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Topics - Line

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Howdy all!

I'm Line, (see my intro post on the forum here: )

I have illustrated a deck of art cards with the them of the elements, earth, wind, water and fire. I call my deck Line's Deck Of Elements.

 It's a very unique deck because every card is completely illustrated. i even drew the numbers and icons.The illustration style is in the realm of comic/cartoon art.  What also makes it very unique is that unlike most decks where only the Jacks, Queens and Kings have a illustrated face...

... I drew a face on every card rank from 2 through Ace. Also, Like a normal painted/face card that has 2 halves, I actually drew both halves from scratch on each face. The only time there's a duplicated half, is on the back, which I did just to help stop any chance of cheating but i realize now that I'm posting this note that DUH! if they're all the same back, how can people tell?! ( i may have to go back and edit it )

You can see all the art for all the cards i posted up on my facebook page here:

Anyhow, I am doing a kickstarter project to help get these cards printed and the kickstarter campaign ends this coming Saturday the 24th of September 2016. if you'd like to see the project, here's a link:

Thanks for taking time out to read my post and check out my work. I hope you will like my work and hopefully you will become a backer to grab a deck for yourself and/or share my link with others.

Thanks so much,


Introduce Yourself / Hi all! I'm Line!
« on: September 20, 2016, 12:01:09 AM »
Hi all! I'm Line, I'm from New York. I'm 38 years old as of September 2016. i am a cardist.. I think? I recently made my own illustrated deck of cards ( assuming that's what cardist means) What got me into the arts was just my own curiosity to try to draw things I saw. I've always been into it and people have always praised my work.. maybe they were just being nice. But I think i liked the praise and kept at it. I found these forums via and a suggestion from Tommy at pokerchipforum.


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