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Messages - DarkDerp

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You had me at pillow fights.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Classic Gold by Legends PCC
« on: December 18, 2014, 06:02:32 PM »
LPCC Captioned on one of the photos stated it would indeed be available through Conjuringarts but primarily a LPCC release.

Here it is. Sourced and cited.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: December 18, 2014, 10:32:02 AM »
Black, not green. That's correct. Thanks for the correction/clarification.

I agree with you 100% about the signatures, that's exactly my point on the reds. While I don't buy to resell, I definitely want to have the highest value retained in an item and with decks, I believe that unsigned appeals to a far greater audience.

I actually think it depends on who is signing the decks. DB's signature might add value to his decks considering who he is (Though still not to $100 in my opinion.) It definitely beats all new designers who without any reputation, prominence or influence of any sort who wants to charge extra for a signed deck. I'm sure they might turn out to be someone great, but you can charge extra for you autograph...later.

Another point to note is how hard it is to obtain that signature. If DB, as the magician he is, walks along the street, or is performing his magic somewhere, and you bring a deck (never before released as a signed deck) up to him to sign, sure, that definitely worth some sh*t. But if he is going to sign on 150 sets and just sell it off, i'm guessing it will not end up anywhere nearly as valuable. In fact, by doing this, if i went to a performance by DB and asked him sign the ticket stub or a DB T-shirt or something, it might end up worthing more than signing on a Red Gatorback, simply because, he has already done it 150 times before.

It has to do with location, quality and condition of the item being signed. It's no longer a new item once that cellophane is taken off. Deck producers can say its new, but we are the ones buying the item and we set the true value of the item by what we are willing to pay for it. 150 times before is not very much. People would pay $100 for it had it been done correctly. If David simply signed the box and a certificate w/ 2 brand new unopened red decks, they would be sold out for $100 already. There is no debate, its fact. It's a collectors market. We know what we want when it comes to signature items. It's not a matter of opinion. The proof is in the sales. Still available. I'll take a free David Blaine autograph all day. If David wants us to pay for his signature, do it right.

The only reason the White Lions Collectors Brick never sold out, was because at that point the White Lions Series_B were not in high demand. Most of us bought them individually when first released.

Wow. Really good insight into the collectors mind. Never thought about how the manner in which a deck was signed would alter its worth/desirability.  Cool stuff.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: December 08, 2014, 04:11:27 PM »
My guess would be issues with Shopify. Perhaps regarding his contract or services. Shopify uses Blaine's name a lot   in their marketing campaigns.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:48:45 PM »
If you would like to know when a site updates without having to run to your computer here is a suggestion

This plug in for chrome is pretty nice You can set it to monitor for a change in a site globally, several pages, an individual page  or specific text on a page . It ignores ads and flash plugins that tend to signify a change with  similar apps. It will notify you of a change with an alarm sound.

It only monitors a specific page, not the entire domain. I want a domain monitor to see when a URL has been added (before google picks it up). :))

It will actually monitor the entire site and even show you all the updates that have been made since you last visited even updates that have been since deleted. By default it will follow the page you are on or text, links, pictures and videos you have highlighted on the page when clicked from the toolbar. To globally have it monitor a url go to the options page of the app and set the Desired url to watch. 

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:56:09 AM »
If you would like to know when a site updates without having to run to your computer here is a suggestion

This plug in for chrome is pretty nice You can set it to monitor for a change in a site globally, several pages, an individual page  or specific text on a page . It ignores ads and flash plugins that tend to signify a change with  similar apps. It will notify you of a change with an alarm sound.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Legends Mystery Pre-Released Deck
« on: November 29, 2014, 12:08:26 AM »
I found it using my magical interweb abilities. Unfortunately I just did it now and some jerk :) beat me to it.


Playing Card Plethora / Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« on: November 22, 2014, 05:39:32 PM »
I don't have the green deck at hand, but I picked up my black deck and went to the movies.  It passes the riffle test - if it's marked, it's exceptionally subtle.

You went to the movies with the black deck?

If you pick up the box set you have the option of adding the decks only, one time only, for Forty clams. If you do, you can snag a couple free gifts as well. Mini red LTD deck for example is one. I don't remember them all, slept since then.

Gottcha, thanks buddy.

Oh boy - now there's going to be a first edition and a second edition, subtle differences between the packaging, etc.  A fan boy's dream - or nightmare, depending on your perspective!

The decks are $40 without the box and $125 with.  I don't know if that's an $85 box in my book.  (Granted, you have to buy them with box to get them without box, so maybe some of the costs of the second set are added to the first?)

Where did $40 for the decks from?

Man... I was really excited about these. $125 for 6 decks, a box which (for me) might as well read
 " Here, throw this away for us."  Instead of "Prohibition", and..

As a Special Offer when you add the Prohibition Set to your cart, you'll be given the opportunity to purchase 6 Extra First Edition Decks that you can safely open and enjoy, allowing you to retain the collector's value of the boxed set.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Nuevo - Coming Soon
« on: November 12, 2014, 12:36:34 PM »

*throws my sketches in the trashcan*
Lol! Made my day.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Aquila Playing Cards (KS)
« on: November 12, 2014, 04:18:00 AM »
You saw Sharps with the riffle?

Me too! I was saying based on the title of topic , I was expecting..

Seemed  like a super witty  post at the time. That moment was fleeting.

Ultimate Universe sounds like a comic book deck to me. The creators usually  hate paying royalties so they get super creative. Unfortunately, as proven by their decision to create a comic book deck they infact are not very creative.

So. [(Ultimate Universe + comic book deck + bad deck) = Don screaming] x  Indiana jones face melting due to opened arc

These are sweet. When I saw the topic title "Ultimate Universe" I was expecting  something waaaay different.  Like some "new" super heroes. Superguy, The X dudes, Doctor Squid arms. All mashed together like a  funny page section right before it helps catch the logs you in a fireplace.

And right below. 

transcribed screams of confusion and pain as if someone had forgotten to lock  the door on th
 Arc-Covenant and a Parched Done  mistaking it for a cooler had just slid it open in hopes of a cold beverage.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: TEASER!! Breaking Bad?
« on: November 10, 2014, 03:09:57 AM »

Dammit Don, well done.  I make a concerted effort to use proper English and appropriate punctuation to avoid your corrections.  Burned again!

Oh, relax.  You know I was just pulling your leg!  :))  Y'know, joke, humor...

Just remember that there are plenty of decaf brands that taste just as good as the real thing!

I'm pretty sure all meth is decaf Don.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: De'Vo - Dominion V2
« on: November 07, 2014, 04:59:08 AM »

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Need some help here with Blue Fontaine's
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:31:37 AM »
Try his Twitter handle  depending on how his account is set up you might be able to DM.

Design & Development / Re: "REVOLVE" Kickstarter preview
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:07:14 AM »
What the heck alexanderliss!?  I will personally track you down to challenge you in a  good ole fashion bout of  fisticuffs if you decide the  Revolve deck should in anyway represent what you are capable of.

You said it best yourself man.
I simply would like some one to see my deck and say that's Lex's art style or card style
Art  conveys emotion and personality, its more than the sum of the pieces.

Just gotta squeeze it into  overabundance of function and limited space that graphic design brings. Nice work dude.

Not hitting "resume" and creating a prototype are a taaaaad differant. I will say that  it's good to see magic brought back to its Cocaine fueled, blood soaked bank heist origins. You know, for the kids and stuff.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: KINGS WILD PROJECT - Official Topic
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:19:42 AM »
Little bummed to get all Sherlock decks and a single Branded Reserve Note. I had more sherlock decks than I knew what to do with before 5 more came, haha, that's the gamble I suppose. Different to be gambling ON playing cards instead of with them. I guess I will find out if the KW seal will add value or diminish it when I sell my overstock of Jackson's overstock on eBay.

Edited for clarity

5 Sherlock decks as in all actual Sherlock decks or 5 from the Sherlock Series?

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: KINGS - MADISON & MCKINNON
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:30:33 AM »
Yeah you hooligans!! Get off Mr Boyers lawn with your sassy mouths and your fancy ebay talk!  ;)

Madison himself states the deck was made for him to use and  give away..  never to be sold. He then on the same page is selling said deck with a  markup  based on a lie that he  just got done perpetuating. He is making money off the susceptible. He is  feeding off those willing to  eat any kind of  turd sandwich story he throws in their direction,  so  long as as it's done in a  torchered soul, totally badass way . .  might fall under legal, but it is nowhere close to ethical. 

In closing..
Either he's one of the dumbest I've ever experianced OR he's one of the most fake.

SooooOOOoooOOOOo not the right time to misspell a word.  ;)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fulton October deck from Dan and Dave
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:16:39 AM »

I bought, and enjoyed, their Steamboats and New Fan Backs, but beyond that, I haven't purchased a D&D deck since Fulton's Chinatown.  Too many of them just felt lacking or lazy.

Despite that, just like other 'Double Ds', you cant help but take a quick peek.  ;D

+1 for the awesome pun... Love it! =P

I can take a little friendly ribbing - but the joke is nearly a year old!  That's about 90 years old in joke years!  :))  :P

Jokes and puns objectifying the ladies  have no expiration date, Don. Fresh as morning dew.

Yes, but they can choose to do what they want with the funds. The Kickstarter project page does not mention a donation.

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