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Topics - drew5011

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Looking for experts
« on: July 03, 2018, 06:22:36 PM »
Hey all,
My name is Andrew and not only am I new here, but I'm new to the card world in general. I'm a graphic designer by trade and fell in love with the intricacy, details, and wide array of artwork that exist in the world of cards.

I'm SUPER interested in designing my own decks, but I also want to design for the community as whole. It would be great to speak with some real pros or experts in the industry. I can imagine creating fun things like an infographic of the top decks of the year or helping others promote their work.

Anyway, if anyone shares a similar experience as me or is interested in helping me out I'm all ears!

Design & Development / "Angels" - Custom Deck feedback
« on: July 01, 2018, 12:57:22 AM »
Hey all,

I'm new to the forum and new to playing cards in general. I'm a graphic designer and am currently hosting my very first deck on Kickstarter. I doubt that I'll reach the funding goal, but I'm learning every step of the way.

I wanted to get your thoughts on my deck. All feedback is welcome, good or bad. I want to continue designing decks as a hobby and would love to get insight from people far more knowledgeable than me.

*I am redesigining the court cards so it's not the letter only. I found out courts are pretty sacred and shouldn't be shortcutted design wise. The image if the first court I completed so far.

Thanks in advance!

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