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Messages - Patrick Varnavas

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Thanks everybody for the input! The box has been a major point of focus for us, as we believe that a unique box could be a major selling point. I considered using the current sideways tuck design with embossing, foil and such, but I felt that it would be a little lackluster. I'm really hoping that the tuck case we create can be used for future projects as a feasible tuck case style. This decision was mainly inspired by the Buck Twin's Private Reserve decks. I would like to take the same path and create a new style of box, something that will draw interest and create great first impressions.

My plans for pricing on the decks of cards would most likely fall between the $7-$9 range, depending on how many we choose to print. I think this price is more than reasonable considering the current state of the premium playing card market. The key here is to create a new style of tuck case that can be produced/sold in the same price range as other tuck cases. If I have to invest more money on my end to make this a reality, I will.

Again, thanks so much for the input! Very much appreciated.

-Patrick Varnavas

That is indeed similar to what I was going for! You seem to have used actual plastic cases for the box, we were trying to create a tuck case made of traditional materials that emulated that look. I was considering using a single ad card with the cassette tape printed on it that would be visible through a plastic window in the side of the box. I didn't want to outright use the cassette tape as a back design though, rather I wanted to create something different but thematically fitting. Thanks for the input!

Hello all!
I'm here today to talk about a deck of cards I've been working on together with Stuart Palm and LPCC. The cards are called Soundboards, themed around a combination of music equipment from different generations. The project has only very recently started to develop and I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to involve the community of card enthusiasts in the design process.

Current Back Design (Subject to Change):

1st sketch:

Ace of Spades Concept:

The tuck case will be designed to appear and open like a cassette player. Basing the tuck case off of this device:

Currently that's all we have to show for this project. Changes and edits are frequently being made, nothing is set in stone. We would greatly appreciate any opinions or suggestions, all will be taken into account during the design process. We've still got a long way to go with this project, and we're excited to continue working on the Soundboards.

Thanks so much,
Patrick Varnavas

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Karnival Delirium
« on: September 27, 2013, 09:18:56 PM »
Hello all, I figured I'd share this video to give you a slightly better look at the deck.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / New Tutorials Now Available
« on: September 08, 2013, 03:37:47 PM »
Hello all, I recently posted here asking for help with a certain Cardistry release I was working on. Well, that very release is now available, so here's the link for anyone who's interested. :)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Madison Announcement: Revelations Ends at 52.
« on: September 07, 2013, 09:00:16 PM »
Well, he's jumped from Theory 11 to Ellusionist, drawing attention wherever he chose to work for. One can only hope he doesn't move to the Blue Crown next

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Ellusionist Heat playing cards
« on: September 07, 2013, 06:12:41 PM »
Two words, I wouldn't be surprised if it was "Wild Fire".

Hey guys, just writing this to say the offer is now closed, I have traded the deck.

Well, currently, there is only one other person that I'm in negotiations with besides you. So it's more of a "Reviewing my other option" situation.

Ahh that's a bummer. I wish I could give you something more official, but the deck is all Theory 11 had to offer.

Do you have a certificate that proves the authenticity of the signatures? Not trying to say you would fake it but I know it happens.

Well, I can prove that I definitely own the first Signed Monarch deck distributed by Theory 11 because I won it in a Saturday Night Contest. Here's the link to the original page,

and you can see that I won that contest if you go to page four, on the bottom. The rest of the signed decks went up around a month and a half after the contest. That's about as much proof as I've got, aside from the video that I used to win the contest.

As for your question Don, there are five signatures. The names that I can read are Morgan Freeman, Isla Fisher, Dave Franco, Mark Ruffalo and Jesse Eisenberg. The deck box is signed on both the front and back, and on both sides.

I hope that answered your questions! :)

Hello all, I'm Patrick Varnavas. Today I am offering up a Monarch deck that was signed by the cast of the film "Now You See Me". Only five of these Monarch decks are known to exist and this happens to be the first deck of the five to ever be released. I'm looking for at least $150 for the deck or a trade. For the trade, I'm looking for Absolut decks. I'm shipping from New Jersey, USA. I ship everywhere, for free. You can contact me at

Here are some pictures of the deck.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: ESSENTIAL CARDISTRY SHORT
« on: September 05, 2013, 01:48:27 PM »
Thanks! In retrospect, I probably should have used a less mainstream song. But I love the vibe it puts off.

Now that's looking pretty damn nice. I hope this is heist-themed, that would be awesome.

Deck Reviews! / Re: Battle 43: Seasons vs Fed 52 Pt. 1
« on: September 05, 2013, 11:11:02 AM »
Like Don, I love both. However, I love both for different reasons. I'll go with Fed 52.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / ESSENTIAL CARDISTRY SHORT
« on: September 05, 2013, 10:36:22 AM »
Hey guys, I just got featured on Essential Cardistry. Check this one out, looks pretty nice.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Tendril Ascendant (Encarded)
« on: September 04, 2013, 10:24:45 PM »
I'd love to see where this is heading, it looks like a lovely concept. I can imagine the fans looking perfect with these backs. The texture/layering work is just amazing, typical from Encarded. Paul, I would like to request a review copy. :P

Playing Card Plethora / The Apollo Deck Reprinted?
« on: September 03, 2013, 07:16:06 PM »
Hey guys, I figured I'd give my friends a hand and help spread around a little project they're working on. This is a Kickstarter project that's looking to reprint the Apollo Playing Cards deck from Bicycle.

This is a picture of the original deck, straight from Bicycle.

I think it looks pretty nice, I like the project. What do you guys think?

Well this is a weird comparison. It's basically just a list of our favorite colors. I prefer the Artist Editions.

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Cardistry Release Help?
« on: September 02, 2013, 04:55:23 PM »
Yup, the instruction style on Melody will be the same as all my other tutorials. I do a verbal explanation from the front first, then I cut to the POV perspective and give a verbal overview again. Here's one of my older tutorials, same instruction style.

The entire Melody set contains around an hour of instruction, I didn't want to leave anyone with questions. :P and yes, Streamlines are great hahah

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Re: Cardistry Release Help?
« on: September 01, 2013, 11:11:34 PM »
I am actually not using Maves, those would be Red Streamlines. As for your comments on the location, I agree wholly. The shots in my room were actually from my past videos, I figured that showing them actually being used over time would help prove the whole "Signature Move" claim. But I understand what you're saying, I'll take note of that for future projects. As for my clothing/music style, I deliberately tried to go with the "Patrick Varnavas" look that all of my videos have. I figured it would appeal with my audience much more if it looked like a "Patrick" project. But again, I get what you're saying and I'll try to go for some different looks in the future.

Thanks so much guys!

-Patrick Varnavas

Magical Cardistry Bonanza / Cardistry Release Help?
« on: September 01, 2013, 02:51:37 PM »
I'm releasing this semi-large set of moves on Theory 11 very soon, and I'd love to get some opinions on how it looks right now. :) Here's the trailer

Any thoughts?

Monarchs vs Fed 52, that's a decent match-up. I'll make this one a bit short, no point in going on and on. Monarchs have a better box in my opinion, probably one of the best tuck cases on a deck of cards. Federal 52 executes its theme significantly better than the Monarch deck does, Fed 52 is fully custom like it should be. The faces of the Monarchs, and most Theory 11 decks, are depressingly standard with the occasional darkening of the reds and intensifying of the golds. The back design of the Monarchs is simple by comparison with the Federal 52 back, the "bank note" look is extremely detailed. From a design standpoint, I would pick the Federal 52 decks. I think artistically, they are superior to the Monarchs in nearly every way. However, I am a flourisher and the Fed 52 decks just aren't my style. I'll pick the Monarchs ONLY because I would actually use them, and not the Fed 52s. Annoying decision, but I've got to go on personal preference rather than speaking in general.

Ornates, no contest. Everything about the Allure deck feels tacky and I don't like the back design in general. Plus, the level of detail in the Ornate back design is borderline insane. Just line em up.

That could probably be a thread in itself; what deck could even stand a chance of living up to the name "Ultimate Deck". That's like calling a song an anthem, you better be damn sure of your work.

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