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Hey there

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Hey there
« on: June 10, 2022, 10:48:43 AM »


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Well hello from Germany,

I recently joined the 52plusjoker club and thought it might be nice to introduce myself and get to know other people in this weird bubble ;)
Let me tell you the story of how I got here. I need to elaborate a bit, but it will be about collecting playing cards in the end, so bear with me.

In 2019 the YouTube algorithm probably rubbed some "Fool Us" videos under my nose, which resulted in me binging on magic videos and some old Penn&Teller Stuff. I remebered watching some David Copperfield specials (with German overdub) on TV as a kid, so magic wasn't completely new to me, but the amount was... different. The great algorithmian overlord then suggested a German magician youtuber to me ("Mr TriXXL" was his Nickname back then), who also explains some card tricks.
In the beginning of 2020 he uploaded an interview with Christian "CardShark" Schenk, who makes the "Phoenix" decks and not much later Christian started to do weekly live streams on YouTube.
I bought decks and tricks from him and was happy to take a look behind the curtain.
After <Insert lots of research here> I somehow stumbled over the "Card College" playing cards on Kickstarter and backed them. In the very first email from kickstarter, there were "helpful hints" about other campaigns and I noticed the conjuror community club deck, got super interested and also backed that (still waiting for that book though?*cough*).
After that, the flood gates kinda opened and a few weeks ago I realized that I'm apparently a "collector" now  8)

So I stumbled over 52plusjoker and portfolio52 and here we are?

(The funny "full circle" moment for me was btw that Lee Asher was part of the CC club deck and also leads 52plusjoker. Hehe)

So here is my p52 profile:

I will try to attach a photo of my collection so far?
I also have an uncut sheet (and more of those incoming from kickstarter campaigns) which I still have to frame and hang. I have a pretty nice idea on how to display both sides at will, so stick around for updates on that?
