- A Discourse For Playing Cards

Off Topic Chat => Feedback + Support => Topic started by: loldudex2 on January 20, 2012, 03:19:46 PM

Title: Smartphone Un-Friendly
Post by: loldudex2 on January 20, 2012, 03:19:46 PM
Title says best. The discourse v2 is really glitchy on my iPhone.  When I slide my finger down to read comments and posts, it lags and isn't fluent. It's not a big problem, and I will probably get used to it, but it is just kind of annoying.

Also, will you guys ever make a mobile version of this site?
Title: Re: Smartphone Un-Friendly
Post by: Lushbob on January 20, 2012, 05:15:19 PM
Also, will you guys ever make a mobile version of this site?

Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. A mobile version would be really convenient.
Title: Re: Smartphone Un-Friendly
Post by: John B. on January 20, 2012, 08:16:35 PM
screws me over too i just got to fully enjoy this now that im on a computer.
Title: Re: Smartphone Un-Friendly
Post by: xela on January 20, 2012, 10:50:49 PM
The new version actually works better than v1 for phones, in terms of display. For me it loads fine on my Nexus S. What phone are you using? If you're on Android, switch to the Opera browser. If you're on iPhone, Opera or Safari should be just fine.
Title: Re: Smartphone Un-Friendly
Post by: Lushbob on January 21, 2012, 03:44:17 AM
The new version actually works better than v1 for phones, in terms of display. For me it loads fine on my Nexus S. What phone are you using? If you're on Android, switch to the Opera browser. If you're on iPhone, Opera or Safari should be just fine.

Oh, it actually works better than v1? That's great news. I'm getting more excited about v2 with every day that passes!
Title: Re: Smartphone Un-Friendly
Post by: Don Boyer on January 21, 2012, 06:44:45 AM
The new version actually works better than v1 for phones, in terms of display. For me it loads fine on my Nexus S. What phone are you using? If you're on Android, switch to the Opera browser. If you're on iPhone, Opera or Safari should be just fine.

The people complaining about the site's performance all seem to be using iPhones - it could be something particular to that phone's browser code that's causing the issues.  Borrow someone's iPhone or iPod touch and see if you can replicate the problems yourself.
Title: Re: Smartphone Un-Friendly
Post by: Peuan on January 22, 2012, 03:37:00 AM
For future reference, if you are okay with sacrificing the design of the board, you can use the following text-based mobile version:

We'll come up with a mobile version for iPhone and other smartphones for sure in the future.