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Messages - jon_bg

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For all the fans of fantasy themed cards and games, our Kickstarter is now live, featuring custom illustrated playing cards where each suit is a different fantasy kingdom: Elves=Hearts, Dwarves=Diamonds, Spades=Undead, Clubs=Orcs.

Here's the official kickstarter link:

These two new decks complete our goal of a 4-deck set, but you only need one deck to enjoy the art. Each deck has a different set of jokers based on that deck's theme.

From the First Kickstarter:
Nature Deck: Green, color based on the Elves/Hearts suit, Fairy jokers
Magic Deck: Purple, color based on the Undead/Spades suit, Imp jokers
In this New Kickstarter:
Mountain Deck: Blue, color based on the Orcs/Clubs suit, Leprechaun joker, Mountain dragon joker
Dungeon Deck: Orange, color based on the Dwarves/Diamonds suit, Rogue joker, Dungeon dragon joker

Here is the complete set of all four premium decks:

For more details, check out the Kickstarter page:

Thank you!

Hello Everybody, I'm excited to announce that our kickstarter just launched today. This is a fantasy-themed deck of playing cards based on a completely new world. We love board games and card games, and the characters in this fantasy world do, also. So, you'll see some game elements within the illustrations.

If you have any questions about the project, I'll be monitoring this thread. Thanks!

Design & Development / Re: One Brick Box or Two Half-Brick Boxes?
« on: July 21, 2020, 11:01:28 AM »
Having the custom brick be an add-on is something that hadn't crossed my mind, and I think you're right about it needing to be pretty awesome for somebody to want to do that.

We've got an awesome designer, and we're thinking of using our existing illustrations and design for the custom box. We'll see how the campaign goes, first. :-)

Design & Development / Re: One Brick Box or Two Half-Brick Boxes?
« on: July 20, 2020, 08:52:04 AM »
Very good points, thank you! And yes, I'm considering these boxes as stretch goals because our price per deck is already pretty low. Based on what you've said, I think sticking with just the full-brick box may be a better approach, to reward those who invest at that level, and a single box for 12 decks adds much less $ per deck than a half-brick box does for 6 decks.

Design & Development / One Brick Box or Two Half-Brick Boxes?
« on: July 19, 2020, 03:11:24 PM »
I'm working on creating a custom brick box through a custom box printer, and I'm wondering whether it would be just as good to ship cards in 2 half-brick boxes instead of 1 brick box. Or in other words, when you buy 6-deck or 12-deck bricks, is there a preference for whether you would get a full 12-deck brick box vs. two 6-deck boxes?

What I'm thinking is that instead of designing both a half-brick box AND a full-brick box, I could design and print just the half-brick box, and the volume discount might take of the issue of having to make more of the half-bricks.

Thank you for your feedback.

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