@loldudex2 LOL
I wanted to ask, one more time this question:
Do all of our pips need to be placed in the same place from card to card? I think we'd better not.
Please give me feedback on the very rough drafts above. I realise we can't see the 10s written, but I will take care of that tomorrow. g2g to bed, see ya!
The pips - I think that as long as they look like what they're supposed to be (hearts, clubs, spades, diamonds) you can tweak the shape, tweak the placement, whatever you wish.
My one caveat would be that the indices on ALL the card designs need to be left BLANK for now. We're having a unified design for all the indices to make these cards truly playable and useable for magic. Also, to that same end, leave at least a thin white border around the edge of you design in order to have a uniform edge appearance for the entire deck.
A suggestion to make the index placements and space allocations simple: take a BASIC Bicycle Rider Back card with a reasonably-centered face, and look at the size and location of those indices. That is what needs to be blank for your card's index. Smaller indices would be harder to read, larger ones would come closer to dominating the design.
Do people here like these ideas? I mean, go nutz with the faces, make them gonzo if you want, or baroque, rococo, Art Deco, his brother Frankie Deco, whatever. But allow a certain degree of uniformity to each card's design or the deck will be harder to use, and less likely to be used (or purchased).
The Jokers are exempt from the index rule - they're Jokers, they can be whatever you want them to be. I really like the idea of labeling the index "DISCOURSE" straight down the edge.
A final proposal: Loldudex2's diamond pip was VERY well received. I propose that HE design the remaining three pips, all to be used in the index, in a similar style to the diamond pip. If no one objects, we can also leave him to design the letters and numbers. And naturally, all this is contingent on whether he feels up to the task or not.
If we do use that pip, we should probably thicken the line a bit to make it more visible in small scale. Otherwise, I think it's one of the more interesting pip designs I've seen in a while. That's precisely why I think it should be used as a "signature piece" for the deck, printed in the card indices, along with matching pips.