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Playing Card Chat ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ => Magical Cardistry Bonanza => Topic started by: austin on November 28, 2011, 03:26:35 PM

Title: Is it illegal... {All Info needed}
Post by: austin on November 28, 2011, 03:26:35 PM

Is it illegal to sell downloadable products that you buy even if you re-make a video telling how to do it?
Title: Re: Is it illegal...
Post by: AceGambit on November 28, 2011, 03:31:14 PM
That's a very broad question, and ultimately depends on what the downloadable product IS, and what copyright laws are protecting it in what countries. 

Under most circumstances; however, the answer is yes.  Because downloadable material is not a physical product, copies can be easily made, therefore, selling an .mpg file would be quite similar to selling a burnt copy of a CD you purchased.
Title: Re: Is it illegal...
Post by: austin on November 28, 2011, 03:34:55 PM
That's a very broad question, and ultimately depends on what the downloadable product IS, and what copyright laws are protecting it in what countries. 

Under most circumstances; however, the answer is yes.  Because downloadable material is not a physical product, copies can be easily made, therefore, selling an .mpg file would be quite similar to selling a burnt copy of a CD you purchased.
It was still be illegal even if you made a video of you showing how to do it then sell it.
Title: Re: Is it illegal...
Post by: Kanped on November 28, 2011, 03:37:58 PM

good place to start, then study law for a few years and you'll be much closer to a definitive answer.  You probably won't have one, though.
Title: Re: Is it illegal...
Post by: AceGambit on November 28, 2011, 03:43:36 PM
In magic, what you are paying mostly for is the secret to the effect, the price of the media which that is delivered on is really just a production cost.

Leaving all ethical discussion about whether is it fair or honest to sell someone else's idea aside.  For a large quantity of effects out there, especially the ones you will purchase from E or T11, they are copyright protected, and that means the content of the DVD or book you purchased is protected, not just the specific media you have.  If you were to say, purchase Window by David Stone, and then make a video explaining how to do it, then sell it.  I can almost assure you that his lawyers will find you, and sue you.  However things like Double Lifts, Top Changes, the Pass, I think most of these fall under public domain.  If you purchased a DVD that teaches these, and you choose to produce your own video teaching these moves, you likely won't run into too much trouble, but keep in mind there are a variety of people who have taught it before you, so your video better be good.

Whatever the effect is, if you plan on making a video and selling it, do your research first, make sure you have permission to publish and profit from the effect.  Purchasing an effect does not count as having permission to publish it, and especially does not count as having permission to make money off of it.