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What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?

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What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« on: December 26, 2011, 04:45:46 AM »


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So with Christmas coming to an end what are everybody's plans for New Years Eve?

Any cool events? Or maybe a night in the family? Or maybe a big trip to NY to watch the ball drop?

I know that there are many cool New Years Eve events!! Have a great rest of the year everybody!!
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Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2011, 05:48:10 AM »

Don Boyer

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Normally, I'd have to work on New Year's Eve.  I work overnights, don't get weekends off and I don't have the kind of job where we can hang a CLOSED sign on the door and tell people to come back later.  In fact, I was scheduled to work New Year's Eve this year, and would have as I've done in many years past (my 21st anniversary on the job is January 4th).

Some of you know I started dating a woman a few months before first logging on to this website.  We fell in love, and I moved into her one-bedroom apartment with her and her now-12-year-old son - her 21-year-old son lives on his own and is graduating film school soon.  Using shoji screens we converted a portion of the living room into a makeshift bedroom for him - the removable walls allow him to have access to what's going on around him as well as let him watch the living room TV when his PS3 and the Internet aren't enough!

She was born in the Ukraine, and has lived here for nearly two decades - yes, her first son was born a citizen of the USSR, as was she.  She didn't know English when she first moved here, and had a domineering husband with whom she wasn't really in love.  She married him because she didn't think she had any other viable options.  She was and still is a Jew, though she doesn't practice her faith much, probably an aftereffect of growing up in a culture where she was discriminated against for being born a Jew.  Needless to say, childhood and young adulthood weren't very happy times for her.

She hit rock bottom when her husband, the family's sole provider, left her eight years ago, leaving her to raise the children.  She couldn't afford legal representation, and thus got a terrible divorce settlement.  She had to go from housewife to breadwinner, and didn't even know how to use a checkbook.  She was intelligent - she came to the States with a degree in library science, and received a second degree after the divorce in business administration - but making a living with limited English language skills and no experience was daunting to say the least.  This pushed her into a deep depression - something I'm all too familiar with myself.  She spent most of her time off just lying in bed staring at the ceiling at home.  If it wasn't for her parents, who had emigrated to Israel along with her sister, coming to America to help her after the divorce, she would probably have been in an even worse state.

Since the divorce, she spent a lot of time looking for someone to be with - like me, she doesn't enjoy being alone as much as she does having a partner to share her life with.  However, she felt her English skills were lacking, leaving her to seek partnership in the Russian-speaking community - the same community that looked down upon her when she lived in the Ukraine.  All she found were stereotypical men, interested in entertainment and a good time but with no interest in being in a committed relationship.

The nadir to this experience came last year, on New Year's Eve.  She purchased a ticket to go to a party populated by other Russian speakers from the old country, despite not having anyone to go with.  She figured that maybe she'd meet someone there - it was New Year's Eve, anything was possible.  What she hadn't planned on was the entire group consisting of couples, either dating or married - she was the only singleton in the place.  Despite this, some men actually had the nerve to hit on her, with their dates practically within earshot.  It was very depressing for her, and not something she ever wanted to repeat again.

She met me by finally taking the advice of a co-worker and opening up her dating possibilities to people other than Russian immigrants by using an English-language dating website.  She worried she wouldn't be able to carry on a conversation or understand what she was being told, but her desire for love overcame her fears.  Still, as I'm sure some of the women in this audience can attest, online dating is daunting enough without adding a lack of confidence or experience in the local culture.  Just as she was preparing to cancel her account, I found her profile and we exchanged a few messages and a phone call, which led swiftly to a first date.

She was the first woman to ever kiss me first on a date, something that she's never done before, and was shocked at how easy it was to carry on a conversation with me.  While I speak not more than a few words of Russian, I do have an accent unlike most New Yorkers - it's more "accentless", like the English used by network TV reporters.  I can't help it - my father got custody when he divorced my mother when I was five, and he was busy enough that I was largely left to my own devices about learning certain things.  I watched a lot of television, including the news, and it was the accent that appealed to me the most, it would seem.  (Though I do confess that I have a habit of emulating the accents of other people I'm speaking with from time to time - I once had a Brit asking me what part of London I was from, and had to sheepishly explain that I wasn't from anywhere near London...)  Anyway, for her this meant that I was exceptionally easy to understand, more so than most "Noo Yawkers" she'd encountered up to that point.

Long story made a little less long, we fell in love, we're extremely happy together, and she's the woman I want to marry.  I actually offered her a proposal on Christmas Eve, but she's still not entirely accepting the reality of it - I'm going to buy her an engagement ring later today, hopefully.  I'd originally planned to do this after we'd been dating for at least a year - we met in July, I usually take vacation in south Florida in August for my birthday, and I know people down there who would be happy to handle all the necessary details to arrange an intimate little wedding on short notice.  We may still do that, but I haven't discussed that with her yet - the other option, which I did raise in the recent past, was a quickie chapel wedding in Las Vegas!  The Florida idea has more appeal to me, though - I'm sure Vegas is nice, but we're talking August, and I lived in south Florida for two years and still have some friends living there, including a guy I met in the fifth grade who's like a brother to me.

I'm spending New Year's Eve with her - my girlfriend and love, Anya.  I originally thought that maybe she'd want to go back to that party and show me off to the other former Soviets, but she has other plans in mind - the party was very expensive and she wants nothing to do with it.  We're going to a party at the home of her ex-husband's employee, a woman who befriended her even before the divorce and remained friends after.  We're still debating whether we want to be there when the ball drops, or to be at home for it and then head to the party after midnight.  There will be some kids there, so I'll be entertaining them with a handful of card tricks I'm planning to take with me.  The kids are going to freak out when they see Pure Smoke in action.  And my girlfriend can't wait to introduce me to her friend - apparently the quality of Russian men is terribly poor and I'm considered a hell of a catch by comparison!  She loves to show me off every chance she gets!  I certainly can't complain...

To get the night off from work, I had to do some serious schedule juggling, get the cooperation of my boss (who'd originally nixed the idea) and pay a co-worker to cover my shift nearly as much as I would have earned if I'd worked it.  (I'll be covering him in the evening on New Year's Day, so I can't whoop it up too late.)  But it will be worth it to erase the terrible memories of last year's party from Anya's mind and replace them with much happier ones.
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Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2011, 06:26:49 AM »


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A quick Vegas wedding is actually more my type ::) I'm not a believer so the whole church thing doesn't really appeal to me, and the "official" part of it is what I dislike the most - love shouldn't have to do with papers. Something spontaneous and fun would be more meaningful to me, regardless of what people say of Vegas weddings. :)

And your girlfriend sure has been through a lot, it's nice to know you're both happy now. ;) Let it stay this way through the new year and all the years to come!

As for me, my family doesn't like to blow things out of proportion, simple family dinners are usually what I do for both christmas and new year. And I don't complain, I actually like the simplicity of it. ::)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 06:31:05 AM by Moon.exe »
Grin like a Cheshire cat, and remember: we're all mad here.

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2011, 06:41:20 AM »


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Sabacc, that's a really beautiful story, thanks for sharing.  I find myself doing the emulating accent thing all the time.  Some of my friends think I sound American even over here some times (only been in the States for 2 weeks in Florida about 12 years ago, too).  Probably comes from television and the Northern Irish accent generally being a mash of so many different accents (I guess NY has that, too).

As for New Years, I'm playing in my wedding band.  Might make it back in time to see some friends, we'll see.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 06:42:15 AM by Kanped »

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2011, 02:30:15 AM »


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And my girlfriend can't wait to introduce me to her friend - apparently the quality of Russian men is terribly poor and I'm considered a hell of a catch by comparison!

As a Russian woman myself, I can fully agree with the statement that Russian men are, for the most part, terrible haha. Quite domineering usually. Alex is from the former Soviet Union though and is one of the few good ones!

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2011, 02:31:45 AM »


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As for my plans, I will be celebrating the New Year in Seattle with my mother and my two half brothers. I can't wait to eat all the Russian food I'm so deprived of when my mom's not around haha.

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2011, 03:11:39 AM »

Don Boyer

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As for my plans, I will be celebrating the New Year in Seattle with my mother and my two half brothers. I can't wait to eat all the Russian food I'm so deprived of when my mom's not around haha.

I think I've had borscht for at least three of the last four dinners we've had at home, and that's only because I ordered sushi recently!  It's a good thing I think it's OK.

And is it a Russian thing to drink buttermilk?  I look at how thick the stuff is and...uhh...brain...rejecting...image...  must not drink...
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Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2011, 03:35:35 AM »


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As for my plans, I will be celebrating the New Year in Seattle with my mother and my two half brothers. I can't wait to eat all the Russian food I'm so deprived of when my mom's not around haha.

I think I've had borscht for at least three of the last four dinners we've had at home, and that's only because I ordered sushi recently!  It's a good thing I think it's OK.

And is it a Russian thing to drink buttermilk?  I look at how thick the stuff is and...uhh...brain...rejecting...image...  must not drink...

Yes, it's called kefir. It's sour and I hate it personally haha. But many Russians drink it. Russian food is really delicious usually but you have to be open to trying it. Some is as simple as potatoes and pickled herring, which is sooo good. But then there's the more adventurous things like cow tongue (which is actually really good) and things of that nature. Russians are crazy.

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2011, 09:11:13 PM »


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@good: russian men are notoriously awful human beings. to find a single, non-psychopathic russian guy is like winning a lottery.

her story is one I am familiar with as it happens in this community often. its still custom to be set up with people your parents pick out for you, and the result is a horrible marriage.

have her make you lots of russian food, like plof, pelmeni, or stroganoff. its a very unique and underrated cuisine :D

my new years is being spent in nyc with my family. unfortunately I can't spend it with victoria despite both of us wanting to. sadfaces all around.
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Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2011, 09:29:14 PM »

John B.

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considering going to hang out with old friends of mine, if i do as always i will be performing for them throughout the night.
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2011, 01:12:08 AM »

Don Boyer

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@good: russian men are notoriously awful human beings. to find a single, non-psychopathic russian guy is like winning a lottery.

her story is one I am familiar with as it happens in this community often. its still custom to be set up with people your parents pick out for you, and the result is a horrible marriage.

have her make you lots of russian food, like plof, pelmeni, or stroganoff. its a very unique and underrated cuisine :D

my new years is being spent in nyc with my family. unfortunately I can't spend it with victoria despite both of us wanting to. sadfaces all around.

Funny you should say that about the lottery - that's what she often tells me she feels like, that she's won the lottery!  Have I mentioned who wonderful it is having a woman in my life who's both attractive, loving and practically worships me?

I went and ordered the engagement ring and wedding bands!  They arrive late next week from Titanium Era in Canada.  The engagement ring has a polished flat titanium band with a half-carat cubic zirconia in a rather pretty tension setting, while the wedding bands are polished round  tungsten carbide bands with a satin-finish groove running around the outer circumference.  She didn't want to spend a lot of money and I wanted something meant to last.

As far as Russian food - her parents prepare that for her!  She confesses to not being much of a cook.  I told her it doesn't matter to me, but she worries about making me happy and preparing meals for her man.

As far as Victoria - yes, I can see why you're said!  Buck up - she's waiting for you and the reunion will be a happy one, I'm sure.  Meanwhile, that's what Skype and FaceTime are for!
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 01:14:03 AM by Good@Sabacc »
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Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2011, 01:32:25 AM »


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Hey, maybe you can learn to cook Russian food and she can wash up.

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2011, 02:07:19 AM »


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I will be spending the New Year's in Middleburg Florida with the fam and girlfriend. It will be her first time visiting my aunt, uncle, and cousin so she is exciting so as am I. Plus how much fun I have every time I have been there..So I guess Partying and family. Although, I am thinking about taking this opportunity with the weather being nicer and recording some stuff with my new camcorder, lol. We shall see how it goes! :)

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2011, 02:16:57 AM »


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I'll be doing what I normally do on new years, spending it at the local ski resort with friends and about a thousand random strangers. Big White, the ski resort, tends to attract a lot of people from the town that I live in for new years in addition to all the staff that already works at the resort. The village gets packed with a huge group of people ( a lot of drunk underage kids ) and there are fireworks at midnight. I'll have a few friends stay over and we will probably just chill out at the condo and drink, head over to one of the bars until the fireworks. Then probably end up heading over to another friends house party for the rest of the night.

I am looking forward to this new years eve because on the last one I worked full time at the ski hill and had to get up at 7am for an 8hr shift the next day......not too much fun when you go to bed at 4am.

Anyways, hope everyone has a fun and safe time this new years eve!
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 02:17:05 AM by Curt »

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2011, 03:24:48 AM »

Don Boyer

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Hey, maybe you can learn to cook Russian food and she can wash up.

The problem there is she likes washing and cleaning up afterward but hates cooking!  The only viable solution would be for me to learn to cook Russian foods!

I'll be doing what I normally do on new years, spending it at the local ski resort with friends and about a thousand random strangers. Big White, the ski resort, tends to attract a lot of people from the town that I live in for new years in addition to all the staff that already works at the resort. The village gets packed with a huge group of people ( a lot of drunk underage kids ) and there are fireworks at midnight. I'll have a few friends stay over and we will probably just chill out at the condo and drink, head over to one of the bars until the fireworks. Then probably end up heading over to another friends house party for the rest of the night.

I am looking forward to this new years eve because on the last one I worked full time at the ski hill and had to get up at 7am for an 8hr shift the next day......not too much fun when you go to bed at 4am.

Anyways, hope everyone has a fun and safe time this new years eve!

That sounds like a pretty chill and enjoyable way to spend ringing in the New Year.  If I didn't have my girlfriend to spend it with, I'd be uber-jealous!
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Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2011, 05:05:40 AM »


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She confesses to not being much of a cook.  I told her it doesn't matter to me, but she worries about making me happy and preparing meals for her man.

Yeah I'm not much of a cook either. I bake a lot and enjoy that, but when it comes to cooking I'm pretty clueless. I would so much rather wash dishes after the meal than cook it haha. I would like to learn to cook but I'm a very methodical person, so baking is much better for me because there's measurements and clear cause and effect chemistry, unlike cooking which requires way more intuition.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 05:41:18 AM by Victoria »

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2011, 05:24:57 AM »


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I really should decide what I'm doing for New Years Eve, I've been invited to a few parties but don't really want to go to one and not the other, hard decisions ahead.
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Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2011, 05:46:06 AM »


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I really should decide what I'm doing for New Years Eve, I've been invited to a few parties but don't really want to go to one and not the other, hard decisions ahead.

I hear ya, I'm in the same position. I have one I want to go to but my mate is throwing one himself, so I'm torn between the two. Decisions, decisions  ::)
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Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2011, 08:23:07 PM »

Don Boyer

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She confesses to not being much of a cook.  I told her it doesn't matter to me, but she worries about making me happy and preparing meals for her man.

Yeah I'm not much of a cook either. I bake a lot and enjoy that, but when it comes to cooking I'm pretty clueless. I would so much rather wash dishes after the meal than cook it haha. I would like to learn to cook but I'm a very methodical person, so baking is much better for me because there's measurements and clear cause and effect chemistry, unlike cooking which requires way more intuition.

I just showed this to Anya - she says hi!  Also, she's just like you - wait while I transcribe for her:

"She is like me, I rather to clean the dishes, to wipe the floor, to organize my closet, to make laundry, but the kitchen is horrible place.  It can be comparable to Golgotha!  And because additional obstacles, my kitchen is too small, even my closet is bigger than my kitchen, and it makes me double suffered.  But, no, I don't have choice, I have to make my man happy, because if I won lottery ticket I have to keep it!  To find the right way to man's heart is to feed him."

I have no trouble understanding her English and she has none understanding mine, most of the time.  (She was laughing when I was reading what she said, word for word, in her accent!)
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Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2011, 10:38:15 PM »


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Just found out we're going on before the DJ on New Year's.  Looks like I might make it to my friends before midnight.

Re: What's on the Menu for New Years Eve?
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2011, 11:13:56 AM »


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I just showed this to Anya - she says hi!  Also, she's just like you - wait while I transcribe for her:

"She is like me, I rather to clean the dishes, to wipe the floor, to organize my closet, to make laundry, but the kitchen is horrible place.  It can be comparable to Golgotha!  And because additional obstacles, my kitchen is too small, even my closet is bigger than my kitchen, and it makes me double suffered.  But, no, I don't have choice, I have to make my man happy, because if I won lottery ticket I have to keep it!  To find the right way to man's heart is to feed him."

I have no trouble understanding her English and she has none understanding mine, most of the time.  (She was laughing when I was reading what she said, word for word, in her accent!)

Haha that's very funny, tell her I say hello back. She seems charming :) I regrettably have no Russian accent, but I really wish I had one!