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Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on

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Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« on: September 14, 2018, 02:04:57 AM »


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Hey all,

I've been working on a deck of cards. Still trying to flesh out the main theme I want to go for but right now its sort of based on Tarot cards. Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds are also Swords, Wands, Cups, and Pentagrams respectively like in a tarot deck. There's also 4 colors instead of 2. The idea is for this deck to also be the minor arcana of a tarot deck and later I can design a "major arcana expansion" deck that when combined with this deck would make it into a full tarot deck. The major arcana card in a tarot deck are the ones with names like "The Magician", "The Fool", "Death", "Justice", etc. The minor arcana are the 4 suits with the Ace, 2-10, and the court cards so that would be this deck. Maybe even will include a couple Major arcana as the Joker cards. Like "The Fool" and "Death" cards since most playing card decks have 2 jokers anyways.

I'm also playing around with a duality idea of each of the court cards having slightly different sides. One being normal and the other side being a bit rough or unkempt. This would make them not perfectly symmetrical which would also be good for using them as Tarot cards since a card being upside down means something different than if it is turned right side up. That's one of the reasons I went with the current diamond pip design that isn't symmetrical top to bottom.

Anyways, I'm rambling on now. So what do you think? Any critiques or suggestions on the design?

TL;DR - I'm designing a deck of cards. What do you think?

« Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 02:52:26 AM by mrdude42 »

Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2018, 05:19:35 AM »

Don Boyer

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Hey all,

I've been working on a deck of cards. Still trying to flesh out the main theme I want to go for but right now its sort of based on Tarot cards. Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds are also Swords, Wands, Cups, and Pentagrams respectively like in a tarot deck. There's also 4 colors instead of 2. The idea is for this deck to also be the minor arcana of a tarot deck and later I can design a "major arcana expansion" deck that when combined with this deck would make it into a full tarot deck. The major arcana card in a tarot deck are the ones with names like "The Magician", "The Fool", "Death", "Justice", etc. The minor arcana are the 4 suits with the Ace, 2-10, and the court cards so that would be this deck. Maybe even will include a couple Major arcana as the Joker cards. Like "The Fool" and "Death" cards since most playing card decks have 2 jokers anyways.

I'm also playing around with a duality idea of each of the court cards having slightly different sides. One being normal and the other side being a bit rough or unkempt. This would make them not perfectly symmetrical which would also be good for using them as Tarot cards since a card being upside down means something different than if it is turned right side up. That's one of the reasons I went with the current diamond pip design that isn't symmetrical top to bottom.

Anyways, I'm rambling on now. So what do you think? Any critiques or suggestions on the design?

TL;DR - I'm designing a deck of cards. What do you think?

Well, there's a few interesting things to note here.

One, know that four-color pip designs have their fans, but there aren't quite as many of them as there are people who really don't like four-color pip designs.  It might work as a drawback when trying to raise funds on a crowdfunding site like Kickstarter, where you want the deck to have the broadest possible appeal to stand the best chance of getting funded.  That doesn't mean there aren't ways around that, but just know that if you're set on a four-color design, you have a tougher row to hoe.

The highly geometric design has some appeal to me.  Some might like it, some might not, but to me, it reminds me of a popular Theory11 deck, now out-of-print, called Sentinels.

As far as the symmetry, I wouldn't worry so much about the deck's court cards having asymmetric designs for the purposes of fortune telling.  What you say about tarot is true - but this is NOT a tarot deck right now, even if it is tarot-inspired.  If you were making a full-blown tarot deck, I'd say yes, it's something to seriously consider.  But for a poker deck like this - and this is an International Standard poker deck, your own bells and whistles notwithstanding - you do it solely if you want to for artistic reasons.

Don't think along the lines of making a "tarot expansion" - either commit to a tarot deck or don't.  You can make a tarot deck and a poker deck as separate projects if you want (pick whichever you want to do first), but to make a poker deck and later make a tarot expansion to the poker deck is the difficult way to go about it - I've only seen one other artist out there attempt it, and he did both the poker deck and the expansion simultaneously in the same KS project.  It was a massive undertaking, greatly delayed in releasing its rewards, though it was very popular.

The biggest problem with the expansion idea: if you make the poker deck, it will certainly be a limited edition, as nearly all KS projects are, so you're automatically limiting yourself on the tarot deck "expansion" to selling only to those people who bought the poker deck in the first place, and only a certain percentage of those customers will be interested in the expansion to begin with.

Then there's also the thematic issues - most tarot decks have decorative art on their "spot"/numbered-rank/non-court cards, and for good reason: the art often gives some inkling as to what the card means when it comes up in a reading.  (Unless you're referring to the non-divinatory, French tarot decks used for the game of tarot, and that's a totally different animal.)  Making the deck devoid of that art might be a turn-off to devotees of tarot decks.  Making a tarot expansion to a standard poker deck might be seen by tarot devotees as a sort of bastardized version of a tarot deck, far less interesting than a full-blown tarot deck with art on all the card faces.

I like what you've done with it as a poker deck, particularly on the Aces - the way the art ties into the tarot is rather unique and original, in my opinion.  Carrying that theme into the courts is also quite brilliant, in terms of design - but I wouldn't take it further than that.  Consider a wholly separate design for a divination deck - the audiences for the two types of decks are very different and have only a small amount of overlap.  Connect the designs if you want with thematic and design traits in common, but make them as separate decks and I think you'll have a better chance overall.

A true divinatory tarot deck with full art for all 78 cards is a major undertaking.  Alternately, you could try for a game version of tarot, though there's a much smaller following for such decks, at least in the US - they're mostly used in Europe, and even there the popularity isn't as high as International Standard decks.  You would only need art for the four court cards of each suit and for the 22 trump suit cards (ranks 1-21 and the "fool" card, 0), the rest being pip/spot cards.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 05:22:07 AM by Don Boyer »
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2018, 12:52:22 PM »


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Hi Don,

Thanks for the reply. You make a lot of great points. I agree that maybe I do need to focus on making these a great poker deck with Tarot inspiration rather than an actual Tarot/Poker combo deck. I might throw in a few bonus major arcana cards in place of the extra cards that come in decks and leave it at that. Using this style I can create a separate Tarot deck in the future but my main goal for this project has been to create a poker deck and the Tarot theme is just what I wanted to use for inspiration and the theme.

As for the 4 color suits. I'm really on the fence about this one. I really like how they look but I understand what you're saying about the audience and that I need to think about what kind of audience I'm trying to make this deck for. Here's super rough mock-up of red/black to see how it could look.

Thanks again for the through response! Also here's an updated picture with some more updates to the court cards:

« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 01:13:11 PM by mrdude42 »

Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2018, 06:38:49 AM »

Don Boyer

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Hi Don,

Thanks for the reply. You make a lot of great points. I agree that maybe I do need to focus on making these a great poker deck with Tarot inspiration rather than an actual Tarot/Poker combo deck. I might throw in a few bonus major arcana cards in place of the extra cards that come in decks and leave it at that. Using this style I can create a separate Tarot deck in the future but my main goal for this project has been to create a poker deck and the Tarot theme is just what I wanted to use for inspiration and the theme.

As for the 4 color suits. I'm really on the fence about this one. I really like how they look but I understand what you're saying about the audience and that I need to think about what kind of audience I'm trying to make this deck for. Here's super rough mock-up of red/black to see how it could look.

There are compromises - ways to have it as four colors while still keeping it two colors!

One way that I haven't seen used yet - make your indices using bold letters and numbers for the values, and color those values in four different colors, while leaving the suit pips in their traditional red and black.  This way, it's a four-color deck for people who want it as a four-color deck, but it's still a two-color deck for people who prefer (or in the case of people playing many solitaire games, NEED) a two-color deck.

Another way, one that I have seen used before, is to use colors OUTLINES for the pips in four colors, while still keeping the pips themselves red and black.

Yet another way is to choose complementary colors - for example, make the black suits in two shades of blue (for example, navy and medium blue) and the red suits in two shades of red (for example, a bright red and a deep crimson red).  Other possible choices would be red and orange for red and true blue and blue-green for black.  Avoid choosing a very light shade and a dark shade as replacements for each of the two traditional colors, because this can confuse solitaire players in a different way, making them think the light colors are one "color" while the dark colors are the other "color."  Better to stick closer to medium colors if you try going this route.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2018, 03:58:05 PM »


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My way of pairing the traditionally red and black suits has been to give them something to share design-wise. If you look at the Hearts and Diamonds they both share the same color central banner in yellow while the Spades and Clubs both share a grey-ish colored banner in their centers. Their belt buckles also share similarities 2 being round while the other 2 are square.

I'm hoping I can make the Hearts/Diamonds and Spades/Clubs pairs with enough shared aspects that they will be able to be easily seen has pairs without needing to outright make them just red and black pairs.

I wonder if the Hearts and Diamonds shared a red center banner and the other had a dark grey center if that would work better... Coloring has been quite tough to get right!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 04:17:18 PM by mrdude42 »

Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2018, 06:52:40 AM »

Don Boyer

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My way of pairing the traditionally red and black suits has been to give them something to share design-wise. If you look at the Hearts and Diamonds they both share the same color central banner in yellow while the Spades and Clubs both share a grey-ish colored banner in their centers. Their belt buckles also share similarities 2 being round while the other 2 are square.

I'm hoping I can make the Hearts/Diamonds and Spades/Clubs pairs with enough shared aspects that they will be able to be easily seen has pairs without needing to outright make them just red and black pairs.

I wonder if the Hearts and Diamonds shared a red center banner and the other had a dark grey center if that would work better... Coloring has been quite tough to get right!

I hear what you're saying regarding the banners.  But if you don't do something in the INDICES to make them somehow more closely associated with each other in term of the color pairs, it will likely go unnoticed and at the least will not make game play easier.

Consider this - if you were to pick up this deck and play a typical solitaire game, one that relies on the traditional red/black pairs and uses color as a game element, would you be able to play this game with as much ease using your deck as you would with a regular deck?  If the answer is no, you're going into the marketplace with two strikes against you.

I'm telling you, while it's not impossible to sell a four-color deck, it's an awful lot harder than selling a two-color deck, unless you're specifically selling it as a "no-revoke" bridge deck or a low-vision deck - and even that's a bit of a stretch.  In a "no-revoke" deck, four colors are used as a way to avoid accidentally playing the wrong suit by confusing the like-colored pips for each other.  In low-vision decks, it's for similar reasons that four colors are used - it makes it easier for people with poor eyesight to tell the suits apart from each other, but such decks also usually come with HUGE indices, often occupying most of the cards' faces.  Neither market segment would be considered all that large, so it's a harder target to hit, so to speak.

Consider some of the suggestions I gave you regarding making differences in the indices.  You can even make the indices two-color while making the pips on the card faces four-color - best of both worlds, perhaps?
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2018, 04:56:44 AM »


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Here's another attempt. The color of the K,Q,J, and A letters share Red/Black colors while the pips are still 4 colors. I still need to redo the numbered cards with this design but I have the court cards updated so far. Thoughts?

« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 04:58:19 AM by mrdude42 »

Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2018, 06:34:36 AM »

Don Boyer

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Here's another attempt. The color of the K,Q,J, and A letters share Red/Black colors while the pips are still 4 colors. I still need to redo the numbered cards with this design but I have the court cards updated so far. Thoughts?

I like it, but the red is so dark, it's not easily differentiated from the black!  Maybe a slightly lighter shade of red would be better, at least for the indices.  I know people love that cool "casino red/burgundy/blood red" shade over the circus red used on standard USPC playing cards, but you do want the two colors to be easily distinguished from each other.  Find a middle ground!
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2018, 02:40:48 AM »


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Update with the numbered cards included. Still struggling with choosing the colors. Aces still need a lot of work. Court card faces need color... Also still working on backs. 

(Click thumbnail to see full size version)

Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2018, 03:22:26 AM »

Don Boyer

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Update with the numbered cards included. Still struggling with choosing the colors. Aces still need a lot of work. Court card faces need color... Also still working on backs.

Get yourself a pack of Sentinels from Theory11.  They're out of print now but probably not that expensive just yet.  It had certain similarities to your deck, but it adds a little something extra and might give you a little inspiration.  Look especially at the courts - they really turned up the volume a bit on them without going over the top, in terms of creating a unique appearance while maintaining a certain spare aesthetic.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2021, 05:24:46 PM »


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Finally had some time to make some updates. Thoughts?


Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2021, 01:14:22 AM »


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Another update:

Re: Deck of Tarot themed playing cards I've been working on
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2021, 12:37:59 PM »

Don Boyer

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I like that you've decided to go with a two-color pip design rather than four colors.  Four color decks have their benefits, but they do tend to be less popular overall.

The spare aesthetic is nice, but consider "jazzing it up" just a little bit, perhaps some decorative elements around the character or something.  It's perhaps a little too spare.
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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