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Topics - TheBicycleGuardian

Pages: [1]
Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Card Magician Must-Haves
« on: November 07, 2011, 08:53:57 PM »
So I know with Christmas coming up and all, many of you must be looking at cards and magic supplies. I thought it would be good to start a thread on what magicians should definitely have. Some things I know of are Porper clips, close-up magic mats, and of course, CARDS!!! I want to know what you guys think I should put on my amazon wishlist. Specifications and links would be awesome! I want to know what the magician's essentials should be and what would make a magician look good (besides a black cape).

Playing Card Plethora / Deck Seal and Card Clips
« on: October 29, 2011, 03:12:45 PM »
Hi guys! I read the previous thread about card clips and it made me want to get my own. The only problem is, I want one that won't damage my box and that will fit all decks. I want to know which card clip you guys think is the best. I was thinking about just going for the black Joe Porper clip on Amazon. If any of you know of a better clip, tell me about it and maybe post a link? Thanks guys! Also, when I get a new deck, I always remove the seal instead of just breaking it. It's just that the bicycle deck seals all usually say the same thing and they aren't very important to me. Of course, if the seal is cool or special, I'll probably leave it on. I just feel like the seal gets in my way and lowers the elegence of the card box. So, to leave on, or not to leave on?

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Card Reveals
« on: October 17, 2011, 07:49:13 PM »
i was wondering what the actual use of a card reveal is. I can sort of come up with maybe one or two things you can do with them, but I imagine that the effect on the spectator wares off really quickly and you can only use it a fairly small amount of times. Are they just cool, or do they serve some sort of special purpose I've overlooked?

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