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Seeking a skilled artist to design fantasy suit symbols

Author (Read 498 times)

Seeking a skilled artist to design fantasy suit symbols
« on: May 08, 2014, 11:34:01 AM »


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  • Reputation: 1

I've produced a number of RPG related decks of playing cards. And while the main draw is the text on the cards, we've been lucky enough to have some very high quality suit symbols thanks to an artistic backer who stepped up to design them for us.

As such, we've grown used to having excellent fantasy suit symbols displaying the themes of each suit; as have our backers. But now that backer is indisposed, and we have no idea if/when he'll be in a position to do a new set. I've tried sites like Fiverr in the past, and even artists who were clearly skilled at other tasks just couldn't pull off the detail at such a small scale in such a specific form.

So what we need is an artist who can convey the following meanings within suit symbols, meeting the quality visible here. Spades=Location, Diamonds=Treasure, Clubs=Dangers and Hearts=Characters/Inhabitants.

I figure that if I'm going to find someone who can pull off intricate artistry at the size of suit symbols my best bet is a place such as here, with people who do that for their own decks. :-)

If you can point me at an example of previous work, and provide me a quote for this sort of work, it would be appreciated.

Be Well