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Topics - Albendon

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / WJPC Manufacturers - better than NPCC & MPC?
« on: November 18, 2018, 04:39:33 PM »
Good afternoon,

I've seen more and more coming out being printed by WJPC. Most recently the Kalevala deck, but also Elephant decks and the Whale Castle deck - and the new Mirage deck.

They seem to be getting good reviews, I was wondering how they were viewed here?


Design & Development / Should I make this deck?
« on: June 24, 2018, 04:06:19 PM »
Hi everyone, I'm kinda new here.

I released a deck on KS a while ago, messed it up, failed, relaunched and got it right 2nd and 3rd time (I split the decks).

I'm looking at doing another, but really want some guidance from those who know!? I did post on UnitedCardists, as I couldn't get in to this forum due to recaptcha but got some help getting in from Don (thank you)! I would more value your thoughts, if you don't mind?

In a nut-shell, I'm creating a deck for my daughters, but would like to kickstart them so I can choose upgraded tucks and quality. I'm interested as to whether there would be interest (if done right).
It is a deck based on biblical characters, basically my daughters love playing cards and I would like a deck where they can recognise the characters from the bible, to make it interesting and encourage learning.

The back is coming along, but I don't quite feel it's 'there' yet, but I don't know what it's missing? The royals are in concept only mode, so just here to give some body - not anywhere near the actual end result.

Back is based on a monstrance, and symbology. These 2 cards are of course Adam and Eve and the fall of Eden.

I would really love your advice, feedback or criticism!

Introduce Yourself / Introducing myself
« on: June 23, 2018, 07:03:49 AM »
Good morning!

Just popping on to say 'Hello!'

Name or your nickname or Stage name. Which ever you would like us to address you as.
Nickname is Albendon, very long and boring story - but it's stuck!

Where you are from. Because members of the forums come from all over so we would love to know if we have fellow countrymen/women in the house!
England, more specifically Norwich in Norfolk - which helps explain the correct use of the letter 'u'

Are you a Cardist? Magician? Collector? a combination of the 3?
More of a designer and collector, though only just starting out and here for help and support - and give my help and support for anyone also going through this!

What got you into the arts?
Love of games, cards, art and design. My first deck was created as a gift for some friends, it went well so I'm enjoying the process.

How you found out about the forums. We are always secretly curious
Through Kickstarter, many of the projects either reference this site or say 'thank you' to the forums in their brief.

I'm also working on a new deck now, as with my first it's a bit personal. I'm making it primarily for my daughters and will eventually either MPC a few decks, or if it's good enough I'd love to KickStarter it to get real quality through a proper printer. I've used Noir-Arts and I am over the moon with their support and quality.

See you in there :)


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