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Gatorback Riders from David Blaine

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Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #300 on: November 29, 2014, 12:07:09 PM »


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I completely agree with the absolute perspective of personal life and things unknown taking over. Pretty sure PR dept could have taken care of that though; there are absolute expectations amongst supporters; rightly or wrongly.
Personally (and I am International  - time difference), the thought of people like me sitting around with their (unsocial) time petering away watching (sad I know), when life time is as precious as it is, to no avail without so much as an explanation is, to use the Queens Good English 'Utter Crap'. I apologise to all of you whom I offend with my pissed off honesty. Fizzing.
You don't stop playing because you grow old - you grow old because you stop playing!!!

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #301 on: November 29, 2014, 01:17:08 PM »

Don Boyer

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Did David Blaine ever actually promise ANYTHING for Black Friday?  Seriously, people...

He could be prepping for Cyber Monday, Christmas Eve, Saint Swithen's Day, the Anniversary of the Repair of his Ingrown Toenail...  WHATEVER.  But he hasn't promised a single blasted thing, as far as I know.  Chill out and be patient.

His "PR Department" is a couple of people who work in his offices downtown.  People close to him.  If he was having some personal issue, they would be by proxy, making it unlikely they're focusing on all these people clamoring for his cards as if he broke a promise or something.
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Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #302 on: November 29, 2014, 02:10:02 PM »


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If he still wants to "save face" he would have to make his move on Cyber Monday.

Otherwise a flash mob event would destroy the fans that are questioning him in twitter and instagram.

I first noticed David had removed all twitter and instagram messages associated with black Friday on Thursday. His store was also empty at that time but the tweet "reds" with Instagram link of David holding the Red Gatorbacks was still up. I assumed as early as Thursday that the Red Gatorbacks / Black Friday Sale was postponed. Now the instagram photo of the Red Gatorbacks has also been taken down as of yesterday.

First, David does not have to do anything to "save face". Second, David does not have to do anything for the Christmas shopping season.

So he can post something about a sale, get everyone ready and hyped up for it and then just cancel it without any explanation??, Erasing every piece of evidence that we had about the sale ?

If he doesn't want to explain anything then people are going to be really mad at him.

Also he tweeted about the store before Black Friday, on Thursday, apologising  and assuring everyone that the store would be up "soon"

But we know what "soon" means for Mr Blaine...  :mindf-ck:

Im a huge fan of his, but this is annoying... Im sure something "big" happened, for him to have to back out of something like this...

So don't try to minimise what's happening right now...
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Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #303 on: November 29, 2014, 02:25:26 PM »


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In the past sales he has done similar things, very unpredictable and unorthodox compared to traditional retailers. (But be isn't a retailer first, he is a magician first)

I can understand the frustrations, but based on past years nothing out of the norm for DB.

Nothing  was said when this would take place, anyone remember the crazy sale last year for the silver split spades?

If you do then I image a similar scenario this year.

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #304 on: November 29, 2014, 06:07:16 PM »


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Did David Blaine ever actually promise ANYTHING for Black Friday?  Seriously, people...

He could be prepping for Cyber Monday, Christmas Eve, Saint Swithen's Day, the Anniversary of the Repair of his Ingrown Toenail...  WHATEVER.  But he hasn't promised a single blasted thing, as far as I know.  Chill out and be patient.

His "PR Department" is a couple of people who work in his offices downtown.  People close to him.  If he was having some personal issue, they would be by proxy, making it unlikely they're focusing on all these people clamoring for his cards as if he broke a promise or something.

I understand personal things coming up and ya, we can just relax, it is a deck of cards after all, but with all due respect Don, he did say they were going to be released on Black Friday and not posting something to update those who camped their PC to try and get such a limited item isn't matter who you are.

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #305 on: November 29, 2014, 06:31:15 PM »

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Did David Blaine ever actually promise ANYTHING for Black Friday?  Seriously, people...

He could be prepping for Cyber Monday, Christmas Eve, Saint Swithen's Day, the Anniversary of the Repair of his Ingrown Toenail...  WHATEVER.  But he hasn't promised a single blasted thing, as far as I know.  Chill out and be patient.

His "PR Department" is a couple of people who work in his offices downtown.  People close to him.  If he was having some personal issue, they would be by proxy, making it unlikely they're focusing on all these people clamoring for his cards as if he broke a promise or something.

I understand personal things coming up and ya, we can just relax, it is a deck of cards after all, but with all due respect Don, he did say they were going to be released on Black Friday and not posting something to update those who camped their PC to try and get such a limited item isn't matter who you are.

David Blaine is among other things, an endurance artist. He tested your endurance and you cracked. :)) You were camped in front of your computer, nice and warm, in your luxury leather computer chair. Not in a block of ice, not 6 feet under ground, not 100 plus feet in the air, not submerged in water. I'm sorry people, I can't be the only one that finds this damn funny.

Is it the end of the world if you don't get a Red Gatorback?
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 07:10:15 PM by Card Player »

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #306 on: November 29, 2014, 07:34:53 PM »


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Did David Blaine ever actually promise ANYTHING for Black Friday?  Seriously, people...

He could be prepping for Cyber Monday, Christmas Eve, Saint Swithen's Day, the Anniversary of the Repair of his Ingrown Toenail...  WHATEVER.  But he hasn't promised a single blasted thing, as far as I know.  Chill out and be patient.

His "PR Department" is a couple of people who work in his offices downtown.  People close to him.  If he was having some personal issue, they would be by proxy, making it unlikely they're focusing on all these people clamoring for his cards as if he broke a promise or something.

I understand personal things coming up and ya, we can just relax, it is a deck of cards after all, but with all due respect Don, he did say they were going to be released on Black Friday and not posting something to update those who camped their PC to try and get such a limited item isn't matter who you are.

David Blaine is among other things, an endurance artist. He tested your endurance and you cracked. :)) You were camped in front of your computer, nice and warm, in your luxury leather computer chair. Not in a block of ice, not 6 feet under ground, not 100 plus feet in the air, not submerged in water. I'm sorry people, I can't be the only one that finds this damn funny.

Is it the end of the world if you don't get a Red Gatorback?

Just to clarify Card Player, I wasn't camped at my PC and it was meant as a general statement  :)
"...............posting something to update those who camped their PC"

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #307 on: November 29, 2014, 08:04:30 PM »


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I'm glad they haven't been offered for sale yet. Again for selfish reasons, I was unavailable to make purchases whilst playing poker for the past two days. I did a little camping (wee hours of the morning on friday) until I felt the flash mob possibility was over after the last post. Otherwise it was what it was. I do feel for people who spent many hours checking in and chose not to enjoy the various festivities that were available to them on their friday night and saturday.

I've missed out on several offerings from others due to my choices, of being engaged in activity whatever it may be. I personally don't regret those choices or missed opportunities. My thoughts are, most other people don't either. Then again I have never stood outside a retail store, movie house, club, or sporting venue for more than half an hour either. (I absolutely hate flying because they make me wait in long ass stupid... rant tangent avoided.) So I'm probably in the minority on this subject haha.

In the case of Red Gatorbacks, I think we have an interesting mix. 1000 decks + easy 2000 people wanting at least 2 each = Stuff like camp the comp for a couple days. It's definitely understandable that it could and has happened. Sometimes the OCD gets the absolute best of us, it's happened to us all at some point. It's never healthy, but it is entirely human. We are passionate creatures haha.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 08:05:16 PM by Fes »
Part of my Collection updated infrequently but occasionally, when I remember. (I haven't in months.)

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #308 on: November 29, 2014, 11:05:28 PM »


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I did apologise in advance for causing annoyance.

In terms of card collecting, I thoroughly enjoy the 'thrill of the chase' in attempt to secure decks for my collection. I am happy to set my alarm for ridiculous o'clock if needs be (I am outside most of you guys in the USA). Sad, I know, but like you all, my love of this collecting hobby takes over at times (and my first hobby love is actually sleight of hand card magic).

Don - as I mentioned, people have expectations, particularly of someone at DB's level; clear communication is great thing, and I do believe that people (i.e. 'we') should have been notified one way or another over and beyond the tweet posted telling all the site would be up and running soon.  Axiomatically there is some issue, but a simple explanation to people who are prepared to pay hard earned money for the products expected would have been nice.  As I said, this could have been issued by PR; for an internationally recognised star, I ignorantly assumed more than "a couple of people" would be involved.

As for all the 'seriously people' type remarks, as I said above, my love for this hobby takes over at times.  But not so much as my love for my Wife and Son who are the real primary love in my life. So,
Don - I am certainly not clamouring for his cards (the term which I find rather offensive), but I did expect a 'promise' to be upheld.

CardPlayer - No, it is not remotely close to the end of the world if I do not buy a deck of playing cards, nor was I 'camped' in front of my PC, but I did float in and out rather too frequently and in some unorthodox hours to keep checking. If I recollect aren't you the guy that risks paying rent and food on the table at times to purchase 'end of the word playing cards'? Your hypocrisy seems to know no bounds.

You don't stop playing because you grow old - you grow old because you stop playing!!!

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #309 on: November 30, 2014, 12:08:16 AM »

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If I recollect aren't you the guy that risks paying rent and food on the table at times to purchase 'end of the word playing cards'? Your hypocrisy seems to know no bounds.

Nope, that's not me. Yes, I've bought things that cost as much as rent. Without getting into great detail about my own financial status, I will simply say my bills are always paid first. I'm certainly not deprived of food. :))

I don't think I'm being hypocritical. I've ripped a friend of DB because I expect better of that person but their not DB. I'm someone who respects David Blaine and that won't change because of a Black Friday cancelation. Those who are actually getting angry are just card collectors. They like DB but they like his cards more.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 12:11:03 AM by Card Player »

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #310 on: November 30, 2014, 12:16:37 AM »

Don Boyer

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I did apologise in advance for causing annoyance.

In terms of card collecting, I thoroughly enjoy the 'thrill of the chase' in attempt to secure decks for my collection. I am happy to set my alarm for ridiculous o'clock if needs be (I am outside most of you guys in the USA). Sad, I know, but like you all, my love of this collecting hobby takes over at times (and my first hobby love is actually sleight of hand card magic).

Don - as I mentioned, people have expectations, particularly of someone at DB's level; clear communication is great thing, and I do believe that people (i.e. 'we') should have been notified one way or another over and beyond the tweet posted telling all the site would be up and running soon.  Axiomatically there is some issue, but a simple explanation to people who are prepared to pay hard earned money for the products expected would have been nice.  As I said, this could have been issued by PR; for an internationally recognised star, I ignorantly assumed more than "a couple of people" would be involved.

As for all the 'seriously people' type remarks, as I said above, my love for this hobby takes over at times.  But not so much as my love for my Wife and Son who are the real primary love in my life. So,
Don - I am certainly not clamouring for his cards (the term which I find rather offensive), but I did expect a 'promise' to be upheld.

CardPlayer - No, it is not remotely close to the end of the world if I do not buy a deck of playing cards, nor was I 'camped' in front of my PC, but I did float in and out rather too frequently and in some unorthodox hours to keep checking. If I recollect aren't you the guy that risks paying rent and food on the table at times to purchase 'end of the word playing cards'? Your hypocrisy seems to know no bounds.

No need for apologies - no annoyance was caused.

I was indeed incorrect in the "promise" department - he advertised on Instagram that he'd release the cards on Black Friday and clearly something went terribly wrong.

I've met David before, at his offices in downtown Manhattan.  You can read about it here if you like.  You'll never meet a nicer, more down-to-earth guy.  His operation isn't teeming masses of employees - it's roughly a dozen or so people at any given time.  Believe it or not, that makes his company about the same size in terms of employees as Ellusionist and Theory11, and he probably has double the employees of the Blue Crown/HOPC.  He's probably the same size as Dan and Dave though I can't say for sure, and he's perhaps slightly larger than the New York office of the Expert Playing Card Company and the Conjuring Arts Research Center.

In simple terms, we're not talking about huge corporations here.  If a business issue or a personal crisis struck any of these companies, the impact would likely be felt by everyone and it would not be unheard of for such an event to derail normal operations for a while.

Collecting cards is a lovely thing.  But they aren't the end of the world.  Whatever it is, something is obviously on his plate that's taking priority for the immediate future.  They will come out eventually, and I'd be shocked if some kind of explanation wasn't forthcoming.  Yes, these are very rare cards and all that, but in the end, they are just cards.  Life appears to be taking priority at DB Productions, but I'm sure things will get back to normal soon enough, and that the release will have advance notice of some kind.

If I recollect aren't you the guy that risks paying rent and food on the table at times to purchase 'end of the word playing cards'? Your hypocrisy seems to know no bounds.

Nope, that's not me. Yes, I've bought things that cost as much as rent. Without getting into great detail about my own financial status, I will simply say my bills are always paid first. I'm certainly not deprived of food. :))

I don't think I'm being hypocritical. I've ripped a friend of DB because I expect better of that person but their not DB. I'm someone who respects David Blaine and that won't change because of a Black Friday cancelation. Those who are actually getting angry are just card collectors. They like DB but they like his cards more.

Now WHICH DB are you talking about now...?  :))
Card Illusionist, NYC Area
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Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #311 on: November 30, 2014, 12:21:31 AM »


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The term "camp the computer" to me means checking on various sites every hour or so, when not actually needing to use it for any other reason than to see if said item, store, or sale is available. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm using the term correctly, and starting to think I'm probably not.

I usually peak in on here, UC, and my mail when I pop online. In this case to check NHL Scores. Not even checking the db store until monday morning. Feels like this drum's getting worn out haha.
Part of my Collection updated infrequently but occasionally, when I remember. (I haven't in months.)

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #312 on: November 30, 2014, 12:24:24 AM »

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Now WHICH DB are you talking about now...? 

I wrote David Blaine at least once in that paragraph. Lol That is a strange coincidence Don Boyer (DB). Did I rip a friend of yours? I suppose that's how I started on discourse. :))

The term "camp the computer" to me means checking on various sites every hour or so, when not actually needing to use it for any other reason than to see if said item, store, or sale is available. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm using the term correctly, and starting to think I'm probably not.

I usually peak in on here, UC, and my mail when I pop online. In this case to check NHL Scores. Not even checking the db store until monday morning. Feels like this drum's getting worn out haha.

I've gone camping for many summers of my childhood. You basically sit around the campfire at night because the fire is one of your few sources of light. You just sit and watch the flames for hours. Unless your an adult with your significant other, not much else to do.

When you say "camp the computer", I'm thinking your sitting at your computer for hours on end.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 12:37:55 AM by Card Player »

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #313 on: November 30, 2014, 12:39:31 AM »


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When you say "camp the computer", I'm thinking your sitting at your computer for hours on end.

Then yea, I am definitely using it wrong haha. I don't know anyone who does that. That'd take some serious dedication wouldn't it?
Part of my Collection updated infrequently but occasionally, when I remember. (I haven't in months.)

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #314 on: November 30, 2014, 10:04:48 AM »

John B.

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I camp at my computer, but not for sales. I just like to be lazy sometimes.
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #315 on: November 30, 2014, 11:17:06 AM »

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I camp at my computer, but not for sales. I just like to be lazy sometimes.

I'm guilty of it also. I don't think its something to be embarrassed about. There are worse places to be. It's something I don't complain about. I'm in my comfort zone and its my choice. Before the internet, people used to wait outdoors on lines hours for concert tickets. Travel to dozens of stores to find highly sought OR sold out Christmas toys. Good times. I was but a child then. I still hear the stories.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 03:36:47 PM by Card Player »

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #316 on: November 30, 2014, 11:23:45 AM »


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I camp at my computer, but not for sales. I just like to be lazy sometimes.

I'm guilty of it also. I don't think its something to be embarrassed about. There are worse places to be. It's something I don't complain about. I'm in my comfort zone and its my choice.

Before the internet, people used to wait on lines hours for concert tickets. Travel to dozens of stores to find a highly-saute after OR sold out Christmas toys.

Warning: Grammar Police

People used to travel to dozens of stores for things that were highly... pan fried?   :)

Just busting your chops.  Thought I would get it over with before Don chimes in!


Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #317 on: November 30, 2014, 11:50:55 AM »

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I camp at my computer, but not for sales. I just like to be lazy sometimes.

I'm guilty of it also. I don't think its something to be embarrassed about. There are worse places to be. It's something I don't complain about. I'm in my comfort zone and its my choice.

Before the internet, people used to wait on lines hours for concert tickets. Travel to dozens of stores to find a highly-saute after OR sold out Christmas toys.

Warning: Grammar Police

People used to travel to dozens of stores for things that were highly... pan fried?   :)

Just busting your chops.  Thought I would get it over with before Don chimes in!

It would be helpful if you quoted me correctly before pointing out a grammar mistake. :))

"People used to wait on lines." is correct.

"Travel to dozens of stores to find a toy." is correct.

Check it for yourself.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 11:51:30 AM by Card Player »

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #318 on: November 30, 2014, 12:15:44 PM »

John B.

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I camp at my computer, but not for sales. I just like to be lazy sometimes.

I'm guilty of it also. I don't think its something to be embarrassed about. There are worse places to be. It's something I don't complain about. I'm in my comfort zone and its my choice.

Before the internet, people used to wait on lines hours for concert tickets. Travel to dozens of stores to find a highly-saute after OR sold out Christmas toys.

Warning: Grammar Police

People used to travel to dozens of stores for things that were highly... pan fried?   :)

Just busting your chops.  Thought I would get it over with before Don chimes in!

It would be helpful if you quoted me correctly before pointing out a grammar mistake. :))

"People used to wait on lines." is correct.

"Travel to dozens of stores to find a toy." is correct.

Check it for yourself.

I think he is meaning when you said "highly-saute after" which is why he said the pan fried part. As we believe you meant highly sought after
Do you guys even read this? Like I could have the meaning of life here and I doubt you would know it.

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #319 on: November 30, 2014, 12:18:18 PM »

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I camp at my computer, but not for sales. I just like to be lazy sometimes.

I'm guilty of it also. I don't think its something to be embarrassed about. There are worse places to be. It's something I don't complain about. I'm in my comfort zone and its my choice.

Before the internet, people used to wait on lines hours for concert tickets. Travel to dozens of stores to find a highly-saute after OR sold out Christmas toys.

Warning: Grammar Police

People used to travel to dozens of stores for things that were highly... pan fried?   :)

Just busting your chops.  Thought I would get it over with before Don chimes in!

It would be helpful if you quoted me correctly before pointing out a grammar mistake. :))

"People used to wait on lines." is correct.

"Travel to dozens of stores to find a toy." is correct.

Check it for yourself.

I think he is meaning when you said "highly-saute after" which is why he said the pan fried part. As we believe you meant highly sought after

Lol ok. I did not see that. I'm on a cell phone. The iPhone auto-spell changes the word if I hit a wrong letter. Thanks
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 12:23:47 PM by Card Player »

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #320 on: November 30, 2014, 12:43:10 PM »


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Do you know what you guys - you are a great bunch of guys. I am sure there is a correct place to post this as I deviate, but as December begins, I thank you all for keeping me going by reading your interesting thoughts. What a great night it would be if we could meet in person and share a beer or two. As advent begins, I wish you all (and your families) a Magical Christmas. Angela, Gary and Matthew (the next David Blaine...........)
You don't stop playing because you grow old - you grow old because you stop playing!!!

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #321 on: November 30, 2014, 12:50:15 PM »


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Oh, and CardPlayer, sorry if I called you wrong Bud.
You don't stop playing because you grow old - you grow old because you stop playing!!!

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #322 on: November 30, 2014, 01:13:24 PM »

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Oh, and CardPlayer, sorry if I called you wrong Bud.

I take nothing personally. I know I can irritate people with my left and right wing stance here. I'm sure I make people laugh also. Its all good.

Do you know what you guys - you are a great bunch of guys. I am sure there is a correct place to post this as I deviate, but as December begins, I thank you all for keeping me going by reading your interesting thoughts. What a great night it would be if we could meet in person and share a beer or two. As advent begins, I wish you all (and your families) a Magical Christmas. Angela, Gary and Matthew (the next David Blaine...........)

I'm more civil and less opinionated in person.

I have an emotional detachment with what I write. It becomes much different when we know or meet each other. There is always the 52 Plus Joker convention. I should be joining some time next year.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 04:05:36 PM by Card Player »

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #323 on: November 30, 2014, 01:14:17 PM »


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Hey Don - I followed the link you provided. Awesome mate. And, as my little boy looked on when I said the self same word, he also said bursting into song 'Everything is Awesome...........'
You don't stop playing because you grow old - you grow old because you stop playing!!!

Re: Gatorback Riders from David Blaine
« Reply #324 on: November 30, 2014, 05:15:44 PM »


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So once everything has been clarified...

I don't remember this page

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