic vision that went into it. The biggest problem for me is that they are pretty spendy. 30 bucks is a little too high honestly.

This is pretty cool though...
The tricky thing with anything you love
and care for so deeply is not to smother it, so one widow includes a temporary replacement in every pack, in case you
lose or damage a card. And newly minted ones are sold singly so you can restore your deck without the expense of having to buy a new one. You see, our cards aren't for display, they're to be used. Kept on you at all times and played with regularly.

So, to those of you out there who hold
dear new purchases as if they were
your first born. We love you. We admire
your quirky affections and would like
to say, "stop being so protective
and go play some cards, capiche!".

I think it's really cool that you can buy single cards though!!

Overall sweet designs and I'm a fan but I just can't pay the price.

Did the company email you that?

If so maybe you can link them to this thread? You never know, if enough of us want to buy but are put off by the price they may drop their prices a little for us.

I like designs 2 and 3 and might try to pick some up at the end of the month.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: dmbaggs on February 22, 2012, 02:02:24 AM
I actually just got that off their homepage. It was pretty much the only information they had about their cards and company. If you want I'll gladly email them and invite them over here! I've been lucky enough to get Cosmo and Emmanuel over here and it's been great to have them here!!

EDIT: I just sent them and email. Hopefully they'll stop on by
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: MrLukeCarroll on February 22, 2012, 06:18:18 AM
Whilst looking nice sure, I'm with the majority of other people on this one saying that the price point is simply to high.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: loldudex2 on February 22, 2012, 06:29:04 AM
Although I think that many of the faces are completely bland, I love the backs. Sadly though, the price is way out of my range, especially for one ok deck.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: kensei777 on February 22, 2012, 09:23:06 PM
Yep. Definitely too pricey for those decks. Though  I must admit, the simplicity is kind of attractive.  :-\

Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: Don Boyer on February 27, 2012, 04:15:53 AM
Despite the claim that these decks are meant for carrying and playing, they are really costly and more for an art collector - not even a card collector.

And that whole "you can buy single replacement cards" thing?  At two bucks for one card, it's just too much!

Of the lot, I liked #2 the most, #3 the least.  But I'd still take a pack of $3 Tally Ho or $1 Streamline over these any day.  I can trash half a deck of Streamlines and replace the whole thing for less than what they're charging for a single card!
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: Lara Krystle "Lane" on February 27, 2012, 08:01:58 AM
 I've seen these before, but I just can't seem to remember where I've seen these decks. But yeah I don't like it. It looks like those cheap chinese plain cardsI can buy for less than a dollar here. ^_^
I like the #2 back, but the faces are just bleh... kinda like clipart. But to each is his own. If they had done it in tints, shades, and tones of mulberry then I'll probably thing otherwise. ^_^
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: dmbaggs on February 27, 2012, 05:08:21 PM
So I emailed them and told them about the Discourse and this thread and in a nutshell they said that forums are no place for a business to be. They think that forums are strictly for fans and customers. They seemed to be more fond of email. So if you have any questions your best bet is to email them directly.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: xZEROx on February 27, 2012, 05:22:13 PM
Lol they may be hiding in the dark observing. It's important to know what the fans and customers think of their product.
Title: Re: Anyone heard of these: One Widow Playing Cards
Post by: dmbaggs on February 27, 2012, 05:27:52 PM
Lol they may be hiding in the dark observing. It's important to know what the fans and customers think of their product.

That's true. I sent them the link and they mentioned they checked it out. I'm sure they are checking the thread out every so often haha