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Topics - Justin O.

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Playing Card Plethora / Playing Card Brick Boxes Question
« on: December 24, 2013, 09:23:42 PM »
Hey guys, I want to throw an idea your way:
I have a growing collection and no great way to keep them safe; right now they are all just stacked on a table in my room.
The idea I have been playing around with is making nice wood brick-boxes, lined (possibly felt or a soft ceder), with a clasp or sliding lid and embellished with neutral filigree designs (Heat branded designs?) on the sides.
Something attractive of course, but the focus would primarily be on function.

As a card collector would you be interested in a quality wood brick box you could use to store decks? Something not much bulkier than the standard heavy paper-stock brick boxes like USPCC provides in the range of $30-$45 USD?

Design & Development / Post your best MS Paint card backs!
« on: December 24, 2013, 07:26:53 PM »
So I have a lot of downtime at work and I have been able to get around the internet blocker on work computers so I spend an inordinate amount of time on here reading through posts.
Unfortunately I haven't found away around the program block on the same computers, so all I have at my disposal to be creative is MS Paint.
So between time, playing cards and MS Paint I thought it would be fun to see what people can do with this... uh.. Classic? Program.

If you have MS Paint and a little bit of free time I would love for you to throw in a design for a playing card back, funny, ridiculous, ridiculously good (considering) or just conceptually interesting you should scribble it out and throw it in a post.
Stick Figures, Steampunk, Zombies and lots of Circles absolutely welcome!!
Extra points for painfully bad pictures!

Here is a template if anyone would like.

Edited to manage image.

Playing Card Plethora / How do you guys value open/used decks?
« on: December 10, 2013, 10:09:44 PM »
What would you guys say is a good (albeit loose) guideline for what you can expect on average to pay for opened decks with unused cards as well as opened tucks and used cards
Would a good rule of thumb, for example, be: Opened tuck/unused cards is worth 40% of a decks rough estimated value whereas opened tuck/used cards would be worth roughly 20% of a decks value?

I try not to buy decks that are opened, I like brand new shiny decks, but sometimes those are hard to find and I'm new enough to collecting that I don't have a comfortable feel for gauging a decks worth with my limited experience so I'm looking for a little bit of direction despite what I imagine can vary pretty greatly from person to person.

Playing Card Plethora / What are these decks?
« on: December 04, 2013, 03:11:19 AM »
Hey guys, Here are a few decks I am interested in learning more about but can't seem to figure out what they are.
Any help would be fantastic!!

Justin O.

Introduce Yourself / New to the Forum, just wanting to say hey
« on: December 04, 2013, 01:56:32 AM »
Hey tDiscourse, my name's Justin, just wanted to pop in and throw out an introduction before I dive in and get started.
I've browsed the forum pretty actively, using it to find new projects that caught my eye or research what my next must have deck would be but I'm excited to get started being an active member.
I live in Portland Oregon in the states and haven't found a collectors community locally so I usually have to find information sporadically online or by haunting forums  :-\

I got into cards through working at a job that didn't let me have a pen and paper at my computer desk. I needed something to do while I was at my workstation so I brought a deck of cards in to keep my hands busy shuffling and playing Solitaire (Which got pretty boring pretty fast) and then found while looking for 'card tricks' on YouTube. From there I went a little crazy trying to learn cardistry flourishes and magic anywhere I could find online which naturally evolved into a very passionate collection of contemporary playing cards. all things considered I am a terrible cardist, an awful magician and have a respectably small collection and I love every minute of it!

I'll see you all on the boards!

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