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Messages - DevilishRogue

Pages: [1]
Playing Card Plethora / Re: Oni Playing Cards - Live on Kickstarter
« on: August 01, 2016, 12:39:23 AM »
Not to unearth this post from the dead, but I just wanted to thank everyone who came out to support us.

There will be a free eBook on my personal site soon, detailing all the Oni who appear in the deck. For example, Namazu, the Earthshaker:

Again, thanks everyone. Supplies of Oni are down below 21%, so order yours today. It is the first of a limited-edition set — now's your chance to get a copy.
Etsy Store Link

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Oni Playing Cards - Live on Kickstarter
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:30:47 PM »
Looks pretty good!  Looking forward to the launch.

The project was launched on KS weeks ago and is now funded ;)

Congrats on the funding DR, looking forward to my decks! ;D

It's been a long weekend without enough sleep...  I went and backed for a pair.

No worries.
We're running a final 48-hour stretch goal for the Oni "Life or Death" poker chip, which features the skull of Shuten-Doji and the Sakura suit on the flipside. It will be a Kickstarter exclusive, and every pre-existing and new order (in the campaign only) will include one of these for free. When we hit $5,500 these chips will be added onto orders, as well as become an add-on for those who want more.

You can back the Oni Playing Cards campaign here.

Thank you again everyone for the good advice and support. See you on the other side! - Dave

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Oni Playing Cards - Live on Kickstarter
« on: January 24, 2016, 01:16:49 PM »
The diamond suits have been updated with a square/diamond interior.
Thank you for the suggestion Don. I knew something was off with the original but couldn't place my finger on it.

We've reached 100%! If you want in on this Oni train, there's time to board at the Kickstarter page.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Oni Playing Cards - Live on Kickstarter
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:57:16 PM »
Fes, Don - Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. The six, nine, jack, queen, and ace indices are all being fixed/have been fixed for improved legibility.

Don - I REALLY like that diamond yen idea. I'll check back in later with an updated image.

Playing Card Plethora / Oni Playing Cards - Funded on Kickstarter!
« on: January 12, 2016, 05:07:29 PM »
Oni Playing Cards - Kickstarter Page

Oni Playing Cards - Etsy Page

New year... time to face your demons.

Oni Playing Cards is printed on Bicycle linen stock by the USPCC, and features original pencil illustrations of notable demons from Japanese myth. The French suits are replaced with Japanese alternate suits, including the monk's spade, cherry blossom, yen, and kanabo.

We would love to have your support in making this a reality! All the best,
- Dave

Playing Card Plethora / Gag Order - Final Days on KS
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:27:20 PM »
Gag Order Final Days on KS!

Jokers- Mecha Orwell and Robo Bradbury. If dark tales of privacy invasion, cool futuristic spies, and pencil artwork are your things, take a moment to check out the campaign. Also running a Sultana giveaway if you missed the first campaign, so check out the update for details.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: LPCC Gag Order - Now Live on KS
« on: January 17, 2015, 03:17:25 PM »
Sad you missed out on the early bird specials? The tardy bird specials might be right up your alley! Read up on the new tier upgrades and combos here.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: LPCC Gag Order - Now Live on KS
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:50:04 PM »
Yeah, I thought EPCC have 54 cards. I was just curious about where the Jokers were, you are probably right about the reveal later in the campaign, I just loved the way the previous Jokers looked (the diptych) and hope Dave does another for this deck.
Thanks for your reply Don!

Rose - Thanks for the votes of confidence, and I will be revealing the Jokers when there are 10 days left in the campaign (if no one has taken the Joker design pledge tier).

Playing Card Plethora / LPCC Gag Order - Now Live on KS
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:31:25 PM »

One year ago I approached this forum with the Wiretap deck, a deck about spying in the age after the War on Terror. Though Wiretap did not reach funding on Kickstarter, its successor has risen from the ashes like a phoenix.

Check out the sequel to the Wiretap deck, Wiretap:Gag Order, here!

Thank you for all the support so far!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Wiretap Playing Cards (KS)
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:36:38 PM »
For those of you who missed it, we discussed a lot of the legal terms and nuances here:

@ Don - Those edits we discussed have not been forgotten, and here's the fixed Obama. Bush is looking much more like himself, but I still have fine-tuning to do.

Design & Development / Re: Wiretap Relaunch - Coming AUGUST 26 to KS
« on: August 15, 2014, 07:13:23 PM »
The really wild part is that each additional bit makes the encryption twice as difficult to crack.  So as hard as it is to crack 128-bit encryption, his 4,096-bit keys were 2^3,968 times more difficult to break than PGP's standard key length.  I'm afraid to plug that into a calculator to see how big that number is...

It would be interesting to see what steps of encryption are available between 128 and 4,096. Just from a quick search I can see that there is 128, 192, and 256-bit encryption, but each one requires different levels of "transformations" between the input data and the cryptotext. Respectively, there are 12, 14, and 16x transformations.

If this is applied to the 4,096-bit model (64^64), then there's a good chance that his model ran the data through 124 transformation cycles (!) unless there's a cap I'm unaware of.

Also, if it is indeed true that it becomes twice as difficult for each bit included, your friend's algorithm would be 3.0691830754069217948799249581913e+1194 more difficult to crack than the base data. Whew!
There's some fascinating reading about the standards for this type of encryption here:

Design & Development / Re: Wiretap Relaunch - Coming AUGUST 26 to KS
« on: August 13, 2014, 02:41:28 PM »
I had a friend back in the '90s who hacked an old version of PGP for MS-DOS/IBM-DOS, increasing the maximum key length from 128 bits to 4,096 bits!

Jeez, that's crazy. I'd love to pick his/her brain sometime.

Though TheDiscourse caters to a large crowd who are exclusively interested in cards and cards alone, I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that the limited-edition Wiretap dice finally have a product page in the shop I've set up. If you are interested in grabbing a few of these, check up on the link here - Soon I plan to have that page populated with more cards and products, so stick around.

Design & Development / Re: Wiretap Relaunch - Coming AUGUST 26 to KS
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:42:48 PM »
Worst comes to worst, I'll be printing a deck with a likeness of J-rock NoDrama, Forge Kush, and Treadword Broden.

Design & Development / Re: Wiretap Relaunch - Coming AUGUST 26 to KS
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:33:43 PM »
@Faume -

I read the documentation USPCC provided cover-to-cover to make sure that I was not breaking any laws with the deck. Here's the gist of what I sent to Bicycle's legal team a few months ago:
All of the likenesses in the deck are hand drawn and no ill will is meant towards any of the figures; it is merely a catalog of people associated with gathering electronic intelligence. With all of that being said, is it still possible to print this deck?

Let me know. Cheers.
And they responded with:
As long as they are public domain and original drawings our legal group will have no issues.  Thanks!

Now, Bicycle's legal team may not have an issue with the likenesses, but I still am not 100% that these twelve individuals will not take offense to being portrayed in the deck. To cover my bases, letters are being sent out to all of the representatives of the portrayed characters. It would be a very nasty surprise to have the deck fully funded and then have the entire stock taken and be sued because I didn't do something as simple as send a letter to gain consent.

All of that being said, there is some wiggle room within the First Amendment under parody laws. I may fall into legal murky waters if any of the parties involved can prove that I caused damages to them. For example, if you go into court and say "Dave Boyd made a deck that portrayed me as a terrible person and it has hurt my brand," good luck presenting that to a jury. However, if you can present actual fiscal damages, such as, "Dave Boyd made a deck that portrayed me as a terrible person, and because of that I lost a $50k contract with Viacom," then I'd be facing a tougher situation.

Again, this goes back to letters requesting consent. Some parties (Edward Snowden, for example) simply cannot be reached, but I'll be doing my best to make sure that my legal defense is rock-solid.

Design & Development / Re: Wiretap Relaunch - Coming AUGUST 26 to KS
« on: August 08, 2014, 10:35:31 PM »
@ Don -
Excellent calls, as usual. In the morning I'll be doing a pass over all of the Kings (McCarthy's head was looking rather... potato-ish). Still waiting on a reply from Legends and Expert.

@Jdoc -
Glad to hear they're up your alley!

Design & Development / Wiretap Relaunch - Coming AUGUST 26 to KS
« on: August 07, 2014, 02:54:05 PM »
Hello everyone! Dave Boyd here; apologies in advance for the mega-post.

First off, I'd like to thank everyone who offered constructive criticisms, comments, and unabashed praise during the last campaign. Though it did not reach its funding goal, I learned a lot and took the time to fine-tune issues that sprung up during the original Mar-Apr campaign. If you would like to view the original campaign, please click HERE:

I'd like to proudly reintroduce Wiretap Playing Cards - a deck about the recent NSA spying scandals in Washington DC. It features prominent whisteblowers and presidents who either helped or hindered the U.S.'s intelligence efforts (depending on the viewer's perspective, of course).

The deck will offer the following features, and 2,500 copies will be printed by the USPCC (if the KS reaches its goal).

  • Fully reversible back.
  • Air Cushion Finish.
  • Custom pencil artwork for all 56 cards, including Jokers.
  • Tiny "cameras" in each of the pips.

Here are a few lo-res images of the spade and heart courts, a sample number card, the dual-art Jokers designed by myself and Chase Camp, and the back design.

Shown above (L/R, T/B) - President Bush, Karen Kwiatkowski, Edward Snowden, President Obama, Laura Poitras, and Julian Assange.
For a full uncut sheet preview, please visit This post also includes the Gag Order full-sheet , which is too large for me to fit into this post.

The new campaign will be quite lightweight, and will also offer dice among other add-ons. Seen here is a first look at the unbranded/branded tuck and the blue limited edition dice that will be available within the week through my site. Red dice will become available during the campaign.

(Pen for scale.)

I've received excellent advice from members of this forum during the last campaign, and I would love to hear your feedback on things you might like to see/should be changed during this upcoming campaign. I'll see you all on AUGUST 26th 2014 @ 6pm EDT / 3pm PDT!

- Dave

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Wiretap Playing Cards (KS)
« on: March 17, 2014, 11:03:33 PM »
Don - All sound advice, as usual. Tomorrow I will be adding in the two-and-two tiers, as well as looking at logistics of the four-of-one. If this launch doesn't make the cut, there will be a relaunch in a few months time while I refine the tiers and artwork.

In the meantime...

Only 13 hours left in the Saint Patty's Day promo for uncut signed sheets! Sheets are 17% off at $25, with 15 available at this price.
Grab them before 12pm EST tomorrow on March 18th.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Wiretap Playing Cards (KS)
« on: March 11, 2014, 06:00:30 PM »
Just wanted to drop in and let you guys know that the page has been updated with Add Ons including Antique Brass collector's coins and pricing for adding decks.
To come: 2x3.5" UV magnets, custom shirts, and custom dice!

I just knew that there was a reason that my goal was as high as it is, and after going back and checking my notes I found that I had already included pricing for those other items. Hopefully this isn't too little too late, but I'll be getting prototypes up within the week.

- Dave

Design & Development / Re: Bicycle® Wiretap - In Progress
« on: March 04, 2014, 08:04:34 PM »

Design & Development / Re: Bicycle® Wiretap - In Progress
« on: March 03, 2014, 07:52:15 PM »
Mmmk! The approval has gone through, and if you guys are looking to get in on the early specials the campaign will officially be opening at 8pm EST on Tuesday, March 4th!

Design & Development / Re: Bicycle® Wiretap - In Progress
« on: March 01, 2014, 03:26:14 PM »
Well I look like an idiot. I thought that the KS verification process would be done by now but it still will take about two days or so. I'll let you guys know the moment that I'll be releasing so you can get in on those sweet, sweet early drone specials.

Design & Development / Re: Bicycle® Wiretap - In Progress
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:51:15 PM »
Okay folks, here's the lowdown. Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for me, but the deck should release around 12am EST on Kickstarter. (9pm PST.) My part-time job is the reason that the deck is releasing so late tomorrow; otherwise it would be at about 7pm EST. For all you non-night owls, check it out over the weekend or on Monday.

For more information, a timelapse of me drawing the aces, and a sneak peek at the tuckbox, check up on this link:

See you guys on the other side.

Design & Development / Re: Bicycle® Wiretap - In Progress
« on: February 18, 2014, 03:47:21 PM »
Thank you all for the feedback. I'm creeping closer and closer to completion and all the input helps.
@Don/Sparkz - I posted this up on UnitedCardists as well, and the reaction to the courts was similar.
The next few days are going to be spent overhauling these cards to really do them the justice that they deserve.  :D

Design & Development / Bicycle® Wiretap - In Progress
« on: February 17, 2014, 08:36:21 PM »
Hey guys, Dave Boyd here.
I was the artist of the Sultana deck that got funded last year (, and I just want to thank everyone again who pitched in and backed the project. This brings me to the next project that I've been working on - Bicycle® Wiretap playing cards.

Why should the government be the ones with all of the fun spying tools? Wiretap is a reflection of the current spying scandals in Washington, D.C. Below are a few unfinished sample cards. There will actually be more background to each, and each suit has a theme based on the types of spying tools out there. The face cards will also have a secondary pip up top. The back is fully reversible.

The campaign starts on Kickstarter on FEBRUARY 28th, 2014, and, if funded, will be distributed by Jackson Robinson's King's Wild Fulfillment program. The cards will be printed on Air Cushion finish with a Matte tuckbox (though this is subject to change as funding increases). Alongside the deck, I have also parsed out expenses for custom t-shirts, magnets, dice, and offset prints. I want to humbly thank you all again for helping me and Deco Playing Cards to fund our last deck, and want to give you guys the best that I've got.

These cards are nearly complete, but I need to run through in the next 12 days and give the colors major tweaks.

Some of the court cards still feel a little out of place, and so I'll be revisiting them over the next few days to make them feel a little more "Big Brother-esque."

As with the Sultana deck, all of the cards are 100% pencil with digital layout and coloring.

For more info on the face cards and reasons behind my choices in the deck, please visit: Ignore the line about the Jokers and the previous designs of the pips/aces, lots has changed since this preliminary post went out! :) I really want to get you guys involved again, so the Jokers' designs will be offered as a pledge level. If the level isn't taken, however, I will go ahead and go with my original plans - but where's the fun in that?

Again, thanks guys and I look forward to bringing you guys an awesome deck (or two! :wink:).

Introduce Yourself / Hey guys!
« on: February 15, 2014, 03:44:31 PM »
Hey all, this is Dave Boyd - the designer for the Sultana deck (") that came out last year. I've been doing stuff in the shadows for awhile now, and I think it's time to step forward while I'm managing new projects. There's a new deck that I'm working on called Wiretap that should be on KS by February 25th.

Anyway, it's nice to finally switch from a lurker to a poster. Hope to see some of you guys around on other sites, too!
- Dave

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