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Messages - BiggerDee

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Playing Card Plethora / Re: Inferus Playing Cards
« on: May 13, 2015, 09:51:49 AM »
I'm not a fan of the gray, and I think that the back design could be larger, or have lines that are more bold, but otherwise, I really like the deck. You are off to a very good start!

To be clear, unlike many of the others, I look at it from a pure collector's/very casual user's standpoint, not as a cardist/magician/heavy poker player as some of the above do. Note that they all have VERY valid input from their particular point of view, so consider everything as you modify your design!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Impressions Foil deck
« on: April 29, 2015, 03:47:43 PM »
As you already know, I'm a big fan of what they are churning out, and love the extra dimension of the raised design. I'm definitely in on this one. Foil with a raised/textured finish...I believe that it's going to turn out really well.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Aristocrat Classic Edition by D&D
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:09:41 PM »
Thank you, I agree!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Aristocrat Classic Edition by D&D
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:59:48 AM »
I don't have any prior experience with Aristocrats, so I can't say that they are as good as the older versions, I can only comment that, as compared with recent releases, they feel and move much more favorably in my untalented card-handling hands! I'd love to be able to contribute more of an accurate review in that regard, but I just don't have the experience to do so. I will say that I was immediately impressed with the feel, whether due to finish, stock, age, or a combination of the three!

VERY happy to see it suspended and these poor backers protected! Kudos to all of the members here who fought hard! I was very pleased to see familiar names joining in the fight!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Aristocrat Classic Edition by D&D
« on: April 09, 2015, 07:34:12 PM »
Ok kids, here's a preliminary report. Pics to follow. I'll keep the flowery descriptions to a minimum so that the pics can tell the story. The tuck is a basic uncharted cardboard, but it's very well done. Simple, yet elegant, and some thought went int to the design. From my POV as a collector, I like it. I normally don't open decks, but I had one that had an unstuck seal, so I cracked it open, just for you good folks! :-) The seal is very nice and artistic, worthy of the Aristocrat title. Very nicely done, elegant once again . The deck is foil wrapped, but not sealed, so I was able to sneak a peek at the cards. They are definitely 2004 as there is a 2004 calendar card included.There's a barcoded card included with a date stamp of SEP 07 04, and a tine of 18:03 3 on the card. The cards have a wonderful feel to them, much less slippery than standard Bikes. They feel thinner than Bikes, but not lower quality, almost like a thinner, yet higher quality stock was used. I am pleased with the purchase! Once I get my pics done, I'll add them to this post.

I also reported it to KS, noting all of the different aspects of the scam, as I'm sure that others have done as well. Maybe the deluge of "Report this project" notices will trigger an investigation.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Aristocrat Classic Edition by D&D
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:17:58 PM »
I did pick up a couple of sets. They just shipped. Should be interesting.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: D&D Variety Box / Aristocrat Classic Ed
« on: April 04, 2015, 09:06:45 PM »
Interesting side story on the Aristicrats being new old stock, from the Cincy days of Bicycle, and being limited to 1000 decks. The tucks are new but the cards are old and original. Did they just find uncut sheets/stored decks/stuff "lost" in a warehouse, or did they buy an old original quantity and re-tuck them (although that makes no sense...chunk the original tuck)?

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Mundaine Playing Cards
« on: February 18, 2015, 10:26:58 AM »
So funny! I'm in as well. Maybe even a newly released recolor every 5 minutes as a stretch goal?! ;-)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Legal Tender - By Jackson Robinson
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:34:28 PM »
Legal Tender...

Round cards printed like coins. Copper, silver, and gold foil.

No collector coin, just a collector change purse/fanny pack.

My talents amaze even me! ;-)

Seriously though, the cool thing about Jackson is that not only does he have the talent to transition art from his head to paper, he always seems to come up with ideas that have broad appeal. That's a deadly (for my bank account) combination! I am eagerly awaiting details on this project!

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Bicycle US Presidents Playing Cards
« on: February 02, 2015, 09:51:22 AM »
I'm going to be the weird one again (surprise, surprise). I like these, and I'm in. I think that three decks are a bit much, and prefer just the standard deck, but it reminds me of engraving, and I really like that look. They are busy, I agree, but they still appeal enough to me to take the plunge.

It's almost like the top tier was already sold out before the project even went live. I was refreshing like mad and the first screen that popped up with the project being live, also had the top tier sold out. Must be my slow 100 megabit directly to the provider work connection...

I guess that I'm a sucker for foil on cards!

A *Slightly* lower goal than the creator's first card project, which fell only $19,939 short...

Finally got it to come up in a search, but way down in the results. All early birds are gone. You win some, you lose some.

Has anyone found these on KS yet? I have 15 minutes past the announced launch time, but I can't find them. Has the launch been changed?

And while the raised area isn't tacky per se, it has less "slip" than the card stock and provides a very unique shuffle/handling experience. The resistance is markedly different than what you expect it to be. It's really nice.

I have to chime in here as well. The raised effect is very noticeable, but not to the detriment of the card feel. I expected these to be a novelty and, like Justin, I somewhat expected them to be a bit sticky. I backed the first MPS Kickstarter and while I was pleased with those, the feel of these is way better in every way. The stock feels better, the cut of the cards is cleaner, it's just a huge step forward in every way. At the risk of sounding blasphemous, I'd have to say that these feel very similar to other famous decks that I own. Wait for it...Jerry's Nugget cards (flame away, I can take it). I'm not a cardist, I can only go on the feel from a layman's perspective, but they are closer in shuffle and handling feel than any other deck that I have run across. USPCC's cards always seem incredibly slick, but these have a smooth, almost "broken-in" feel to them right out of the box. They have a mesh/crisscross/weave-like pattern on them that is very close to the pattern on the JNuggs. They just downright feel good, and are very easy to deal with. The raised effect is just right, as far as percentage of the card face that the effect is applied to. Not overboard with everything raised, and not too subtle, just right. They definitely attract attention and everyone asks me where they can buy them. Simply as a fun/unique deck, they are a big hit, but the overall feel really might surprise you. While the design isn't earth-shattering (Although I really like the perspective and layout of the courts), in all of my collection of several thousand decks, there are in my "overall favorites" category. They are, simply put, great, fun cards.

Pictures tend to exaggerate the raised effect, in my opinion. It looks thicker than it is, although it's definitely noticeable even from just a glance.

Well said, Don!

All it takes is a few minutes reading the comments (and his replies) on the previous CF deck and the red flags start flyin"! I'm really surprised that he has the gall to come beck with another high-dollar deck consisting of (partly) the same material as the first deck which has so-so reviews at best.

If you look at the comments for the creator's first carbon fiber deck, there are a lot of complaints about quality. To be fair, he/she could have a different supplier now, so the quality issues may be in the past, but at least for the first deck, there were many complaints and most were met with the comment of "I'll let the supplier know" and apparently not much else. They are worth reading through. I was curious as to how the deck turned out (I didn't pledge because I was worried about issues with splinters, which some are apparently having), so I read through the comments a couple of weeks ago just to see how it all turned out. Los of comments about ink coming off as well with the creator responding by saying that the underlying image should be enough to make them usable even if the ink wears/flakes off.

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fontaine playing cards
« on: December 31, 2014, 12:31:23 PM »
The simple design and color change, we've all seen a thousand times before. What gives this discussion and head-scratching so much lift is the ravenous followers who buy each new recolor faster than the last one. NOCs are simple and have a ton of colors, but they don't "Burn up the charts" like Fontaine's do.

Full disclosure: I own a quantity of the reds, and a far smaller quantity of the blues. I buy a lot of different decks that come out and something about the reds just seemed simple and fun, and I had never backed an Indiegogo at the time, so I thought "Why Not?". I bought a couple of the blues just to have a few sets since the red ones shot off to the moon after the campaign. I think that I bought literally 3 blues. I won't be involved with the new color.

It's interesting to watch a product buck all of what would seem right and sane and sell like it does. It's fun to treat it as a sociology experiment and follow the herd to see why they are doing what they are doing, when FAR more deserving designs falter. A marketing study, if you will.

Don, it's hard to get back on topic with the Fontaines because once you've talked about the design for 5 seconds, there's isn't anything left to say! :-)

Worthy enough praise to convince me to join. As of a few minutes ago, I'm in! :-)

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fontaine playing cards
« on: December 30, 2014, 10:20:50 AM »
I've heard that the long and arduous design process is already in place for his next deck...

<Heads, green. Tails, yellow.>

Playing Card Plethora / Re: Fontaine playing cards
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:02:39 PM »
"Ever since that first Fontaine deck was released, I've been asked CONSTANTLY by hundreds of people around the globe begging for a black edition of Fontaines."

I say that we all start bombarding him with e-mail requests for a PEACH-colored deck (But you'd be so cool since NO ONE else has EVER done it before!!!!!) and see if mayhem would ensue...

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