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Topics - Assassino13

Pages: [1]
Hey guys,
I recently took part in the E deal because I wanted an LTD deck, and needed some stuff from E. But I already have a Black Ghost 1st Edition. So I'm looking to trade it. Preferably for a White Cent as they go for similar prices on Ebay. If you have anything else, feel free to PM me.


Design & Development / Basic questions for a Cardistry video.
« on: June 25, 2012, 09:34:32 AM »
Hey guys,
So I'm in the process of making my first ever Cardistry video. Bought a shiny new camera (instead of using my phone), and I have an idea of what I want it to be. But first, I have two questions.

#1: How do you guys feel about slower, smoother Cardistry videos that almost have a story as opposed to fast and disjointed videos of cards whizz ing around?

#2: How much editing is "To much"?

Deck Reviews! / [VID] Tendril
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:45:19 PM »

Hey guys! here is my review of the amazing Tendril deck. I shot it in a new location with far better lighting, hope you enjoy!

Playing Card Plethora / White Monarch Deck Review!
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:37:07 PM »

Hope you enjoy! Remember to comment, rate, subscribe!

Hey guys,
I have a sealed deck of White Monarchs to trade for another rare deck, or a bunch of semi-rare decks. I also have a sealed Vortex to throw in. PM with offers.


Playing Card Plethora / Thanks Paul!
« on: June 06, 2012, 04:14:56 PM »
Hey guys,
I'd just like to take this opportunity to personally thank Paul for emailing all the Tendril backers and pre-Orderers and updating us on the status of Tendril. I think this shows how good of service he has and I will continue to order from Encarded in the Future.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Just an Idea.
« on: June 01, 2012, 10:06:38 PM »
Just an idea for a flourish. Been working on this all day. Sorry about the quality.

Design & Development / Where to start?
« on: April 21, 2012, 08:38:41 PM »
Hey guys!
I wanna design my own deck to put on kickstarter and hopefully push through. The theme is going to be ancient Egyptian sculptures and mythology. I wan the whole deck to be custom, but I have no idea how to do any graphic design! Any suggestions on where to learn, what programs to use (preferably cheap/free ones)? Etc.

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