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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Playing Card Plethora => Topic started by: zaganh on January 15, 2012, 03:55:49 PM

Title: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: zaganh on January 15, 2012, 03:55:49 PM
i got these yesterday are they old becuase they have the blue sticker ? ignore my iaocp haha
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Evan on January 15, 2012, 04:01:26 PM
Check if it says Erlanger or Cincinnati
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: zaganh on January 15, 2012, 04:02:45 PM
it says Cincinnati is that good or bad ?
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Evan on January 15, 2012, 04:07:34 PM
That means that they were printed in Cincinnati which is where the USPCC was located before they moved to Erlanger.
So, I don't know how old they are but they aren't new
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: zaganh on January 15, 2012, 04:09:06 PM
oh ok thank you so i shouldnt open them are they less common than the erlanger ones ? the arrcos say cincinati the studs dont say cincianti or erlanger
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Aaron on January 15, 2012, 04:12:59 PM
they are acctually probably more common than erlanger ones because the USPCC hasnt been in erlanger near as long as they were in CIncinatti.

also you may find this helpful
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Evan on January 15, 2012, 04:14:42 PM
And you can get the Cincinnati Arrco decks at D&D
They're somewhat rare
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: zaganh on January 15, 2012, 04:15:57 PM
thannk you guys so should i keep them sealed and new or open them and use them ?
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Aaron on January 15, 2012, 04:31:09 PM
Well that is up to you. No more will be printed in Cincinatti so they are a collectable deck because they are out of print and some people think they are better handling. I dont see these as being a deck that will skyrocket in price, they might go up a few bucks but I think if they were mine I would probably open them. But that said I open most of my decks that arnt Limited Editions.
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Lushbob on January 15, 2012, 05:32:10 PM
Yeah, I basically second what Aaron said.
It's definitely rarer than the New Stud decks, even if it's only by a little bit. Open it if you love to handle your decks, but leave it sealed if you're a more hardcore collector. Or at least, that's my advice. Really, do what you like with them. ;)
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Don Boyer on January 15, 2012, 06:22:19 PM
The Studs are definitely rare - they transitioned from this box to the new one a little while back, I think even before the switch from Ohio to Kentucky.  The Stud decks are an exclusive deck made for the Walgreen's pharmacy chain by USPC; that chain is the only place to buy them at retail as opposed to in the after-market.  In fact, the older Studs were made with brighter shades of red and blue on the backs in this version of the deck - the new ones are deeper, more like crimson and navy than red and blue.

Any USPC deck, especially Bikes, that says Cincinnati but has a BLACK seal could have been made in either Cincinnati OR Erlanger.  The D&D Arrcos are "black seal" - these were REPRINTS of the original issue, although probably of Cincinnati manufacture.  Your "blue seal" Arrcos are the original issue, the real deal.

EDIT: the Arrco deck is original issue, but is also recent original issue.  The older stuff had deck seals that look a bit like postage stamps, with the rippled edge and the adhesive that had to be moistened instead of like the modern sticker seals.  The REALLY old stuff doesn't have what we know as the current USPC seal at all - they had tax stamps, government-issued, with the company initials in rubber-stamp "canceling" the tax seal like how the post office cancels a stamp when it's used.  I think they stopped using the "stamp seals" in the '70s or '80s - they were definitely gone by the '90s.
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: xela on January 15, 2012, 06:57:07 PM
Those are the old, rare Studs from pre-2009. They go for $10 per deck, $20 per set right now.

Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: zaganh on January 15, 2012, 08:23:29 PM
thank you for all your help guys and looking into it for me its much aprcheated ill keep them sealed for now =D
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Aaron on January 15, 2012, 08:27:55 PM
After reading why sabacc and Alex said I think you should keep then sealed also. You came across a cool rare deck man:)
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: zaganh on January 15, 2012, 08:36:52 PM
thank you =D i was about to open them and remembred about if the seales blue they could be old i was so tempted to get them out haha
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Masque on January 15, 2012, 11:17:27 PM
The REALLY old stuff doesn't have what we know as the current USPC seal at all - they had tax stamps, government-issued, with the company initials in rubber-stamp "canceling" the tax seal like how the post office cancels a stamp when it's used.  I think they stopped using the "stamp seals" in the '70s or '80s - they were definitely gone by the '90s.
Tax stamps were abolished in 1965. Any tax-stamped deck is from '65 or older. Non-tax stamp seals won't have that cancellation (and will be of the printer's design, not the government's design) and will indicate a deck from post-'65. Various brands transitioned to stickers at different dates, but it's safe to say any "stamped" deck is pretty darn old to be finding at retail today.

An interesting gallery of such stamps:
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Don Boyer on January 16, 2012, 01:05:15 AM
I've seen that page before - it's a really cool collection.  And yes, that's when the government stamps went out of use.  The manufacturers continued the practice probably because people had become accustomed to seeing it, and not every deck was sold with a cellophane shrink wrap, so it was your "assurance" you had a new, unaltered deck you were playing with.  Even today Aviators are sold without shrink wrap.  (It's also why deck seal stickers are a part of many magicians' and card sharps' arsenals!)
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Aaron on January 16, 2012, 01:08:52 AM
does anyone know what the current Stud decks are like I have never owned any and was wondering if they are any good and how they handle?
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: dmbaggs on January 16, 2012, 01:38:10 AM
does anyone know what the current Stud decks are like I have never owned any and was wondering if they are any good and how they handle?

I was wondering the same. I've been thinking about picking some up from my local walgreens. What is good about the deck? I've never really heard much about them.
Title: Re: are these old or new decks ?
Post by: Don Boyer on January 16, 2012, 02:06:55 AM
Studs are made at about the same quality level as Bicycles.  Not excellent, but not shabby.  Some magicians actually prefer Studs because of the back design - it's fairly attractive without looking over the top.  Plus when buying by the deck they're cheaper than Bikes.  I think they have Arrco faces on them.  But don't quote me on that right now.  My Studs are sitting in my cabinet at home - which I really have to organize better...