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Topics - 1greeneyedwonderwoman

Pages: [1]
Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Card and Coin Balance
« on: September 17, 2014, 06:25:44 PM »

I was just wondering if there is anyone here that does card and coin balancing. If so, what are your favorite cards/coins to use?

Thanks! :)

I have a few more pictures of my coin and card balances in my album.

Introduce Yourself / Hello Everyone from 1greeneyedwonderwoman
« on: August 23, 2014, 02:13:53 AM »
Hello everyone! I am Kathy Kat. I'm from a suburb of Memphis, TN. I have always been very artistic, and creative. Interested in art, music, photography, books, comics (mostly Zatanna & Wonder Woman), travel, and animals. This year I have really developed an interest in cards and coins. I have a nice size collection of both. Always adding more. lol
I am just now learning some card flourishes, and coin tricks. Always trying to find more to read, or watch on either of those two. One of my favorite things to do is coin balancing. I found this forum because I was googling cards and coins. Thanks for taking the time to read this. :)

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