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Topics - VortexHead

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I've got a mixture of decks up on my ebay page if you want to check it out, if your outside of the UK you can message me and we'll sort something out.


Playing Card Plethora / Help wanted: Warped Cards and Storage?
« on: March 27, 2012, 08:59:00 PM »
So after boxing some decks and just checking out my collection I started to notice a number of decks to be eaither very warped or ever so slightly warped, it seems to have happened to a number of newer decks, those being, the style deck, plaid decks, infinity decks, black crowns and a number of other decks one being the s&m v5 :(. I dont know what to put it down to, I normally keep all my decks under my bed in cardboard boxes, shoe boxes or plastic clear boxes, I did used to use a money safe but I was told the metal could cause a change in tempreature inside so I stopped. The only notable thing I did diferently recently is to use a varity box from dnd to display some decks, I put them as standing on their sides as they came in the variety boxes initially.

I'm really not sure what to do, the weather in the UK has been very hot the last few days but seeing as though the cards are in a dark place under my bed I would assume it's fairly cool and they would be fine. I've tried the fridge method to get them de-warped and it did work on a infinity deck but I think it's going back to it's warped state.

Here's a few photos of the boxes they are stored in, am I doing anything wrong or is it just a case not really being able to do much about it? I appreciate any advice.

So as the title says, I'm in search of either one of each of the blood blades and april fools decks or just one of either decks if you dont have both. I'm happy to pay £5-6 for the cardistry deck and £5-7 per blood deck.

I'm in the UK so if your in the UK also that would be better as I'm sure international shipping will be more than I'd like.


On facebook a few days back someone made a post about how he wants to lose some weight and if eating five apples a day would be helpful, as I've got a good bit of  knowledge in that field I offered to set up a diet that would be better for him than five apples a day but he declined the offer but then yesterday asked if the offer was still open, my question is am I even allowed to give out medical adivce as a non professional. I've read a few things online that indicate you shouldnt. Any thoughts?

So I'm looking for one sealed or opened magic con deck.

Sealed deck:
I'm looking to pay no more than $60 inc shipping to the UK.

Opened deck:
I'm looking to pay no more than $30 inc shipping.

If you have a deck but want to negotiate then go ahead. Rules are rules and I had to give amounts.

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Caesars Palace Casino Cards
« on: February 04, 2012, 06:13:13 AM »
So I've had these for a long while now, they came opened when I bought them and they weren't in the best condition but I really love the feel of them, they are made by Carta Mundi and would love to pick some more up should I find any. Anyone on here ever had any and if so what are your thoughts on Carta Mundi? I have another Carta Mundi deck, Desert Inns but they've been sealed since I had them and I have no plans on opening them.

EDIT:Pictures of the deck are on the 3rd page.

So I just won an auction on ebay for a sealed deck of cards, I also won an auction a few days back for the same deck but a used one. I dont know much about the deck other than the company who had them produced, I dont know the limit or the company who manufacters them either but I do think the box looked too good imo to pass up on, so I'm taking a risk buying 2 decks but they weren't expensive. Just for fun, here's a cropped pic of the box, any guesses what they are.....

A Cellar of Fine Vintages / Playboy Fournier Playing cards
« on: February 02, 2012, 04:01:53 PM »
Hi, just thought I'd share a recent pck up of mine, I got them off ebay for £3.50/$5.50ish, I've found them online from one store for £35/$55 so I think I got a gooooood price :), here are some pics and also a little info I copied and pasted off the website selling them..... so far all I can say about them is that they are ultra stiff and have a smooth finish to them but they are so stiff, they dont fan very well either but still they look nice and would be good for cardistry or a game of cards.

''Playboy Club A sealed pack of Playboy cards with four special aces and non-standard joker, believed to be from the ex-stock of the Park Lane club in existence from 1966-1982.''

It was on in the uk way back when I was younger, I'll try and find a video, hang on...
Brings back memories, what did you watch as a youngen or what do you like now if your very young?

Playing Card Plethora / Variety Box v5 Released
« on: January 02, 2012, 05:12:21 PM »
Dan and Dave have another variety box release (decks listed below)
  • If an Octopus Could Palm
  • Monarchs
  • Smoke & Mirrors: v6
  • Fantastique
  • A.Bandit
  • Fulton's Clip Joint
  • Bee® Erdnaseum
  • Bee® Acorn Back
  • Arrco (Cincinnati)
  • Aristocrat
  • Stud (Cincinnati)
  • Ask Alexander

So I placed a big order over at Ellusionist on friday and I was very pleased to find it delivered today when I got back from work. I did pay for 1-3 Biz day shipping but last time I did that over at DnD's using USPS 1-3/2-5 biz days and it took a couple of weeks to get through shipping and customs and so UPS seems to be the way to go. Basically then I've got 20 decks of Infinity's to sell, I've already got a number of them for my own collection so I'm hoping to sell the others.

I've never sold items on ebay before and so when I realised I could only list a max of 10 items per month I was slightly annoyed and so because of that I thought I'd offer them on a couple of forums, for anyone in the UK here's the ebay link:

If you have a paypal account and dont want to buy them off of ebay I have the other 10 available. This is of no real benefit to guys in the States but for anyone in the uk it will work out to be slightly cheaper to buy decks from me over ellusionist and you'll also receive them quicker. Cost and shipping details below:
Infinity decks x 1 = £6.85
Postage & Packing = £1.20 + 0.30p per extra deck   
Why I'm a great seller, erm, well I've never sold anything before so I have to be honest and say that I beleive I'm a nice trustworthy guy so hopefully that'll sway you to come to me over the other sellers in the uk (not that they aren't nice and trustworthy) plus I'm selling them slightly cheaper than any others in the UK. Thanks 

Playing Card Plethora / 2 LTD Decks from Ellusionist with orders
« on: December 08, 2011, 01:50:22 PM »
Ellusionist have posted some info on their facebook page, basically until midnight on saturday you will now recieve 2 LTD Decks instead of 1, pretty sweet for those who haven't bought them already. I'm more tempted than I was now but it's still going to cost too much me thinks. Here's what it says on the website:
''Get TWO (2) Free LTD Decks as a FREE GIFT in qualifying orders only until Saturday night at Midnight ET. After that, only 1 free LTD with be given with qualifying orders SO DOUBLE UP NOW!''

Playing Card Plethora / Enigma Uncut sheet on Ebay
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:34:52 PM »
I was just searching Ebay and I came a cross an Uncut sheet for the Enigma deck, I believe the seller is Martin Adams, the guy behind the deck. Just thought someone big on Uncuts might be interested....

Playing Card Plethora / In defense of Theory 11 Monarchs reprint....Maybe?
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:16:16 PM »
Hello my fellow VortexHeads :) , so I ordered 3 decks of the Monarchs (not the pre-release) and recieved them 2 days ago. So far I really like the way they feel, I'm liking the stock and finish much more than I did on their Sentinels deck but anywho this isn't a review. One thing that caught my eye and is possibly in defense of Theory 11 and possibly proof they did infact reprint the decks when they said they did is that there is a date on the add card, I'm pretty sure it was a printing mistake but it writes,
FN4 NOV 14 11
RP 12:36 10

I've added a picture of it, again I don't know for sure but I imagine the date is an indication of the day they were printed which would coincide with what they told us I think. What do you guys or gals think? I'm not sure what FN4 means and maybe RP means reprint?? I'm really just guessing here.

Playing Card Plethora / Fantastique deck released on Halloween
« on: October 21, 2011, 03:39:41 PM »
As the title says, here's the link

Some of you may have aready seen it but I thought I'd share just in case you hadn't. I must say I love the new site design but does anyone know if we can use our old accounts or do we need completely new ones to order, not ordering anything tonight but for the fantastique deck?

Playing Card Plethora / New Deck - Samurai Deck
« on: October 20, 2011, 04:25:54 AM »
Another new deck to be released in just over 12 days is the Samurai Deck that's designed by the same guy who designed the Karnivals I believe, his name is Sam Hayles. Here is a link to their official page that has the countdown timer on it. Again I'm not very interested, now I'm very fond of martial arts films but the one thing that puts me off is the faces on the backs.

Playing Card Plethora / New Deck - Red Trace Deck
« on: October 20, 2011, 04:20:07 AM »
New deck on ebay, it's call the Red trace deck. I'm not interested but thought I'd share anyway, pretty bland really but hey ho.

Playing Card Plethora / How long does a deck last you?
« on: October 07, 2011, 11:45:06 AM »
I don't know how but my decks seem to last me ages compared to what I read on forums and so on. I have had opened decks of various brands, tallys, bikes, dnd cards and others and they've been opened and used for 1, 2 or even 3 years, now I dont use them everyday but I've never had a deck that cant be used for something, I very very rarely throw any decks away and so what about you? I just read one comment on facebook, it said ''lucky i got 4 bricks... :) that should be enough for 5 months?'' He was talking about the v6's, not sure if he's joking but even if he is I see this kind of thing alot, if your performing then maybe it would be the case but it's suprsing people get through so many.

The Conversation Parlor / Last person to post wins....
« on: October 07, 2011, 11:37:17 AM »
Now most of you would have seen this on other forums, no one actually ever wins anything and I don't plan on giving anything away but it wont ever happen anyway as no one stops posting and theres no end date, they normally go on for ages so let's go........

I'm winning, I want a prize:)

Introduce Yourself / Hi guys
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:43:07 PM »
Hi guys, I've been waiting to get on here, I'm one of the FOTW's from facebook, had pc trouble for a few days and not had any real chance to jump on here but you'll soon see my name around.

Some of you might know but I'll say briefly, I'm into collecting cards first and then come flourishing/cardistry and very very rarely I sometimes practice magic effects or the odd sleight.

I love the new vortex deck and want us to get it off the ground so I'l do what I can to help that happen. Good to be here :)

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